Expedition part 1

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Hope you enjoy this chapter because it's gonna be a long chapter

I think this might have 2 parts maybe 3 at max for the expedition, but enough of me talking let's get into the chapter

Bell POV

Today, Today was the day of the expedition today was the day i would go down to the deeper floors with my familia although I would have liked to get more used to the dungeon but i don't mind I got up early most of the time but i think some of the familia are all ready up.

I took a quick shower brushed my teeth put on my black shirt,jacket,pants,and flovisrt i was ready. I leaved my room at the same time aiz did.

Bell: hey aiz ready?

Aiz: hello bell, and yes am ready.

Bell: well let's get going.

Aiz: right.

Me and aiz are walking to the entrance until loki called out to me

Loki: bell wait up!

Bell huh? Oh Loki what's up?

Loki: before you go i thought i should update your status since you're the last one i haven't updated yet.

Bell: oh uh alright, aiz you go head I'll be back in a few minutes.

Aiz nodded and left

I followed Loki to her room and took of my shirt and jacket laid down on the couch and let her update my status.

Loki POV

Bell you really have grown strong haven't you your really something and am glad to have you in my familia

I was done with his status i already knew that it was gana go up but it really surprised me

Bell cranel

Race: werewolf

Age: 14

Level 6

Strength: SSS4896

Endurance: SSS3001

Dexterity: SS2810

Agility: SSS3350

Luck: 1


Liaris freese-rapid growth on feelings as a plus negates charms

Argonaut-power to turn the tables around

Fire bolt-one word chant

But what really couch my attention was that bell got a new skill

Essence of a wolves asura-allows user to make up to 5 clones of him self for 5 seconds clones will have better speed and strength (draw back will be mind down instantly)

Loki started wide eyed at the new skill

This could be a game changer on their expedition! Bell just has to use it at the right time Loki thought to herself

Bell: uh loki?

Guess Loki wasn't saying anything for a long time because she was staring at the sheet of paper

Loki: uh oh, sorry bell

Loki: here you go bell, by the way you got a new skill.

Loki said getting of off the wolf and handing him his status sheet

Bell: really?!

Bell said looking at his status with a confused face

Bell: Essence of a wolves arsura?

Loki: yeah and a powerful skill too.

Bell yeah, well i should get going.

Just as bell was about to leave Loki called out to him

Loki: bell wait!

Bell: yes loki?

Loki: i wanted to give you this, here.

Loki said giving bell a box, when bell opened the box he saw a beautiful black knife

Bell: Loki where did you get this?

Loki: hephaestus made it.

Loki: this yo-no our weapon it's called the Loki knife.

Bell: Loki thank you.

Bell said with a smile

Loki: now get out there and kick some monster ass.

Bell: right.

And with that bell left Loki's the room and made his way to the entrance to the dungeon where the others are at, little did bell know that his and Loki knife the writings was glowing a blue light and stopped.

Bell finally made it to the entrance of the dungeon with a couple of minutes left until they go down to the labyrinth. Bell was enjoyed his time spent on the surface until he felt a tap on his shoulder. Bell looking back suprise to see welf and lili.

Bell: welf lili what are you guys doing here?

Welf: we came to see you off buddy.

Bell: really you guys didn't have to do all that.

Lili: nonsense what friends would we be if we weren't here for you on your first expedition.

Bell smiles at the two with happiness written on his face.

Bell: thank you two i appreciate

Welf: oh i almost forgot, here.

Welf said heading bell 3 magic swords

Bell: are this magic swords?!

Welf: yup.

Bell: but welf i thought you didn't like making magic swords?

Welf: I know but I'll gladly swallow up my pride to know those will help you out on your expedition.

Bell: thanks guys i'll see you guys when i get back alright?

Welf: sounds like a plan.

Lili: well we better go bye bell.

Bell: bye you two.

After they left bell then goes over to Raul

Bell: Raul can you hold on to this for me.

Raul: oh uh, sure.

Raul puts the swords away and asks a question

Raul: sir bell where did you get the magic swords from?

Bell: welf crozzo made them and bell is fine raul no need for the sir.

