best part {9}

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Olivia's POV
We finally arrive at the convention center. My anxiety was still lurking in my mind but I tried to look past it and ignore it. Cam kept shooting worries glances at me and I'd just try to keep a smile on my face to reassure him.

I wasn't okay but I wanted today to be a good day so I avoided telling the boys about the anxiety I was having. We went through security and got our creator badges. "You ready to look around?" Toby asks with a warm smile on his face. I just nodded and smiled back, then looked back down at the floor. He seemed worried but he didn't say anything.

Remember Olivia, you recently revealed your face on Instagram so you have to be prepared for fans. Just be normal and polite.

We decided to go to the Discord area so that the boys could play video games and meet a few people. I stayed back and observed, trying to act interested. I love games with a passion but I just wasn't feeling it. Zuckles and Jay are playing CS:GO on the computers while the others are either looking around or taking pictures with fans.

I stare off into space until I feel someone tapping on my shoulder. I turn around with a confused look on my face. In front of me is a young girl who appears to be in her mid-teens. "H-hi. You're LivGaming right?" She stutters. She looks extremely nervous so I try to act bubbly. "Yes! Would you like to take a picture?" I ask. She nods and smiles brightly. She hands me her phone and we take a few selfies, some just smiling and a few silly ones.

"These are great! Thank you. Can you also sign this please?" She asks, handing me a small notebook. I nod and take a pen out of my pocket, signing my name with a heart next to it on one of the pages. I hand it back to her and smile. "Thanks again!" She says walking away, waving at me. I smile and return the gesture.

I turn around and see Cam walking up to me. "Hey, Liv! Got noticed, eh?" He winks. I roll my eyes and smile. "Yes. She was super sweet and calm. I could tell she was nervous though. Maybe more nervous then me." I say. "What are you nervous about, love?" He says with a worried expression.

"I didn't wanna tell you and the boys but I've been having anxiety since we left the hotel and I'm just not feeling the best." I look down, twiddling my fingers. Cam grabs my arm and pulls me to a closed off area where no one would be able to see us.

"Olivia, why are you anxious?" He says worriedly. I sigh and look away from him. I stay silent, not knowing what to say. He grabs my chin and tilts my head back towards him. A small blush creeps onto my face. "Tell me. Please, I wanna help you." He stares into my eyes.

I sigh once again. "I was just scared of meeting fans. I feel like nothing compared to you and the boys. I was anxious that I might have a panic attack being around so many people. On top of that, I'm feeling super self conscious today which just makes me more nervous being around others." I explain, trying not to make eye contact. Cam is silent for a moment and then he pulls me into an embrace. He hugs me tightly, holding the back of my head. I wrap my arms around his tall figure and lean into his chest.

His warmth comforts me and I never wanna let go. The moment ends and it felt like it lasted for eternity. "Olivia, you are gorgeous. There so no reason to be worried about your looks so don't let that get in the way of an amazing day. And also, like I've said before, if you're feeling anxious, me and the boys will help you in any way we can. If you need to leave, we can have someone escort you out. I'm here for you and I'd hate for you to be so anxious." He says, staring into my eyes.

I bite my lip trying to hold back tears. Everything was getting to me and the fact that Cam cares so much about me makes me emotional. "Thank you, Cam. You're the best. I appreciate you caring so much. No one treats me the way you do and I couldn't ask for a better friend." I tried to use the word friend lightly since I don't want us to be 'just friends'. He gives me a warm smile and embraces me again.

"No worries, I'm always here for you, love."

The boys and I continue to look around. They have a meet and greet in about 30 minutes so we are trying to waste time by grabbing a few snacks and playing games. "We should start heading over to where the meet and greet is. Olivia, are you gonna come?" Matt asks. I just shrug. "I don't know, I might as well since I'd rather not be walking around the convention alone." They boys nodded in agreement as we all made our way to the meet and greet.

I begin to hear loud, teenage screaming. I look over to my right and see a bunch of fans in a large line, waving at the boys and screaming their names. My mind goes blank and I imagine what it's like to have so many fans like this. I have a decent amount of subscribers but nothing like what they have.

The thought of having a meet and greet if my own with this many people makes me anxious. My heart rate rises a little and I try to control my breathing. Me and the boys are still walking, making our way towards the curtain which blocks off the area behind the meet and greet.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten...

I count my steps as I try to slow my breathing. "Are you okay?" Toby asks from beside me. "Huh? What?" I stutter as I'm knocked out of my trance. "You we're counting out loud. You okay?"

I was talking out loud?

"Oh, yeah I'm fine." I mutter, avoiding a real explanation. "Okay." He says, patting my shoulder for reassurance. I smile and look back down at my feet, continuing to count my steps. My friend taught me this trick back when I was in high school. She always told me counting is a good way to calm down when you're anxious.

"I'm here, Livy. You're gonna be okay. You're safe. Focus on your breathing and count."

I visioned the anxiety attack I had in high school. The words my friend had spoke to me while I was breaking down replayed in my head.

"Do I need to get the nurse? Please, Livy! Say something! Are you okay?!"

"Okay, the meet and greet will probably last about an hour or two. Possibly longer but I think we are on a tight schedule. You gonna be okay sitting here, Liv?" Cam said to the boys and I. "What? Oh, yeah. I'll be fine. Don't worry." I reassured him with a smile on my face. He nods and smiles back. Him and the boys say goodbye and walk around the curtain, greeting the fans. More screaming from excited teenagers fill my ears and I grab my phone, plugging in my headphones and playing some music.

So, how was that? I think this chapter is decent but not the most exciting one in my opinion. DONT WORRY! I'll get to the more lovey dovey shit between Cam and Olivia soon. I just want the story to progress decently and slowly. I don't want to rush their relationship cause then I wouldn't know where to go from there. If you are a good writer, DM me or comment and give me advice :'). Idk what I'm doing and I need help/ideas for chapters.

Thanks for reading :)

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