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My heart stopped. Seeing him in person again caused so many emotions. My depression, my love for him, the feeling of when he left. Everything. All at once.

"How do you know her?" Matt asked confused. He sounded slightly discouraged. I sighed. I forgot about the whole, Mark steals Matt's girlfriends all the time thing.

"Chloe, would you like to explain?" He said still obviously shocked. I could barely speak, but he pushed this onto me so we were going to try.

"Well Matt, Mark and I have been best friends since 2nd grade. Before he ditched me after senior year to move here." I said slightly frustrated. Marks face fell.

"I'm sorry Chloe. You know that. I never intended to leave you like that. I just wanted to move on with my life and Ohio wasn't going to do that for me."

"I felt so abandoned Mark. You didn't even call like you said you would. It's like you fell off the face of the earth and that hurt so much." I said feeling the tears in my eyes starting to emerge.

"Why didn't you tell me you knew Mark when you watched his video?" Matt said completely interrupting the conversation between Mark and I. I sighed. I had to tell the truth. Or at least some of the truth.

"Because I was scared. You always said he stole your girlfriends and I was scared you'd think the same thing would happen if I told you I knew him." I said shyly. Matt sighed, running his hand through his hair. This wasn't going nearly as well as I had originally planned.

"Chloe, can we talk in private?" Matt said after a minute. I nodded, grabbing his hand has he walked me towards what I'm guessing was our room. I sighed, I had no idea how this was going to go.

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you babe. I should've and it was really stupid of me to keep this from you. I'm-" I was quickly cut off from my speech with a passionate kiss. I was so shocked at first that I wasn't able to kiss back, though once I realized what was happening, I happily kissed back.

"Stop worrying. I understand. I was being really paranoid. But I do have to know one thing." Matt said hesitantly. I nodded. Wrapping my arms around his torso. Matt wrapped his arms around my neck gently. "Did you and Mark ever like each other?"

"No." I lied. Of course I liked Mark. But I couldn't tell Matt that. "We were purely just best friends until he moved here."

"Okay. Then nothing to worry about love." He said kissing my nose gently. "Let's get out there. I'm sure Marks dying to explain himself."

"Alright. I love you." I said for the first time since we've seen each other in person. He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"I love you too baby." I smiled and linked my hand with his before walking out with him. Mark and Ryan were talking on the couch when we rounded the corner.

"Chloe," Mark said jumping up. Matt squeezed my hand at Marks action. "Could we please talk alone?"

I looked to Matt, who hesitantly nodded before letting my hand slip from his. I followed Mark out into their backyard. It was late, but the skyline of LA really lit up the patio. Mark sat in one of the chairs next to their pool, motioning to the one next to him.

"I can't believe you're here." Mark said obviously still stunned. I sighed. He was smiling, and I wanted to also but I was mad. Really mad.

"Why didn't you call?" I said plainly, taking a seat next to him.

"I don't know. I really don't have an answer for you Chloe." Mark said running his hand through his solid blue hair with a sigh. "I just, stopped. And id be lying like a bitch if I said I haven't missed you like crazy lately. But I was scared it was to late to fix it. That is messed up our friendship and there was no turning back." Mark said sadly. I instantly felt myself melting at Marks emotions. His voice, his everything.

"Mark. I'm not going to lie, I missed you so much. And it hurt like crazy when you stopped crazy. But I can't say you're the only one responsible for everything that happened. I should have actually called too. I'm sorry." I said resting my hand on his. He smiled, standing up and pulling me up with him. He hugged me tighter than I remembered. He must have worked out.

"God I've missed having you around." Mark said with a small giggle. I smiled, hugging him back tightly. It was weird to feel his hug again. It felt honestly amazing. I missed his strong, meaningful hugs.

"I've missed you too Mark. I really have." I said with a laugh. Mark pulled away, smiling much larger than he had when we walked out here.

"Let's head in. We need to get you settled in." Mark said happily. I smiled widely. This was going great. Matt and I were on great terms, Mark wasn't mad at me. I wasn't mad at him more importantly. Plus Ryan just seemed like a cool guy. I was in such a good spot.

I stepped in to see Matt and Ryan chatting happily. I was so glad I was here. Out of Ohio and here with people I actually care about.

"Okay it was awesome seeing you Chloe but I gotta go play with Bob, Wade and Jack. We're going to go record some Town of Salem." I looked at him confused. He made some friends since he moved here.

"Who are they?" I asked curiously. He smiled nervously. Wow it was weird being around Mark again.

"Well Bob and Wade are just some friends I've made but Jack is actually Sean. From high school. He moved back to Ireland after we graduated and started a YouTube as well. We're really close now." Mark said with a giggle. Sean? Mark was best friends with my ex and my boyfriend. I can't escape him.

"Everyone ships them. Septiplier." Matt said with a laugh. I looked back to Mark confused.

"His YouTube is Jacksepticeye. I can't believe you haven't heard of him. He's the most famous Iris YouTuber." Mark said. I nodded. Wow. This was sorta crazy.

"Well I didn't really watch YouTube very often before you." I said pointing to Matt jokingly. He smiled, walking over and engulfing me in a hug. He kissed my forehead lightly before pulling away and grabbing my hand.

"Alright. You go record Mark and I'll go help Chloe get settled in. Ryan, you just do whatever you want to do." Ryan laughed and nodded, stepping away to a room across the living room. Matt pulled me back to his room and we started unpacking my bags I traveled with.

"I'm glad I'm here Matt. I really am."

"I'm glad your here too babe. New memories to be made." He said kissing my forehead. I smiled, unpacking my bag to my new home. My new home with three men.

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