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After their second gender reveal , they all decided to live together in one house .

They attended same college but pursued different courses . In the house , each had their own room .

Heeseung knew, others parents were were fine with the arrangement , except his parents.

After gender reveal, he was treated like a maid in his own house . They refused to let him move in with his friends , cuz there would be no one left to do the household chores.

When his parents spoke with the boys  parents, infront of them his parents act like , they couldn't live without him . In reality , they were only going to miss the maid of  home,  not their son .

He know , he was going to escape from this hell for good , but that didn't means, it hurts less .

If u r wondering whether his friends know about the abuse he ensured at  home,  the answer is no . When ur parents act like great, loving parents outside the world , how can he say that he was being abused by these so called great parents .

He know his friends would believe him but he didn't like  showing his vulnerable side to them or to anyone .

Niki happily exclaimed " I am so happy, we are going to live together! "

They all chose their own rooms.

Outsiders might  think that they were crazy to live with four alpha ,two omega and one beta .

But they don't give fuck about what others think , they were happy with eachother, and thats all what mattered.

They started college ,and since their family were wealthy , money was not an issue for any of them .

In heeseung case , to the outside world, he has good wealthy parents who provided everything for him .

In reality , they stopped providing money for him after he present as a beta.

He started  searching for a part time job to cover his needs and eventually he got job in  cafe , which is near to his college

Thank to a scholarship , he was able to continue his studies.

When his friends asked why he was doing part time job when his parents could easily provide for him.

Heeseung simply said he don't want to depend on his family . He also added that he was loving his present job , the salary is  good , mostly the cafe owner and coworkers were nice .

In cafe , while heeseung was preparing juice for a customer, his alphas friend beomgyu  approached him  ," hee,  I need ur help to lure taehyun" beomgyu said .

Heeseung blended the fruit in the jar , poured the juice in to a glass and passed the juice to beomgyu to give it to customer .

" I am not doing it " beomgyu crossing his arm over his chest .

Without looking up from the cleaning table,  Heeseung asked " do you want my help ?".

Beomgyu huff "yes "

" Then give the juice to the customer"

With a groan , Beomgyu  reluctantly took the juice and delivered to the asked customer .

Afterwards, Beomgyu dragged heeseung to a nearby table, " U can do ur cleaning later . Now , listen to my story"he  pulled out a chair and made heeseung sit down on it.

Heeseung sighed " ok "

Just as ,  beomgyu started to say "I .." a Loud voice stopped him , which the sound is  too familiar to him .

Beomgyu frustratedly, uttered  " not the time , niki"

Niki frowned , " why " strolled over them .

" I am in the middle of talk about something important to hee but u disturbed me " 

Niki rolled his eye " whatever hyung , but I need heeseung hyung now "

" For what ?" Beomgyu raised an eyebrows.

Niki dragged  a chair over to them , pulled  heeseung form his chair on to his lap and snuggled in to his hyung's neck, inhaling his faint scent of breeze and spring , a scent which feel like home.

Yes beta has subtle scent , they were not completely scentless .

Niki calmly said " for this "

Beomgyu  watching the scene infront of him with a raised eyebrow . He was happy that heeseung had good friends who care for him . He knew about heeseung family and how they  treated him . Heeseung  didn't said clearing much about his family , He only came to know about heeseung parents  through heeseung's  hyung , who was friend with his own brother. 

He can see that the seven of them love eachother very dearly.

Getting up from his seat , beomgyu announced,"  ok , I will leave you both alone , to carry on whatever u were doing now " pointing his fingers towards them

Where niki was tightly holding hyung in his arms, inhaling his scent , heeseung seemed lightheaded , his eyes  closed

Beomgyu shook his head fondly at them and headed towards his office , which was inside his cafe .

Any thoughts...........

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