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I rolled over to cuddle E in my arms but he wasn't there. I opened my eyes and turned back the way I was facing and saw E looking out the glass window. I threw the sheet over my body and walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around him and he put his hands up so I could lean my head between his arm and side.
"What are you doing up so early?" I said
"Thinking." He said
"What you thinking about?" I asked
"I called around this morning?" He said
"About?" I said
"To see if they had any chapels around here." He said and I let go of him.
"Chapels?" I said with excitement.
"Yeah chapels!" He said and with that I covered my mouth.
(Play song in MM)
*2 hours later*
I ran out the chapel and threw the Bouquet of flowers up into the air. I looked out at the fresh Paris sky. I turned around and saw E coming out the Chapel and I ran up to him and jumped into his arms.
"Mrs. Wright!" He said
"Mr. Wright!" I said back to him and threw my hands back into the air! I was past excited, I was... Over joyed! I can't believe I'm Mrs. Eric Lynn Wright.


"Bingo!" Ren yelled.
"You only won because I didn't have my last chip." I said and rolled my eyes at him.
"Welp! Sorry kid looks like you'll have to get me next time!" He said as he rubbed my head.
"You think your funny!" I said pushing his hand off the top of my head.
"Hey! Don't hate the player, hate the game!" He said picking up the pieces to the bingo game with me.
"Whatever!" I said.
"What you doing tomorrow night?" He asked me.
"Well I have to go get my hair did and then I have to go grocery shopping and get Ro some more clothes but other than that I'm free!" I replied.
"Oo." He said still picking up the bingo pieces.
"Why?" I said standing up.
"I was just wondering could I take you out for something to eat, you know?" He said with a nervous tone in his voice.
"Yeah, that'll be good." I said trying to stay calm.
"How...about 8?" He asked
"Yeah." I said and walked over and sat the bingo board on the kitchen table. I walked up the stairs to my room leaving Ren downstairs by himself. Once I closed the door in my room I screamed like a 16 year old. I can't believe he just asked me on a date. Oh my gosh, I gotta tell someone. I grabbed the phone off the desk and dialed the hotel Erica was in. It seemed like forever before she picked up but she picked up.
"Girl you won't believe?" I said to her flopping down on the bed.
"He asked you on a date, didn't he?!!!!" She said excitingly.
"Yessss!" I said bouncing up and down.
"GIRLLLL yes! It's about Tim you get back into the game!" She said
"You ain't lying cause ain't nobody done laid no pipe for me!" I said
"Erin you ain't had nun?" She said sounding kinda confused.
"Not since Cube." I said
"Erin!! Ro is 3 going on 4!" Erica said
"Well I just never found the right person to do it with." I said
"Hmmm!" She said
"But I know E be laying pipe over there all the time! I'm surprised you ain't pregnant again!" I said laughing.
"Hush! But you know being married and all we can make as many babies as we want now!" She said and I started bouncing on the bed again.
"Your married!!" I said
"Yesss!" She yelled
"When??!" I yelled back.
"Today!" She said.
"It's about damn time!" I said and grabbed some clothes out my dresser.
"Yes! Well call me tomorrow and tell me how the date went honey bee!" Erica said
"I will! I love you!" I said
"I love you too and don't make another Ro with Ren right now cause I feel it cumming." She said
"Trust me, we aren't gonna be doing the nasty!" I said
"Well I'm bout to go do the nasty so I'll holler at you later!" She said and hung up. I went into the bathroom and turned on the radio. Oh Shelia by ready for the world was playing.

I danced around the bathroom while taking my clothes off. I then opened the shower curtain to get inside the shower. Once I was in I let the water run through my hair. I grabbed some soap and rubbed it across my body and then let the water rinse it off. I then began to wash my hair and then a knocked on the door scared me to death. I jumped back cause my back to hit the wall. I got out the shower and wrapped myself inside of a towel. I walked over to open the door.
"Can I borrowing a towel?" Ren asked with his bare chest exposed. I was about to pass out seeing all of that man at once.
"Can I borrow a towel?" He said again. It took me a minute to realize that I was standing there with a towel wrapped around me and my jaw dropped.
"Yea!" I said as I snapped out of my trans. I grabbed a towel out of the draw by the toilet and handed it to him.
"Thank you!" He said and began to walk away. I closed the door and leaned against the door. I wanted him to take me now. I was hoping that he threw me on that counter and just.... Oh lord.


It was around 3 am when I walked through the house door. I laid my jacket on the couch and the keys on the counter. I brought the bag I had and put it under the counter. I turned off the lights in the kitchen and went upstairs. I walked to Liyahs room and looked in at her. She was sleeping so peacefully. I closed the door quietly. I walked down one more door to Ro's room. This week is Cubes week so I opened her door and she was also sleeping. I honestly missed them to death. I walked to the room Cube and I shared. I opened the door and saw the bathroom light on and the water running. I quietly walked in the room and shut the door quietly. I stood to the right of the door where most of the darkness rested. I heard the water turn off and I seen Cube walk to the bathroom mirror. He stood there for awhile and then he began to speak.
"I fuck up so much, I really do. I need help. I just break her heart over and over again. I know it's me, she's tired of me. She doesn't know I love her to death and I make it seem that way to her. I wanna marry her I wanna give her the world. I wanna give her diamonds and pearls. I wanna give her the finest golds , furs, cars and clothes. She's been there with me since day one, I need to be there for her. I got to change." I seen tears come down his eyes and i had tears coming down mines as well. I walked to the bathroom. I reached my hand up and wiped his tears away.
"Dana?" He said but I placed my finger over his lips and looked into his eyes. He kissed my lips and laid me on the bed without breaking eye contact. I ran my hands over his head and he kissed my neck. He pulled my shirt off and then my pants. He kissed my enter tights and it caused me to quiver. I closed my eyes and let my body do its job. I really wanted this moment to last forever.

Authors notes:
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