Raul: oh ok, bell.

Bell nods walks away. As he was walking someone stops him.

???: Oh my where did you get those flovisrt?

Bell: w-well.

Bell dosen't get to finish as the mistress girl starts touching his his arms and legs making the albino blush.

???: they are well made too!

Bell was getting more uncomfortable by this girl touching his flovisrt but he didn't want to be rude but that's when his savior came

Bete: oi! Tsubaki what the hell are you doing with my cousin!?

Tsubaki: oops sorry i got carried away, the names tsubaki collbrande.

Bell: bell cranel.

Tsubaki: soo bell tell me where did you get your flovisrt?

Tsubaki said getting closer to the wolf.

Bell: a black Smith of mine made them for me.

Tsubaki: oh he must be a talented black smith.

Tsubaki said getting up close to the wolf face, again.

Bell: y-yeah.

Bete: oi! Tsubaki can't you see your making him uncomfortable back off!

Tsubaki: oh sorry again.

Tsubaki said finally back up letting bell breathe.

Bell: no problem just given me a heads up when you want to look at my flovisrt.

Tsubaki: right.

Bell suddenly realized something

Bell: wait so you and your familia are coming with us on our expedition right?

Tsubaki: that's right we'll be fun to see what you can do out in the dungeon.

Bell only laughed nervously and nodded his head

Tsubaki: well I'll see you later bye bete bell.

Tsubaki said waking away leaving the two there

Bell: so wanna talk for a bit?

Bete: sure got nothing better to do.

The wolf's talked for a bit making jokes and enjoying them self's until finn announced that the expedition is starting

Finn: adventure the time has come to set off on our expedition as usual we will be splitting into two groups we don't want chaos on the upper floors i'll be leading group one and gareth group two the smith of hephaestus will be joining us as well, we'll regroup on level 18 then we will all proceed straight to level 50.

Finn: as you may have heard are destination is none other then the uncharted ground of level 59, expedition forces let's march.

As everyone was cheering bell and aiz looked up at the sky mentally preparing themselves for what's to come on level 59


We now see bell and the others walking through the dungeon making there way to the deeper floors and tiona started a conversation but bell was focus on his knife's that he didn't care about the conversation.

Tiona: i can't believe we scored the smith from hephaestus herself there so badass

Finn: we are very grateful for the favor make sure to behave yourself.

Tione: you better be sweet as rain sister if you embarrass the captain i'll kill you!

Tiona: hehe yeah yeah I'll be a good girl.

Tione: am being serious here i will kill you in the face over and over again!

But then suddenly two adventure run towards the ground with horrified expectations catching everyone's attention

Tiona: huh? You guy's ok?

Adventure 1: look out there's a huge minotaur back there!

Hearing this everyone got serious.

Adventure: i saw it with my own eyes it was roaming around in floor 9 and it's carrying a giant sword.

Finn: regardless my friend am glad you where able to make it out.

Finn: did you see anyone else?

Adventure 2: three of are friends is back there we tried to help them but they told us to get out of there.

Hearing this bell got an idea and ran of to floor 9

Bete wait bell!

Aiz also ran after the albino wolf

Tiona: looks like where on mission.

Tiona said going after the two with tione and bete following behind

As bell ran through the floor 9 searching for the two adventure he heard a roar

Bell: that has to be the minotaur.

Bell: crap i can't find out where it's coming from.

Then an adventure appeared really injured and can bearliy walk

Adventure 3: an adventure?

Bell turned to look at the adventure

Adventure 3: please help my friends.

Bell: what happened?!

Bell said helping the adventure

Adventure: I beg you please save my friends they needs you.

Said the adventure passing out, but then a voice couth bell attention

???: so you're him.

Bell turned to face King ottar.

Bell:.... ottar.

Bell takes a moment to look at the king he was alot taler then him and his power is overwhelming

Ottar: i changed you to a duel.

Bell: sorry but i some where to g-

But before bell could finish his sentence ottar blocked his way with his sword

Bell: but what is your reasoning for this? There's no point.

Ottar: let's just say i ran into a member of a rival familia that's all i want to the fight to the Death.

