best part {20}

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5 months later

Olivia's POV
"I'll go set the table!" I say, running to the dinning room. "I'll help her." Bee smiles, running over with me. We place a white table cloth down over the long table.

"How many people are here?" I ask. "Umm, like 13 I believe." She says. I grab a few more chairs from the kitchen and set them up at the table. I grab a vase and put some water inside, adding a few red roses.

"Can you get some candles, Bee?" I request. She nods and leaves the room to go find some. "Hey, Liv."  Anna says, walking into the room. I turn around and smile at her. "Hey, Anna!"

"Everything's looking great so far. Except we need candles." She says, a finger in her chin as she examines the decor. "One step a head of ya!" I wink. On cue, Bee comes back with candles in hand. Anna laughs and helps us set them up on the table.

I pull a lighter out of my pocket and light the cinnamon scented candles. I step back and look at the table. "Perfect!" I smile.

"Can you help us set up the food?" I ask Anna. She smiles, nodding and the three of us head to the kitchen. Grabbing plates, I set them in the table along with the silverware and napkins. Bee and Amna come in with the plates of food and we set them up around the roses and candles.

"Alright, done!" Bee says excitedly. A knock at the door grabs our attention and I quickly run over to open it. Ezra, John and Jaren stand in front of me, gifts in hand and smiles on their faces. "Merry Christmas Eve, guys!" I greet them and help them with the presents, setting them under the tree.

I grab a few wine glasses and pour some champagne for everyone. I pass around everyone drinks and we all clink them together. Can stands by my side, one arm around my waist. I turn to look at him and he smiles down at me, planting a kiss on my lips.

Everyone begins chatting while Cam and I bring down the rest of the gifts. "I'm glad I get to spend Christmas Eve with my friends and my wonderful girlfriend." Cam smiles. I nod my head.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." I smile. He sets down the gifts under the tree and picks me up. I giggle as he twirls me around. "I love you." He smiles. "I love you too."

"Aww! So cute, let me take a picture!" Anna says cheerfully as she pulls her phone out. She snaps a picture and Cam puts me down. "Send that to me!" I laugh.

She nods her head and I head back into the dining room with Cam. "Time to eat!" I call out. Everyone makes there way in and we sit down at the table.

"Dig in!" I smile at everyone. We all put our favorite foods on our plates and munch down as much as we can. Everyone is chatting and by the looks of it, having a great time.

"How is everything?" I ask nervously. "Delicious." Swagger says, a mouth full of food. We all laugh and everyone hums in agreement. "It's lovely, Liv. No need to worry." Bee reassures me. I smile and nod.

After we've finished eating, we play a few board games and I put on a Christmas movie. "How does Home Alone sound?" I ask everyone. They all nod and I press play. We sit down and play cards against humanity, enjoying each other's company as we focus on the movie as well.

"Gift time!" Mason yells, a cheeky grin on his face. We all laugh and gather around the tree while some remain on the couch. Me and Cam pass out everyone's presents to make it more convenient for the others.

"That's all of it." I smile, sitting down in the floor next to Cam. We all go one by one. Swagger was up first and he starts shaking one of his presents. "The fuck is this?" He opens it up, tearing the wrapping paper.

"It's from Can and I." I laugh. He nods his head and opens the cardboard box. "A bong?" He says. Everyone goes into hysterics. "You know me so well!" Swagger laughs. He thanks us and goes through the rest of his presents.

"My turn, my turn!" Mason cheers after Ryan finishes opening his presents. We all laugh and Mason opens up his first gift. "It's...weed!" He smiles brightly. We all laugh even harder. The look on his face was priceless. "Thanks, Ryan and Sam." He says cheekily.

"Jaren's turn!" Ryan says. Smitty rips open the wrapping paper and his face goes bright red as he opens the box. "Who got me this?" He says nervously. I tilt my head and look at Cam. He just shrugs.

"What is it?" Matt asks. Jaren pulls a long, purple object. "A d-dildo." He stutters. We all burst out laughing. "Who g-got Jaren the dildo?" I stutter out as I calm down and wipe my tears away. "Me, of course." John laughs.

Jaren rolls his eyes. "Thanks, John. My girlfriend will love this." He laughs. John chuckles again.

"Cam's turn." I giggle. He opens up a small box from Mason. "Aw, it's a grinder! Thanks buddy. Now I can start my smoking supplies collection." He laughs. I laugh as well and he opens up his next gift from me. I wiggle around in excitement. He pulls open the box to reveal the hoodie I customized.

It has a small collage of pictures of us from when we first started dating to now. On the sleeves, it has the date of when he asked me out. "Oh my god, this is so sweet. Thank you, love." He kisses me lightly.

He holds it up so everyone can see and they all 'awe.' He finishes the rest of his gifts and we move on to Bee. She opens a few gifts, mostly little accessories or references to her channel.

She opens the box with a bracelet I bought her. The words 'beautiful and strong' are engraved on it. She smiles down at it and her eyes get watery. She stands up, walking over to me and hugs me tightly. "Thank you, Liv. This is amazing."

She finishes up her gifts and it's finally my turn. Cam looks nervous and I squeeze his hand a bit to reassure him. He smiles at me and I open the first gift which is from Anna.

It's a small, silver necklace the has my name engraved in it. "This is so pretty, thank you, Anna!" I smile at her. She nods her head and winks at me.

The next gift is from Mason. "What did this cheeky dog get me." I roll my eyes, laughing. He giggles like a child and I open up the small box to reveal a grinder, a baggy of weed and a dab pen. I lean my head back and laugh, showing it to Cam.

Everybody laughs and I thank Mason for his 'generosity.' My last gift is from Cam. He wraps both arms around my waist with his head on shoulder as I unwrap it. I open the tiny box to reveal a bracelet.

I smile and lift it up. "Aww, it's so pretty." I kiss him on the cheek. "Read what the charm says." He smiles.

I hold it up closer so I can read it.

'If life is a movie, then you're the best part.'

I cover my mouth as my eyes begin to water. It brought me back to our first date as I replayed the moment of us singing together in the car. His soft voice was so clear in my head.

I put the box with the bracelet inside down and jump on top of him, hugging him tightly. He laughs and kisses me lightly.

"Thank you, Cameron. You're the most amazing guy I've ever met." I smile, wiping my tears away. "You're welcome. I wouldn't trade you for the world."
Cam and I begin cleaning up the food, drinks and trash after everyone has left.

Music plays from the TV and I sway my hips to the beat. "You sure know how to dance, my love." Cam laughs. "Shut up." I giggle.

He sets down the trash bag and clicks 'next' on the TV. A familiar songs begins playing and I look into Cam's eyes with a smile on my face. He holds his hand out to me for me to take.

I grab it lightly and he pulls me towards him as we begin to dance.

You don't know babe,

When you hold me,

And kiss me slowly, it's the sweetest thing,

And it don't change

If I had it my way

You would know that you are..

You're the coffee that I need in the morning

You're my sunshine in the rain when it's pouring

Won't you give yourself to me

Give it all..

I just wanna see how beautiful you are

You know that I see it

I know you're a star

Where you go I'll follow

No matter how far

If life is a movie, well you're the best part..

1156 words

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