The switch up (part 1)

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"You could have at least called me and told me." Erica yelled wrapping her hair. I just got out the shower and I laid on the bed.
"I didn't want you to trip or nothing." I said.
"That's not the problem, she tried to take my baby from me and I know she's gonna try it again. You can't trust her E." She said walking over to the bed.
"She's clean baby, I know it might be crazy to hear me say but I do trust her cause I know her." I said pulling her closer to me.
"Okay Bae but she better not try anything slick with my baby. and I tell you what! If she try anything and I mean anything! I promise I'll kill her." She said.
"I love you ." I said smiling.
"I love you to fat head." She said and cuddled up into my arms.


I was cleaning the bathroom and I decided I was gonna throw out that coke I had the other night. I wasn't about to ruin my life with that shit. I went to take the trash out and I seem Cube pull up. I wanted to greet him since I was sober.
"Hey babe!" I said a little excited because I got to see my baby after a long day of work.
"Hey baby girl." He said and gave me a kiss and I laced onto his arm as we walked into the house.
"Liyah do you have your things together?" I said to her from her room door because everyone was staying the night at Grandma Fae's tonight.
"Yes ma'am!" She said packing her things.
"Cube you got yo stuff ready to go?" I yelled to him.
"Yea, I'm ready?" He yelled back and of course I was ready to go and I had everything I needed to get me through that night stuffed in a bag in my suitcase.


I was in the car going to pick up a few things before we got ready to leave for the night . I turned the radio on.
"We got need Music from the west side from a new artist named 'Tupac' and I gotta tell you this artist is dope!" The broadcaster announced. At the sound of that name my heart dropped. I haven't seen him in a minute.
"How do you want it? How does it feel?
Comin up as a nigga in the cash game
livin in the fast lane; I'm for real
How do you want it? How do you feel?
Comin up as a nigga in the cash game
livin in the fast lane; I'm for real
Love the way you activate your hips and push your ass out
Got a nigga wantin it so bad I'm bout to pass out
Wanna dig you, and I can't even lie about it
Baby just alleviate your clothes, time to fly up out it
Catch you at a club, oh shit you got me fiendin
Body talkin shit to me but I can't comprehend the meaning
Now if you wanna roll with me, then here's your chance
Doin eighty on the freeway, police catch me if you can!" Tupac rapped. I was jamming and I even turned the radio up. I turned in the drive way after a long hour of shopping.
"You ain't ready yet?" Ren said as I was packing my clothes. Ren was taking his things down to the car and it was already 12:23 so we needed to get on the road asap.


"Momma you slow!" Cam said sitting on my bed.
"Well I'm sorry that I had to get everything ready to go." I said stuffing everything into my suitcase.
"Where's your brother?" I asked her.
"He's somewhere with daddy?" She replied.
"Mmm Figures but where's jazz?" I asked
"She's still getting packed just like you?" She said laying on the bad
"Oh hush!" I said throwing a bra on her.
"Oh my God ewwww!!" She yelled and jumped up.
"Stay off my bed!" I said while laughing. After the laugher died down Cam laid back down on the bed.
"Can I ask you something?" She said.
"Yeah anything baby girl." I said back.
"You think my moms really love me?" When she asked that question I didn't know what to say or what to do.
So I breath out and began to talk. "Well...Honesty I think she does love you but sometimes it take some people longer to realize what type of love they have to give because you can't just play with the word love. I believe that if they tell you they love you somewhere in this big ole world or that hollow heart of their that they really do love you." I said sitting on the bed next to her.
"She never really told me she loved me when we stayed together." She said
"She never really loved herself at the time honey so don't blame yourself baby girl!" I said
"I see you, daddy and E together and y'all look like a real family. Then there's me!" She said.
"Yes then there's you and you complete our family!" I said
Putting down the clothes I was packing and hugged her.
"And I love you and your dad loves you and Baby E really loves you so, when ever you feel lost remember! This right here is your home, your family forever!" I said holding her.