Bell looked at ottar shocked and realized that he won't let him go until they fight so he puts the pass out adventure on the wall and gets into a fight stance

Am about to face the only level 7 in orario but i don't have time for this so i'll make it quick, bell though to himself

The two states each other down before bell dashes to ottar

Bell: your in my way!

Bell said punch and kicks ottar but his attacks get blocked by his sword, ottar some what surprise by the albino strength slashes at him with his sword but bell blocks it with a kick and pushes the sword away.

Ottar: your strong and fast no wander my lady has taken a liking to you, but you won't get pass me that early.

'This guy is really pissing me off those adventure won't make it...'

Just then aiz arrives.

Aiz: bell.

Bell: dammit i said move!

Bell yells charging at ottar and kicking him full force but again ottar blocks it with his sword but still gets send flying into back surprising him and aiz

'He's strong..... really strong ottar though to himself'

As ottar regains his bearings and gose after bell but he gets stop by tiona,tione and aiz.

Bell runs past ottar but ottar notices and quickly turns around to slash at him only for his sword to clash with a knife and a different werewolf appears.

Bete: who do you think you're Ponting your damm sword at?!

Aiz: bell!

Tiona: aiz wait up.

Bete: hey wait for me!

Tione: hey! don't leave me behind.

The three said going after the two adventures

Finn: been a long time ottar.

Finn says approaching the bour man.

Ottar: hello finn.

Ottar said Turing to the pallum

Finn: this is new i would have never gusse you be holding us off.

Finn: you also attack a member in my familia can I ask the reason?

Ottar: you should know i don't need a reason to fight and when and where makes no difference to me, and i wanted to test the other wolf strength.

Ottar said looking at a bent on his sword

Finn; you're quite right, so then am i to understand this is the will of your familia or is this all freya? Those she wish an all out war between us?

Ottar doesn't say anything and stays quiet

Finn: I'll ask again was this the will of freya or your own downing?

Finn said in a more fierce tone and glaring at ottar.

Ottar: i act on my own cord.

Ottar said walking past finn but finn calls out to him one last time

Finn: ottar.

Ottar stops walking and listens to what finn is saying to him.

Finn: if you or anyone in your familia attacks bell or anyone in my familia "you'll regret it".

Ottar only walks away not answering and leaving

Finn after making sure ottar left turns to riveria

Finn: riveria report how is his condition?

Riveria: i was able to stabilize him in heal his wounds he must have been desperate to find help.

[With bell]

As bell finally reached where the adventures and the minotaur is, he sees on one laying on the ground not moving and the minotaur about to kill one of the adventures, but kicks the minotaur sending him flying away and the adventure looks up at bell but passes out

Bell: now what to do with you...

Bell said looking at the minotaur and the minotaur looking at him growling at the wolf

Aiz: bell.

Aiz said arriving and dose do the other three

Tiona: there you guys are.

Bete: what exactly were you thinking bell.

Bell dosen't respond and instead pulls out the Loki knife on the right hand and hakugen on the left hand looks at the minotaur and the red irregular minotaur stairs at him with anger and without any warning they charge at each other surprising everyone.

As the red minotaur goes for an attack bring his sword down to slash bell but bell dodges and kicks the minotaurs leg and making it lose it's balance and giving bell the chance to attack it with his knives. The minotaur now more angered goes to slash bell again but bell catches the sword in his hand and breaks it and then bell going behind the bour monster before kicking its right leg and breaking it making the monster roar in pain.

And in one quick movement bell appears in front of the minotaur, the minotaur getting one final look at the albino wolf before bell slices the minotaurs neck with his two knives ending the fight and the body of the minotaur turns to ashes.

To say they where all surprised is understatement sicen bell took down the minotaur in under 50 scones

Finn: bell tell me why did you leave to floor 9th?

Bell: well i wanted to test my new knives and...

Finn: and?

Bell: i couldn't let adventures get killed if i knew i had the chance to stop it, if I have a chance to save someone else then I'll gladly put my life on the line to save that person no matter what.

They all started at bell inshock because anyone would have said they felt sorry or they wanted to help the weaker class adventure but what bell said was kaida heroic, they were still in there started of shock when bell called out to riveria

Bell: riveria how are the other two adventure?

