Thats all i ask of you (part.1)

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2 months later

Me and E was laying on the back of his 64 impala looking out into the midnight sky.
"You got something on your mind?" I asked E and then he sat up.
"What if yo pops finds out about us?" He asked me, still looking out at the midnight sky. I sat up and laid my head on his shoulder.
"Don't worry about him" I grabbed his chin and looked deep into his eyes and said "as long as I'm on Gods green earth, you won't have to worry about him." And kissed his lips. I laid back down and he laid his head on my chest and I started rubbing running my hands through his hair.
"You promise?" He asked.
"I promise." E was a softy for me and I could tell but to the rest of the world he was this hard core street guy, which he wasn't. E was calm and he was the best thing that could have ever happened to me at the moment.


It's something about her, despite her age, I could deal with that. She had my heart and we only been dating for a mouth.
"You ready to go?" I looked up at her.
"Nah, I wanna stay with you right now, it's just me and you right now." She said. I'm glad she ain't wanna go cause I ain't want her to go. I pulled her in tighter to me so I could hear her heart beat. Dang y'all I'm sprung.


"Come on now! You can do better than that!" I yelled at Erin as I was dribbling the ball in front of her.
"Don't play with me." She said looking me dead in the eyes. Then she touch my jimmy and I dropped the ball and she caught it.
"Foul!" I yelled, holding myself.
"Awe, poor thing can't  take the heat huh?!" She said trying to pass me up but then I grabbed her boob and she dropped the ball and I caught and made a lay up.
"There go a lil sum for that ahh!" I said sticking my tongue out at her.
"You better put that tongue up cause you know I like that freaky!" She said looking me up and down.
"You ain't the only one." I said pulling her down to the ground and then kissing her.
"I love you."
"I love you too but that ain't gonna get you out this beating so give it up big daddy!" She got up and left me on the ground and started shooting the ball. I had to admit she was good.


I was in love with him, oh my gosh! I know I can be a tough cookie at time but he knows how to handle it. He can deal with my crazy self and my temper tantrums. I think I might have caught feel for him to quick tho.
"Come on!" He yelled at me from the other side of the court for me to check the ball.
"Don't yell at me!" And I threw the ball.

To be continued...

Authors notes:
Everyone VOTE and COMMENT!
Please and thank you! 😍😍

Dedicated to JordanElmore

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