part 2

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I wake up once again, and I rub my eyes. Still feeling Chace's soft sweatshirt against my cheek. I look up at him, and he's staring right back at me.

"Good morning sleepy head"

"Good morning" I smile up at him and put my arms around him. "Im so uncomfortable, I hate these seats" I whine, and he laughs.

"We'll land in a couple hours, until then tell me about yourself." I pull myself off of him.

"What do you want to know?" I pull out some snacks that I had in my backpack offering him some also.

"Let's start off with do you have a boyfriend?" He asks as he takes a pretzel out of the bag. I finish chewing the one I have in my mouth and answer his question.

"yes" he doesn't seem bothered and I wonder what his answer will be. I'm surprised when he pulls my legs onto his lap and leans in close to my face.

"Well I don't see him around" I bite my lip, thinking of what to answer. I can't be unfaithful to Jonny, but I also don't know if I love him.

"Well do you have a girlfriend?" I attempt to change the subject.

"No, now let's go back to you. Why isn't your boyfriend with you, I mean wouldn't it be pretty romantic to be in Rome together?" I know exactly the answer to this one, and it kinda hurts me to have to explain it to someone.

"He doesn't like to travel"

"Well that's too bad"


Finally the plane has landed, so Chace and I decided to exchange numbers so we can keep in touch during this vacation.

I can't wait to get to my hotel.


I enter the room and everything is so beautiful. There's a great view, and I can't wait to go exploring, but for now a shower will do. I take a shower and go straight to bed afterwards.

I wake up hours later to my phone blowing up. The first thing I do is call my mom and let her know I'm okay, she's already asking for tons of pictures and telling me to give her every detail. I call Jonny and he's just like my mother asking for everything, I can't help but feel guilty for feeling some sort of way about Chace. While I'm on the phone with Jonny I get a text from an unknown number.

Hey, it's Chace. You wanna get dinner?

"Violet! Are you even paying attention to me?" I snap back into reality

"Uh yeah, it's great everything is great but I have to go. I have dinner plans, bye" I hang up as fast as I can. I have dinner with Chase, I need something to wear.

C:I'll be there at 7

As always, everything is a mess so I have to look around for something nice to wear. I do light makeup, and just brush my hair out. I disided to wear the first thing that I picked up on the floor, which was a floral blue dress and I paired it with white flats.


Chace pov

The girl from the plain was really pretty. She had such a nice personality, and I was kinda bummed when she said she had a boyfriend. I guess it's a challenge then, she will be mine. Anyway it's almost time to pick her up and her hotel is only a ten minute walk. I got my room keys and left.

Walking down not knowing what to say, she's so beautiful. I get to her hotel and go knock at the room number she gave me. When she opens the door she's wearing a dress that stopped just above her knees and she looks even more beautiful than before.

"No sweats? Wow, this is new" she laughs, and her laugh brings me joy.

"Well I'm not going on a twelve hour flight am I?" She smiles.

"Let's get going, I'm starving" we walk down to a small cantina and order some drinks and food and make small talk.

"So after dinner do you want to come over and watch a movie? Maybe we can pass by the store or something and get some dessert for later" She says after we finish our meals.

"Of course, are you going to fall asleep again?" I laugh and so does she.

"Haha very funny"


Violet pov

We're sitting on the couch of my hotel room eating ice cream and watching some cliché movie that we found on netflix.

"So, what brings you to Rome?" I ask him. I'm intrigued to get to know chace better.

"I needed an escape. I went to the airport and asked what flight they could get me on that same night and now here I am." An escape?

"What do you mean an escape? What are you running from?" I playfully ask

"I'm not running, I just need a break from everyone. My parents are getting a divorce, and I don't wanna be there when things start to get ugly."

"Oh, well you have me. And we are in Rome, we can do anything without anyone ever finding out what we did." I laugh and pick up the empty bowls where we ate ice cream, taking them to the sink. He follows behind me, and when I turn around I'm face to face with the handsome guy I met on the plane.

"We could do anything, huh?" I know we shouldn't be doing this. I have a boyfriend, but it's like I'm drawn to him. A man I met only hours ago, and I already feel like I want everything with this man.

"We shouldn't."

"I know" his breathing gets heavy, and he's only inches from my lips.

"Chase, I have a boyfriend" I say, trying to make him stop. I know I won't push him away.

"Then why aren't you stopping me? Why aren't you telling me not to kiss you right now? Why aren't you saying no violet?" His lips get closer to mine, and my knees feel weak. His thumb goes over my bottom lip,
"Everything about you is mesmerizing. I feel like I need you and I don't know why"

"I do too" words are just slipping out of my mouth right now, and I feel as if I don't have control over my body.

"Fuck it" he crashes his lips onto mine and a feeling of relief comes over my body. Our lips collided, and my arms around his neck pulling him closer. His hands go to my waist and I feel like I'm going to explode. Then my phone rings. We both jump and look at each other. We start laughing.

"We just did that" I look into his eyes

"Yeah, we really did. And I want to do it again"

"I have to answer my phone" I say walking to the couch where my phone is. It's Jonny again. Why does he have to call right now? "It's my boyfriend" I tell Chace.

"Answer, I won't bother you" he says with a crooked smile.

"Hey" I speak into the phone

"What are you doing? Anything fun?" Does he know? I'm just making myself feel guilty.

"No, not at all I'm just in my room you know, nothing-" I cut off because Chace comes up and hugs me from behind. "Uh yeah nothing really" he starts trailing kisses from my neck to my jawline. I bite my lip to try and be quite.

"Oh okay, do you want to face time?"

"No I'm actually kinda sleepy, so I'm probably going to bed in a little"

"Oh okay, I love you "

"Bye" I hang up and push chace into the couch. "Dick!"

"Oh come on, you loved it" he says pulling me into him.

"We kissed once" rolling my eyes I stand up again. What's wrong with me, I have a boyfriend and I just kissed someone that I don't even know.

"I want to get to know you. So what do you say we go look around tomorrow, see what we can do."

"Okay, so it's time for you to leave." He stands up and takes his keys.

"Laters, baby"

"Don't call me that" shoving him out the door, I get him out and lean on the door. Chace Markey, what are you doing to me.

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