Riveria quickly gets back to reality and goes the two adventures, she goes to the one laying on the ground

Bell: how is he?

Riveria only looked at bell with a sad look and shook her head

Bell: oh.....

Bell already knowing what she meant when she shocked her head no and a feeling of sadness and guilt washed over him but he couldn't be feeling that right now so he did his best to shake the feeling away

Bell: and this one?

Bell said Ponting to the one his near at, riveria making her away to the other adventure and hoping that this one is still alive

Riveria: he'll be fine but if he doesn't get help soon he will die.

Hearing this bell picks up the adventure and starts walking away

Finn: where are you going bell?

Bell: to the surface don't worry i won't take long only a couple of minutes, and where are the other two?

Tiona: over there.

Tiona said Ponting to the two resting on the wall, bell going over to them and picks one of them up when he was about to put the other one on his back riveria called out to bell

Riveria: I'll come with you.

Bell: huh?

Riveria: we should bring them back to the surface as soon as possible to get them healed up and to continue are expedition.

Finn: she's right bell, you two get those three out of here and come back as soon as you can.

The two nodded, riveria putting the past out adventure on her back the two run thought the dungeon making there way up, on the way up to the surface they run into gareth and group two.

Gareth: riveria, bell?!

Lefiya: what happened?

Riveria: I'll explain later will be right back.

As bell ran by lefiya noticed a look of sadness on the boys face

Gareth: sure were in a hurry

Lefiya: yeah..

What could have happened to him, lefiya thought to herself

[Time Skip to the surface]

After riveria and bell got to the surface they brought to injured adventures to airmid , lucky she told the two that there are gana be already.

When the tree adventure woke up they ask where there fifth friend was and riveria told them the news that he didn't make it the four adventures were sad and grateful that bell showed up and saved them, they thank the two and leave. As they where making there way back to the dungeon riveria asked a interesting question.

Riveria: i must say am worried about this it seems this expedition may turn out more then we expected what do you think, bell?

Bell: well, i can't really say since i am new to this but your right.

Riveria then noticed bell was in a sad mood

Riveria: bell is something wrong?

Bell: so it's that obvious huh?

Riveria: well yes.

Bell: the other adventure...... maybe if I'd gotten there in time he would still be alive..

Riveria places a hand on the boy making him look at her

Riveria: bell it isn't your fault no one could have expected this to happen.

Bell: yeah but....

Riveria: look bell, on the bright side you saved that adventures friends am sure he would be thankful.

Bell staired at riveria in shook but gives a small smile

Bell: thank you riveria, i needed that.

Riveria nods in response

Riveria: now let's go we don't want to make the wait any longer.

Bell: right.

[3rd person]

The two eventually get to the two groups and make there way down the dungeon, the two groups didn't having any trouble as they went deeper and deeper into the labyrinth passing many floors and arriving on floor 50th.

On floor 50th they decided to set camp for the night as adventure set up tents and some going training for there destination for tomorrow.

Right now finn and tsubaki are have a talk

Tsubaki: so this is level 50? my smith and i have never made it down this far before, thank you for this.

Finn: i assure you the pleasures mine.

Tsubaki: i have a question

Finn: hhhh?

They look at the first class adventures all with serious experience on there faces tiona look intensely at her sword tione trowing her sword up and down and bete with his not so friendly face

Tsubaki: Is this how they always are before battle? They been in kind of a wired mood the whole journey, i know this is big and all but isn't that a bit much?

Finn: well this is a special case.

Tsubaki: i see.

Somewhere else

Lefiya: may i ask what happened up there on the upper floors? And why was bell sad?

Aiz: an irregular minotaur was there and it killed an adventure but bell killed the minotaur he remained me of a hero.

Lefiya: i see.

Lefiya: I'll see you later miss aiz bye!

Aiz only nodded

Aiz mind
(He took down that minotaur too fast he's gotten stronger, stronger then.... me. I need to find out how he's getting so strong)

[In the Lake]

The girls where taking a bath in a lake while tiona was taking about a certain

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