Chapter 9

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I had gotten my script for Raw in a few days, and it started off pretty easy. Interfere with Jon's match by hitting Cesaro with a chair costing Jon the match. He gets pissed, and all that good stuff.

Arms wrapped around my waist, and I immediately jumped and punched whoever it was.

"Jesus Mariana."

"Matt, shit I'm sorry. You can't scare me like that."

"It's alright. I've been hit much harder." He bent down and pecked my lips. I didn't know we were a thing.

"How's the gym going?" He asked picking up the weights I was using like it was no big deal.

"Was going good until I realized I was weak."

"You are a little weak. You can only bench press 150?"

I raised an eyebrow," are you challenging me?"

"Sweetheart, I can beat you at any of these."

"How long can you hold a plank?"

"A what?"

"A plank." I got down in push up form and stayed on my forearms.

"I can probably beat you at that."

I dusted off my forearms,"lets go then." We both got down at the same time and stared at each other.

"You might as well just give up now Matt, I'm gonna win." He threw his head back in pain. After a while this shit hurts your abs. He dropped to his stomach and I jumped in victory.

"Alright, what do you want for winning?"

I put on finger on my chin and thought, " I want you to take me out to lunch."

"That's it? I'm giving you anything you want."

"A lunch date."

"Alright, when do you want this lunch date."

"Not today. Mariana is all mine today." I turned around and Jon was walking toward us in his gym gear. He looked kinda hot. Hold up what are you saying Mariana. "We have to rehearse our script."

"We don't have to do it right at this minute."

"Hold up, what script?" Matt asked.

"You didn't tell your boyfriend about our storyline?" Jon said looking at me. He then turned his attention to Matt, "we're in a romantic storyline."

Matt's jaw clenched," don't worry Mariana. I wouldn't want to get in the way of your rehearsing. Let me know when you're done lying to me." He walked out of the gym.

I ran a hand through my hair, "why is he so fucking possessive? I'm not even dating him, why does he think he can control me?"

"I don't know darlin'." Jon said messing with the hem of my sports bra.

"Don't fucking touch me."

He chuckled, "not like I haven't seen all of that before."

"Good luck trying to see it again." I said grabbing my stuff and walking out the door of the gym.

"Are you betting me? Because I can play that game real quick."

"No, Jon I'm not betting you."

"Oh, but I am. If I can get through us running over the script a few times without me hitting on you then you have to go out with me."

"Okay and if you do hit on me at least once, you stop talking to me and our only communications is through this storyline. Deal?" I asked holding my hand out.

"You think I'm going to shake your hand?" He grabbed my waist and pressed his lips to mine, "deal."




"You know I don't go by the script right? I make it up off the top of my head." Jon said putting his paper on the ground.

"Then why are we here?" We were in a coffee shop down from the gym we were at.

He shrugged, "I just like to be around you. And I also wanted to make the bet."

"You were going to bet me the entire time?"

He laid back in his chair," my plan worked like a charm didn't it?"

"Whatever, let's go then if we are just going to make it up." I said standing up just to have me pulled back down.

"I traveled a very far distance to be here with you, you should feel honored."

"Yeah, we'll I'm not." I attempted to stand up again but he pulled me back down.

"Would you look at that," He said holding his cup up. "I'm out of coffee. Would you like another Mariana?"

"Nope." I said still staring at the script. He walked away to get another cup. My phone buzzed next to me. I looked over and it was a text message from Matt.

Matt: How's your date with Ambrose going?

I'm not on a date. and if I was why would it be any of your concern?

Jon sat back down in front of me.

"Who are you texting?"

"Matt." I said locking my phone and setting it down.

"He's very protective over you even when he knows you won't date him."

"Who's to say I won't date him?" I challenged.

"Because I know you, and you won't do it."

I clenched my fists, "Jon, you don't know me."

"Why does that get you all mad, hm?" He asked drinking his coffee.

"You don't know hardly anything about me, therefore you can't say you know me."

"Enlighten me then."

I looked away, "its a long story."

"I've got all day."

"This isn't the time for this conversation." I said tossing the cup in the garbage behind me.

"Now you've got me interested you can't stop." I shrugged. "At least tell me where else you lived other than Miami."

"New Jersey."

"Why Jersey?"

"Another long story."

"If it's some terrible reason, you can't hide it forever, at some point you have to open up to somebody and let them help you."

