Let's Talk Sleephead

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In the kitchen, a sweet smell of peach pie filled the area. The end of the week was approaching, and the Monkey King wanted to celebrate MK's accomplishments. The king took an interest in cooking after MK refused to eat any more of his hair food. He found baking to be slightly enjoyable. Placing the hot pie on the counter to dry, the orange monkey signed in approval, proud of his skills. Sun Wukong was about to call out to MK before hearing a thump coming from the living room. Instantly knowing it was Macaque his body switched into defense. The money made its way to the living room, seeing MK stand at the edge of the hallway, peek through. He glared at MK telling him not to move with his eyes. Quietly approaching the monkey that was now on the floor, Sun Wukong wanted to get a better look at him. 

The black monkey was breathing heavily as he just got down running, hands coving his rib cage, laying on his side. Sweat rolled down his face as he tried to get a better view of where he was at. Soft groaning sounds could be heard from him as the monkey struggled to breathe. "Macaque" Sun Wukong called out to him in a stern voice, the struggling monkey froze. He frantically tried to get up, turning around to meet Wukong's gaze. He felt dizzy, unable to steady his breathing or his vision. Everything was blurry. He looked around the room seeing MK standing awkwardly at the beginning of the hallway.  "Macaque sit back down." Wukong demand. "Hah...Hah...why... where... where am I?" Seemly annoyed by the question, the orange monkey took a step towards the frantic monkey. In response, Mac backed up by a couple still holding his chest. 

MK had a worried expression on his face as he could see that Macaque was in no place to fight nor run. Walking over to Mac, MK slowly lifted his hands as if was trying to soothe a wild animal. Macaque tried to create one of his shadow portals to escape but he was only met with an extreme shock within his body, begging him to stop. He collapsed to the floor in agony. MK sped walked over to him leveling down to him, "Kid-" Wukong was about to start protesting against it but found it pointless. MK uncertain about what to do tried to touch Macaque's hand, the monkey quickly glared up with low growling. His hand retreated.

Sun wukong was annoyed by this demon's stubbornness so he marched over to Macaque and forcibly made him get up. He yelped and whined at the pain, being set back down on the couch letting his body relax. Still having sharp pain stab him with each breath, Macaque let his defense down. The King had done the same.

Macaque felt the air slightly tingling on his chest, he looked down to see he was shirtless and all his scars had been exposed. Embarrassed and ashamed, his ears folded backward and he brought up his legs to avoid any part of his chest show. Sun Wukong stood over him, pinning him down to the couch with his eyes. MK stood behind him. "YOU have LOTS of explaining and answering to do," Wukong growled.  


Some time has passed letting the trio settle themselves, MK got a blanket for Macaque to cover himself up with. Wukong had placed Tea and the peach pie on the table for them to eat. Each of them had a slice and a fork. They sat there, like statues, not moving a muscle. None of them even made a sound. The silence was suffocating, tightening around their throats. 

Macaque was the first to move. A shaking hand reach from the blanket towards the plate of pie, picking up the fork and cutting a medium piece out for himself then stabbing the piece with the fork. He brought it up to his mouth as right as he was about to consume the piece, Sun Wuking broke the silence. "So, where have you been for 4 years?" the sudden noise startled macaque making him nearly dropped the fork. Wukong's voice was stern. Macaque was suddenly afaid of eating the pie. "uhh...you know, living life..." he tried to keep his voice from shaking. MK sat uncomfortably. "So you just been living normally?..." MK questioned. Macaque nodded, "Normal as possible. I been traveling  since I gave up on trying to fight you. I realize that..." He cut himself off staring at the fork, he was sure that if he tried to eat it he would throw up from discomfort. He reached back out placing the fork on the plate with the piece still attached to it. 

"If you were traveling then why were you being attacked by that demon?" Wukong straigtened his back with his arms cross. He was about to mention his room but decided not to bring it up since MK was sitting with them. "I had stolen something from him a while back, he was just getting his sweet revenge." Macaque looked up from the table, his ears lowered. "I would have been just fine...I didn't need your help" MK perked up from his seat "Oh really? When we finally got to you, you weren't even breathing. You should be more grateful." He frowned. Macaque pushed himself deeper into the couch and pulling the blanket closer to him. MK sat back down noticing the regret in Mac's movement. Wukong sat there eating his pie quietly prasing himself for making it. "It's getting late, we'll talk more in the morning after MK's training, you'll sleep on the couch like you have been for the past few days" He got up for his spot in of of the chairs and walked over to the kitchen with his plate in hand. MK followed behind him with his but soon came back to collect the tea cups and pot but leaving Macaque's. 


Wukong sat at the edge of his bed looking at the photo of younger Macaque and him that he had found in the destroyed bedroom. His mind quickly brought up yesterday memory of Mac's body. He threw the photo onto the night standing then laid in his bed sighing. "What did you do to yourself Macaque?..."

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