Chapter Two: Surprise

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Ur coming in 2 weeks right?

Yeah I might have expand that time something came up it might be 3 weeks now

Bro come I really wanted to see u

Ik Ik I'm really sorry
I'll see if I can come earlier

It's alright I just really wanted to see u
Ig I'll talk to u later
Love u bye💕

Love u too bye💕

"Hello?" Christina says into the phone

"Hey Chrissy, me and Jayla are waiting right outside the airport." Jessica Walton, the Walton's mom, says through the phone

"Alright I'll be right out." Christina says before hanging up

Christina runs through the airport to the front. Once she gets through the door she's tackled into a hug.

"Oh my god I missed you so much." Jayla yelled into her ear

"I missed you too, j" Christina said with a big smile

"Ok Jayla let me get a hug too." Jessica says

Jayla let's go and Jessica tackles Christina into a hug.

"Um, hi, sorry to interrupt but I was wondering if I could get a picture with you guys." A girl around the same age as Christina asked

"Oh my god, yes of course." Christina said with a smile

Christina and Jayla went on each side of the girl and snapped a.bunch of photos.

"Thank you so much." The girl says excitedly

"Of course, but could you wait like 2 hours to post that please" Christina asks with a hopeful smile

"Oh um, yeah sure." The girl said before running off

Christina was currently sitting on jadens bed waiting for him to get home from baseball. Javon wasn't gonna be home from boxing for another hour and a half.

Christina heard the front door open and foot steps coming up the stairs. She felt a smile grow on her face as the door open and jadens came into view with a shocked expression.

"Well are you gonna hug me?" Christina asks with a teasing smile

Jaden ran over and tackled Christina onto the bed. Hugging her tightly.

"What the hell." Was all could Jaden said

"Hello to you too." Christina said with a laugh

Jaden finally got off of Christina allowing both of them to sit up.

"When did you get here?" Jaden asked

"Like an hour ago. I'm gonna surprise wanna too." Christina said with a big smile

"You like him don't you?" Jaden asked with a smile

"Oh my god, I've already said no a million times we're friends." Christina said

"You know it's ok if you do it's not like your gonna get in trouble for a crush." Jaden said nudging her

"Whatever." Christina said with a smile before getting up and walking into Jaylas room were her and kylee were hanging out

"Hey, what are you guys doing?" Christina asked jumping onto Jaylas bed

"About how you and wanna should date." Jayla said with a teasing smile

"Oh my god you guys to" Christina said with a annoyed look but trying to hold back a smile

"Yes! You guys are perfect for each other!" Kylee squeals

"Oh my lord, whatever." Christina said walking out and going to her room


After scrolling on TikTok for a while, it was finally time for Javon to get home.

She put her phone down and waited for him to come. After a couple of minutes he opens the door, dropping his gym bag on the floor. He finally looks up and sees Christina sitting there.

"Holy shit!" He yells before tackling her

"Oh wow ok, hello to you to." Christina giggled

"What the hell? I thought you were coming back in 3 weeks?" Javon asked, his voice muffled from being tucked into the crook of her neck

"Well obviously I was lying, idiot." Christina laughed

"Christina!" Daelo gasped with a smile

"Hey Daelo!" Christina said with a smile, pushing Javon off of her and picking up daelo

"Now Javon can stop being annoying about when you're coming." Daelo said with a giggle

"Oh really, so he talks about me?" Christina said with a smirk, looking over to a blushing Javon

"Yeah all the time, just ask Jaden and Jayla." Daelo said jumping down and leaving the room

"Sooo, you talk about me, huh?" Christina said smirking

"Shut up, bro" Javon said blushing

"Don't worry, I find it cute." Christina said with a wink before going to Jaylas room


@Christinademie has posted

Liked by Jaylawaltonoffical, onwardwanna, onwardjub, and 13,473,9817 others

Christinademie: Back with my loves💗
Tagged: Jaylawaltonoffical, onwardwanna, onwardjub,

See all comments

Jaylawaltonoffical: AHHH I LOVE U😘😘
↳Christinademie: MUAH MUAH💗💗

Onwardjub: I look hot in these
↳Christinademie: leave👉🚪

Onwardwanna: so I'm ur "love"
↳Christinademie: my loves+Javon😌

User: bro Javon and Chris need to date

↳Christinademie: I LOVE U😘💗

Alexademie: Tina, if u and Javon don't start dating soon ima beat ur ass
↳Christinademie: damn why u so aggressive
↳Alexademie: Christina Demie, te juro que te golpearé si no empiezas a salir con él. ustedes son jodidamente lindos para no estar saliendo todavía
(translation: christina demie, i swear i will beat u if u dont start dating him. you guys are to fucking cute to not be dating yet)
↳Christinademie: god damn alright


User: I ship Christina and Jaden
↳User: are u dumb

User: I love Jayla and Christina's friendship

Maudeapatow: aww u guys are so cute
↳Christinademie: muah💗

User: how long are u staying??
↳Christinademie: maybe a month or two

User: bro Chris and Javon need to start dating before she leaves

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