best part {1}

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Olivia's POV

       I scroll through Twitter, taking a break from unpacking. I had just moved from America to New Zealand a few weeks ago. I hadn't gotten much done since I've been focused on releasing videos. It was a big step in my life because I have never lived anywhere else but America. I was trying to get away from my past life and I decided moving was a good way to leave everything behind.

     My parents kicked me out as soon as I turned 17 because they hated that I partied and smoked weed so much. After, I moved in with a friend; however, we got into an argument one night about me being out too late and she kicked me out onto the streets, much like my parents. I did everything I could to make money, even if it was illegal. I got a job and was living with other friends or staying in a random motel for a few nights. Soon I found an apartment and settled in.

     I worked in a restaurant and started talking with one of my coworkers. We fell in love so I moved in with him. We argued a lot which turned into him hitting me, some nights it would get worse than just a simple smack or two.

     I was strong enough to stand up for myself so I packed my stuff and left and now I'm here in New Zealand. I recently started a YouTube channel and it's been going pretty well. I make CS:GO content and it's making me good money, most importantly, I'm happier.

     I'm in a better place and I'm more confident than I've been in a while. The Misfits, on YouTube, inspired me to start my channel and I'm very thankful that I'm able to look up to them. I always hope that one day I'm able to meet them.

     I hop out of my bed and head to my recording room; I set this room up first since I need a workspace. I sit down at my desk and turn on CS:GO and begin recording.

"What's up, cunts? Today we are gonna play Counter Strike alone because I have no friends."

I laugh. I start the round and I see familiar names in the top corner.

"Yo..LivGaming. How's it going?" The familiar voice asks.

"Uh...hi there." I say, shakily.

"I-is that a g-gamer girl?!" The same voice, Fitz, says. I laugh a little bit, still baffled that I'm in a game with people I look up to.

"Indeed. What's up, gamer boys?" I joke.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Swaggersouls asks abruptly.

"Jesus christ, Swags." Fitz says.

"To answer your question, no I don't have a boyfriend." I laugh it off.

"Ooohhhh. Interesting." Zuckles cuts in. I blush.

"Are you any good at CS, LivGaming?" Swagger asks.

"Uh, I'm decent. And please, just call me Olivia or Liv."

"Wow, what a beautiful name..." Zuckles interrupts.

I feel my face heat up again. Did Mason just call my name beautiful..?

"Oh, thank you, Zuckles."

"Oh, so you know who we are?" Fitz asks.

"Yeah, actually I'm a pretty big fan." I laugh nervously. Shit, they probably think I'm crazy.

"You seem pretty chill for a fan. Wanna play a few rounds with us?" Swagger asks.

"That'd be awesome! Now I can put your names in the title for clickbait." I joke.

Everyone laughs. "Wait, you have a channel? That's awesome!" Jay finally speaks.

"Yeah, I think I've heard of you before." Toby says.

There is no way...they know who I am?!

"Guys, she is crazy good at CS, we are gonna look like trash compared to her!" Toby laughs.

"Aww, thanks!" I blush.

"We will see about that.." Fitz says and I can hear the smirk in his voice.

"I can beat your guys' ass." I smirk.

"Is that a threat?" Fitz teases.

"No. It's a promise." I reply slyly.

"Woah..." Zuckles and Swagger say in unison.

Fitz' POV

     Something about this girl...she caught my attention. She was funny and sweet.

     We begin a round of CS and ultimately, Olivia carries our team. She has more kills than the rest of us combined and she defuses the bomb successfully.

"Told ya." Olivia says.

"Damn girl, you have more kills than any of us." Mason says.

I scoff. "Yeah, whatever. She cheated."

"Uh huh. Sureeee. You're just mad that I'm better than you." I slyly replied.

"Am not!" I whine. She giggles a bit. Her laugh is adorable.

"Cammmmm, she's so funny, can we keep her? Pleaseeee." Mason whines like a child. I laugh.

"Yeah, come on Fitzyyy." Toby joins in.

"That's up to her. I sure wouldn't mind her being apart of our videos."

"Wait really?! That'd be so awesome!" She says, happily. I smile.

"Of course. What's your discord username, we will add you to the Penthouse." She giggles and gives us her user. I add her and we begin to talk on there.

"Where are you from, Olivia?" Toby asks.

"I just moved to New Zealand, but I'm from America." She says sweetly.

"Wow, really? Why'd you move there?" I ask.

"Well...its kind of a long story; but, to sum it up why I moved, I wanted to get away from the life I had back in America. I thought New Zealand would be cool, so now I'm here. I wasn't in good conditions back home." She says, a hint of sadness in her voice. I felt bad for her and was curious what happened back then. But I thought it might be a touchy subject, so I let it go.

"I'm really sorry, Olivia." Swaggers says. "You don't have to talk about it."

"It's okay. I'm fine now. I'll tell you guys about it one day, but now isn't the time." She sighs.

We all go a bit quiet. "Anyway, you guys are living in Australia right now, correct?" She asks.

"Yeah, Fitz just moved here from New Zealand. We all live in a house together, expect Fitz." Toby says.

"Yeah, he doesn't like us." Mason says, sadly.

"Shut up, cunt." I groan.

     Olivia giggles and I smile. "Well it was nice talking to you guys, but I'm getting a little tired. I've been unpacking my shit all day. I'll talk to you guys tomorrow!" She says, yawning in between.

"Nice talking to you, Olivia." Jay says. We all say our goodbyes, sad that we have to end the call.

Damn, Olivia is so nice and funny. I can't imagine what she looks like in real life.

     I check out her channel and watch a few videos. It seems like she doesn't show her face, just like Swagger. After watching a lot of her videos, I get in bed, excited to talk to her tomorrow.

Olivia's POV

     I leave the discord call and lean back in my chair.

Wow. What a night. Did I really just become friends with the Misfits?

     I stand up out of my chair after thinking for a while and head of my bedroom. I strip out of my clothes and put in some pajama shorts and a sweatshirt. I get in my bed and curl up in the blanket. I close my eyes and fall asleep with a smile on my face.

I can't wait to see what happens next.


Thanks for reading lmao. This was kinda shit but I tried. Leave a comment if you enjoyed it. And if you have any suggestions, I'll definitely consider them.

                       1243 words (edited)

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