"I don't need anybody to help me. I can take care of myself, I've done it for God knows how long."

"Would it make you feel better if I told you about me?" He asked in my face. I stared straight at him. "My dad is in jail, and my mom is dead." He pulled back and drank his coffee.

"How?" I whispered.

"My mom died of a drug overdose when I was 10. I didn't get to speak to her before she died. She died when I was at school. My dad." He looked down and laughed, "let's jut leave it at my dad wasn't a very good man."

"I'm sorry."

He looked up at me, "you have nothing to be sorry for. My parents made their own choices and now they've faced the consequences."

"I feel selfish. You had to go through all that with your parents, and I just left my family."

"What do you mean you left?"

I sighed. I might as well tell him everything. "I want you to know something. You are the first person to hear this. So you should feel honored." I said mocking him.

"I'm honored sweetheart."

I ran a hand through my hair, "where the hell do I begin? I should probably start off by saying I'm not from Miami. I'm from Honduras."

"Where the hell is Honduras?"

"It's a country east of Mexico."

"That explains why you moan in Spanish, because you speak it."

"Don't ever speak of that day."

He grinned at me, "that was the best day of my life."

I rolled my eyes, "anyways, in Honduras women had no say. Your father was to choose who your husband would be. My dad hated that rule, so he didn't choose giving the option to my mom. My sister Cecilia had already married, but she secretly filed for a divorce."

"What about your brother? How would his future look?"

"Someone would contact us saying they wanted their daughter to marry your son."

"Did anyone contact you about their daughter marrying Javier?"

"A few." I folded my hands on the table, "My mother had chosen this guy to marry me. He couldn't keep his hands off other women for a second. Mind you, I was only fourteen when this was going on. I didn't know what I wanted. My sister and I planned to escape Honduras with Javi. So on the day of my wedding, the ceremony was almost over when I ran toward the doors of the entrance, got in my escape car and left Honduras. I haven't been back since."

"What about after that?"

"Our car drove us into Texas, and my sister and I had to split up. She walked toward California, and I walked toward Florida with Javi on my back. I did a lot of illegal stuff to get money to provide for Javi. I sold a lot of drugs to get enough money to fly him to St. Louis with my Aunt. After he left I was devastated. I once again did more illegal stuff. I got into prostitution." Jon's eyes widen at that.

"So it was true a few weeks ago in Miami. You knew that girl."

"Yeah I did."

"Were you really 15?"

"Yeah, I was."

"I eventually got arrested for it. I was only a minor so I wasn't in there for very long. I was back out onto to streets without any work, no food, no money, and no family. I was at the right place at the right time because I met someone." I smiled remembering the thought.

"Whoever it was obviously still makes you happy."

"Yeah, he does. I guess I caught his eye. He was interested. He came up to me and started talking to me, telling me about him, all that good stuff. All the shit I'd been through, I was scared of him. His brown eyes though, they looked so sincere. He took me under his wing and flew me back to Jersey with him. It took a while for me to get used to him. But he taught me how to play piano. He taught how to dance a little too, but I wasn't interested in that like I was with the piano."

"What was his name?"

"Mikey. After a year of living with him we became really close. Like really close. We were inseparable. We started dating. I was beyond happy. I had always been happy I met him in Miami, he was defiantly the turning point in my life." I smiled thinking if the happy days with Mikey, "he always had this dream that him and I would go to Juilliard together and study music. We'd graduate, marry, and start a family, and believe I would've, had it not had been for WWE. I wanted to wrestle, and I couldn't tell Mikey. It would break his heart. A few days after we got our acceptance letters to Juilliard, I left him a note telling him I loved him and that I was sorry. I packed up all my shit, flew back down to Florida and trained at the performance center. I'm pretty sure you know the rest." My eyes watered up. But it was also reliving. It felt as if the world had been lifted off my shoulders.

"Damn." He breathed out.

I rested my head against the wall and tried to read Jon's expression.

"I feel bad for asking you to tell me."

I smiled at him, "it was kinda reliving."

"We should probably head out." He said standing up and throwing his cup away. I pushed in my chair and walked toward the door. I felt Jon's arm snake around my waist, "thank you."

Sorry for the long update, I got a little carried away. Also there is a picture of Mariana somewhere, if you can find it, gucci.

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