"You ain't ready yet?" Yella said coming through the door.
"No I'm not ready! And your not gonna rush me!" I said
"Well you will get left cause I ain't scared to drive alone." Yella said getting closer to me.
"Give me kiss?" I said wrapping my arms around his neck as he pecked my lips.
"We gotta go babe!" He said grabbing my things.
"Oh my gosh! What's the rush?" I said letting him go and walking out the room.
"We are rushing because we have some where to be." He said walking down the stairs behind me carrying all of my belongings. I had to admit that this house was huge. I honestly would one day love to buy one of these houses myself instead of living with E and Erica my whole life.


We had just arrived at Grandmas house and got settled in and so had everyone else. I honestly missed this place and I loved being here. I walked down the hallway and saw all the guys sitting in the living room chatting but once I walked in it got quiet.
"What y'all talkin bout?" I said leaning over the couch where E was sitting.
"Nothing baby, we were just talkin abouttttt....." He started.
"Sports!" Dre said causing me to look up.
"Yeah sports!" They all said shaking their heads.
"Y'all know damn well we wasn't talkin about no sports!" Yella said laughing.
"Shut the fuck up!" E yelled throwing the couch pillow at Yella.
"I honestly didn't even care to know what y'all were talkin about but it's all good!" I said rubbing E's head and walking to the kitchen where all the women were.
"Girl shut up!" I heard Erin and Dana laughing.
"Now! What are y'all two up too?" I said and they looked over at me and pointed to me.
"What I do?" I asked shockingly.
"You know they was talking about you and E having another baby right?" Dana said looking at me stomach.
"Well they can just stop talking about it because I'm not pregnant and I won't be for a while!" I said taking a sit down by Erin.
"You know dre comin right?" Dana said sipping her tea.
"How you find that out?" I said grabbing the other cup off the tray.
"I ran into him like 30 minutes ago at the grocery store!" She said.
"Mmm...well im not worried cause we ain't cuckin no mo." I said semi yelling.
"Y'all were fuckin?" The sound of cubes voice made me jump in fear and freeze in one position on the stool. I heard his feet steps coming behind me.
"Umm...we are jus gonna leave out and give you two a moment." Erin said.
"Nah Ima stay and listen but you welcome to leave." Dana said with out breaking contact with me and Cube.
"Bring yo ass and let them talk, damn you so fuckin nosey." Erin said pulling Dana behind them.
"So you were fucking him?" Cube said sitting on the seat next to me.
"Why?" I said turning my head towards him.
"Because your married to one guy and your fucking his best friend." He said as calm as he could be.
"You don't understand, so don't fuckin come in here like your the most faithful person in the fucking world!" I said snapping back.
"I'm not saying that but I am going to say that you need to be careful." He said.
"Why are you so worried about my life?" I said back
"He's crazy! He may not seem like it not but ask any other female who's been wit him for a while." He said.
"Are you inferring that I'm in some type of relationship with him cause if you are then your wrong!" I said getting up but he grabbed my arm.
"your just like your crazy ass mom." He said and I slapped him causing him to let my arm go.
"ERICA!" Grandma Fea said running up to Cube.
"What's going on in here Erica?" I heard my mom say causing me to look up.
"What are you (GCO)" before I could finish my sentence there was a knock at the door, which caused Cube to look at me.
"Wassup homie!" I hear E say.
"My nigga Dre!" I hear Yella.

To be continued....

Authors notes:
Everyone VOTE and COMMENT!
Please and thank you! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Ps. I'm sorry for the wait you guys but I'm back and I'm better lol! But Ima get y'all another update within tonight and in the morning! I've been going N through some family issues right now so hang in there with me cause the next chapter is going to be one of the best chapter yet! Y'all bout to get the juice and the tea next chapter!

I love you guys and thanks for sticking in there wit me !!! ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜

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Dedicated to MsStory_Teller

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