[Thursday Night]
Exhausted but yet awake, Mei lied upwards on her back, pondering. Her lair went everywhere on the pillow as she stared at the wall. Time has passed since the group had discussed the Macaque situation, and Mei still couldn't shake the feeling that she needed to tell MK, he was her best friend and she felt bad for keeping something this important, according to Princess Iron Fan's reactions, from him.
She sat up in the bed, giving up on trying to sleep. Mei check the time on her phone that was plugged up next to her, it read 10:23, not that deep into the night but still, she decided to get dressed in sweatpants and a hoodie. She brushed her hair leaving it down. Even with the knowledge of her parents are heavy sleepers, Mei sneaked pasted her parent's room without a sound and quietly exited the house.
She didn't have a place to go or a destination she WANTED to go, it was mostly just a walk to help with her deciding making. She put on her headphones to avoid the world around her and her hood on to not many eye contact with anyone. The city was normally bright at night, with neon labels pointing in club and restaurant directions. Mei ignored all of it and somehow she ended up at Sandy's place. A dim light peaked through the blinds on one of the windows. Mei was unsure if he just forgot to turn off one of his lights or if he was awake.''If I need to talk to someone, Sandy would be the right person." she said out loud to herself. Still unsure if he was awake or not, she took a chance and walked up to his front door. She paused before the door, take off her headphones and her hood. Hesitating one last time before she knocked. Mei tapped softly on the door with her fist. First, there was nothing then there was a slight shuffling sound from the inside. The door opened to show Sandy in his PJs, "Hello Mei, what are you doing up this late?" He asked, "I couldn't sleep and I need to talk to someone, I saw you're light and thought you were awake." she respond tiredly. Sandy step aside offering her inside his home. "I'm glad you trust me enough to talk about your issues. " Sandy said closing the door as Mei enter the living room. "How could I not? You feel like the most trustworthy person, besides MK, that I can come and talk to." She sat down on the sofa. He smiled in response, "Do you want any tea? I already have some premade." She nodded. Leaving the living room to enter the kitchen, Sandy came back in seconds. "So, what seems to be troubling you?" She took a deep breath before answering. "You remember how Pigsy was against telling MK about the how 'Macaque Thing' right? But I can't help the feeling that we do need to tell him. Also, MK did mention him before, so it would make sense to help him!" Sandy sat down across from her and placed the tray with teacups and a teapot, "Honestly, I was thinking the same thing. We should keep things away from especially if it's this important." "See! You agree with me." She picked up a teacup and took a sip of it before continuing talking.
"But Pigsy also said that he already has a lot on his plate and we shouldn't disturb him while he's on his trip with Monkey King." She said taking another sip of tea before her head hung, Sandy, leaned back into his chair and rubbed his beard. "We should tell him." he finally said. She perked up, "But Pigsy?" "He would realize sooner or later why we made this decision. Text him right and tell him about what happened, if he knows Macaque then we can help Princess Iron Fan and hopefully get them on our side completely instead of being 'acquaintances' " Mei placed the tea on the tray and took out her phone, and stared at it. "You want to tell MK, right? You believe it's the right thing to do even if someone else close to you thinks something else, there is no harm in trying to be helpful. " Mei looked up and smiled at him, "Thank you, Sandy. I knew I could come to you." Sandy smiled back.
Mei opened up her messages and texted all of the information he needed to know about what had happened with RedSon, Princess Iron Fan, and her tantrum then sent it. It was pretty late and they didn't know if MK was in a different time zone because of the lack of knowledge about his current location She put her phone away then faced back at Sandy, "Do you mind...if I stay the night? I'm too tired to walk back to my place." Sandy stood up, "Of course let me get you a blanket and a Pillow" He then once left the room again. Mei placed her headphones and phone next to the tray of tea. She kicked off her shoes then reached for her tea, took another sip of it, then placed the empty teacup back onto the tray. Sandy returned will the blanket and pillow, he stopped before giving them to her. "Would your parents be upset?" she shrugged, "Dunno." He gave her the bedding then took the tray of tea and went back into the kitchen to clean it off. Mei got comfortable on the couch, laying down and putting the blanket over her body feeling a bit easier like she was finally able to put down a heavy rock. She grinned when Sandy entered the room one last time to tell her goodnight. He two did feel a lot better than before knowing that someone had shared the same thoughts with him. He turned off the lights going to his bedroom.
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