Chapter Fourteen~Calm Down!

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"So Casey what are some of the things you like to do?" Lucy asks.

"I don't really know. I've never had friends and I've never been aloud out of the house other than school." She explains and Lucy and Emily look over to me for answers.

"I'll explain later." I respond to their looks.

"Well Casey you are in luck. Us four are going to be your BFF's!" Emily exclaims.

"So, who's up for the beach?" Lucy asks and I see panic ripple through Casey's expression.

"Okay Casey, we can't help you over come some of your fears if you don't tell us whats going on." I explain. "I know what your father did to you. Did he leave scars on your body?"

Casey takes a deep breath and takes off her sweater showing her bare arms. They are covered in cuts and bruises. The cuts look self inflicted though.

"Awe honey, no one's going to hurt you anymore and you don't have to be worried about him finding you, I mean we have top notch security here plus the three boys in the other room." As if on cue a loud thump comes from the boys room when Lucy says 'boys'.

Casey jumps at the noise and hugs her knees to her chest. I feel so sorry for her after all that she's been though and now we have to tell her that she isn't human and that just might break her.

"Girls, I think it's now or never." I say and they all nod. "Grace, do you think you can shift?"

"I don't know I've never tried before." Grace responds.

"What are you guys talking about?" Casey asks nervously.

"Casey. please calm down. We need to tell you something about yourself that you don't know." Grace say going to sit beside her.

"Okay..." Casey says unsteadily.

"You are a werewolf, and so is Grace and the three boys in the next room. I am half werewolf but I am also half witch." I speak fast, this is like ripping a band-aid off.

"What? No! Theres no such thing!" Casey yells and storms out of the room.

"Chloe, will you do your witchy thing and go get her?" Emily asks.

"You mean scare her even more? If you insist." I roll my eyes and flash to Casey.

"What the fuck?" Casey says as I appear in front of her.

"Witch, remember?"

"This is impossible. You are telling me that everything you told me in there wasn't a lie?" Casey's eyes fill with shock and fear.

"You don't need to be afraid Casey. We wont hurt you. We may not be human but the things humans do are much more horrifying."

"Is they why that Finley guy was acting so weird?" Casey asks and I give out a nervous laugh.

"Not exactly."

"Than why was he acting so weird around me?"

"First you have to promise not to freak out. We also need to go back to my room. Would you like to walk or go the witchy way?" I ask.

"Walk, definitely walk." She says and I just can't help but laugh.

As we walk back to my room loud noises continue to come from the boys room. We enter the room and I slam the door shut and lock it.

"Casey, every werewolf has another half. An equal that was created just for us. William is my equal but we call them mates. We think that Fin..." Before I could finish my sentence someone was banging at my door.

The door shatters and Finley comes romping in.

"What the fuck Finley! That is going to take forever to fix!" I shout.

"I wouldn't antagonize him Chloe! His wolf is still in control." William warns.

"Fuck!" Grace shouts.

"Guys? What's going on?" Casey asks as Finley walks towards her.

"As I was saying, I think Finley is your mate." I shout through Finley's obsessive growling.

"Calm your shit Finley!" Emily shouts.

Finley turns and growls at Emily. I can feel Finley's anger towards her and run over to Emily making us instantly disappear from the bed room and reappear in the kitchen.

"Thanks Chloe now we should probably get back to the room before Finley tries to kill Lucy too."


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(Updated and edited on June 18, 2016)

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