I wake up in the morning sprawled across the bed. William is no where to be seen and I wonder where the fuck he could have gone.
"William?" I say groggily.
"Hey, look who's awake." Emily says entering my room.
I groan and pull the blankets back over my head.
"Yeah yeah. Lets go wolf princess we're going shopping." She says pulling me from the bed to the floor.
"Ugh. Do we have to?" I whine.
"Yes. We need to get Grace some new close if she's going to be a Cali girl like you." Lucy jumps in.
"Hey," Grace sounds offended. "What if I like my style?"
"Honey, you need a new one, and so does Chloe." Emily says to Chloe.
"Um no I don't." I protest.
"Whatever." Lucy shrugs her shoulders and pulls me up from off the floor.
"Lets go wolf princess we need to get a move on." Emily says.
"Ugh, you know you are so bossy in the morning!" I shout at Emily.
"Morning?" Lucy laughs. "It's 1 in the afternoon."
I slept in until 1pm?! Holy crap how does that happen?
"You could have woken me up?" I shout at William through our mind-link.
"But your too cute when you sleep." He says sweetly.
"Where are you?" I ask curiously.
"I went to meet up with my parents." He responds.
"Okay see you soon then."
"Well, I'm planning on bringing you to see my parents tonight for a dinner..." He laughs nervously.
"Sure. Sounds great!" I reply.
"Really? I thought you would want to spend more time with your friends?"
"Well they're dragging me shopping today so I'd be happy to spend some quality time with you once I'm done." Before him or I could speak again I heard Lucy squeal.
"Oh, oh they're doing that mind-talk stuff! Ugh I wish I could do that too." She squeaks.
"Will, I have to go, Lucy's having issues." I say in my mind and let the words come from my mouth.
"Ugh, whatever!" Lucy scuffs.
"Bye Luna." Was all he said and than he exited my mind.
"You are so obnoxious!" I joke.
"Whatever!" She scuffs again.
I walk out of Will's room and into my own. The first thing I see is a sleeping Grace and Max. Awe they look so cute together.
"Ugh they're asleep again! We just woke them up!" Emily yells as she kneels down by Grace and violently shakes her.
"Okay, okay I'm up." Grace yells.
I hear Max growl at Emily and Emily looks surprised.
"Who you growling at Cu-jo?" She snaps.
Max rolls his eyes and gets up of the couch where they were laying.
I go into my closet and shut the door so no one can watch me change. I find a bright blue top and some blue jean shorts.
I walk out of the closet to see Grace, Lucy, and Emily sitting on my bed looking at me like I'm crazy.
"What's wrong with you guys?"
"You need to stop worrying 'bout what William." Grace says. How did she know...Wait, right she can read my thoughts.
"Can you not listen to my thoughts without my conceit?" I arch my eye brow and place my hands on my hips.
"Sorry, but they scream to be heard." Grace says.
"Whatever, you ready to go?" I ask annoyed.
"Yeah lets going before everything good is sold out." Emily says.
"Em, it's a mall. They don't run out of things." I point out.
"Whatever. Lets go." She grabs all our hands and than we're out of the house and on our way to the mall.
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(Updated and edited on June 18, 2016)
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