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"ahhh please! , my innocent eyes! How could u do this to me ?" jay exclaimed , dramatically closed his eyes , after seeing the scene infront of him .

Sunghoon scoffed, rolling his eyes , "Innocent, my ass" .

Jay continued, even  more dramatically,  "what ? How will my eyes ever be pure again after witnessing the unholy thing  you and niki created ? Moreover , when this happens between you two? " While pointing his fingers between  them .

" First of all , we  were not doing anything nasty ,just kissing " sunghoon replied coolly ," And secondly , your eyes were never pure in the first place to become impure , Especially with jake clinging to u like a  leech " jay tried to protest , but sunghoon didn't let him

" And , Lastly me and niki ? We're  Boyfriends ", completed sunghoon.

Sunghoon gave some time for jay to process what he had just revealed.

Niki looked worried ," hyung ..... will jay hyung disgusted by us ? "

" You should know him by now , he won't" sunghoon assured him

Niki huffed , " I know , but sometimes the situation may change the people to react badly "

Jay snapped " Hey , I am right here , you can't take loudly about me like , I am not here

what do you take me for, Huh ? that I am going to hate you guys because you were in relationship , like some fucked up parents" scoffs jay

Niki muttered , meekly , " yeah , we both were Omegas "

Jay raised an eyebrow , unfazed " so ?"

"So , you might be disgusted by us " niki said hesitantly

Jay smirked , "Should I be ?"

Niki shook his head rapidly , his worry evident .

Jay moved closer , sitting  beside niki , "you should not be afraid of loving same second gender , you know, we are not like those narrow minded peoples and we won't judge you guys or any one else for who they love"

He gently caressed niki's head ," if any one disrespects your relationship , don't give fuck about them and waste ur time on them   , ok?" Niki nodded , content and comforted by jay hyung's words .

But then Jay's  soft eye turned sharp , as he looked at  sunghoon , " and you , if you ever  hurt my niki . I swear , I will skin you alive " sunghoon just stuck his tongue at him , unfazed by the threat .

Jay leaned in,  giving niki  a soft kiss on his forehead , then turned to sunghoon and planted an aggressive kiss on his cheek  , like that he gone .

Sunghoon shouted after him , " can't you kiss softly, huh ?" but his complaint was quickly silenced by a pair of soft lips on his own .

Jungwon was walking through the hallway , " I am going mad " he muttered under his breath , while fisting his hair in frustration

Heeseung , who was on his way to his next class , caught a sight of him , he had some time to spare for the younger .

So , Heeseung approached jungwon and  gently took his hand away from his hair .

Jungwon was already irritated with himself , and the unexpected  touch made his first  instinct to  punch whoever it was .  but as he inhaled the familiar scent  , he stopped himself , thou it didn't stop him from grabbing heeseung so tightly in his embrace  .

Heeseung loved jungwon deeply , he would do anything for him , but for that he had to stay alive in first place, his heart felt heavy because of youngers hug , with the little strength he had left ,he  lightly tapped on youngers back .

Feeling the tab on his back , jungwon   came to sense that  he was hugging heeseung hyung to death .

He loosened the hold but didn't let him go  , still keeping him close .

Now , heeseung could breath , he didn't asks the younger what was bothering him , he simply  let the younger to hug him , offering silent comfort .

But then, heeseung felt something unexpected,wet kisses on his neck , his breath caught in his throat and he tilted his neck, giving more access to his skin  .

The hand that had been resting on heeseung  waist slowly slide down to his clothed ass , grasping it firmly . Feeling jungwon's hand on him like that jolted heeseung  out of his daze . Every one in their group had shared  light touches before  , but this .... this was different - intimate . Only  then did heeseung catch a scent in the air , it hits him , jungwon was in his rut .

Heeseung softly called  the younger alpha , " won" while caressing his back , trying to soothe him

" Mm " jungwon murmured , nuzzling deeper  into beta's neck , his breath warm and uneven .

Suddenly,  heeseung found himself pushed against the near wall with a force, he groan in pain  , 'fuck his back hurt like shit '

Jungwon, lost in his rut ,  started to unbutton heeseung's top button to feel more of his skin . He  trailed kisses from heeseung's neck down to his  shoulder,  then lower , until he reached his chest.  and  squeezing it , because of hard squeeze heeseung let out a small moan , he couldn't help but react to the younger's touch

Heeseung didn't panic cuz he knew the younger alpha well enough to trust that jungwon wouldn't take anything further . After a few seconds of  squeezing his chest . jungwon seems to regain control of himself , his body trembling as he fought to hold back , but he have to , he couldn't afford to do anything to his hyung .

Jungwon slowly buttoned heeseung's shirt back up, his eye landing on the fresh hickey he had left on his hyung's neck  . Seeing the mark , his inner alpha was purred with contentment. It was odd feeling  ,  why was his inner alpha so pleased with?,  ' had did he lost his mind because of the rut ?'

"I can hear your mind voice , if you forget that" , his inner alpha JW , chimed in , remembering of his presence.

" Then care to explain , why you are happy after seeing the hickey on hyung's neck " jungwon asked , confusion lacing his voice.

" Figure it out yourself" with sass

Like that his inner alpha shut out from him .

Jungwon was standing there,  dumbfounded

Heeseung know that jungwon was having conversation with his inner alpha , noticing the blank expression on his face . It was clear that  JW had something to do with it .

" Jungwon " heeseung called out softly, trying to bring back to presence.

But he got silence as a response , so he shook jungwon by holding his shoulder .

" Uh , why are you shaking me hyung ?" Jungwon asked, as he snapped out of his haze .

"I thought you were sleeping with your eyes open " heeseung teased, a small smile tugging on his lips .

Jungwon blinked several time ,as if to show he was not sleeping .

But then , He started to sweat a lot , he know he needed to  go to his room and rest , especially in his current state . Noticing,   jungwon was sweating . Heeseung took charge, leading him to his car and drove to their house  , not before texting beomgyu to take care of his attendance and notes ( beomgyu is both his cafe owner and college friend )

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