H. Akaza

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Akaza x FEM ! Reader

Warnings ⚠️: Kissing scene ahead
Character ( including spaces) : 3k


It was midnight, you're walking down the woods for your mission along with your crow.You heard that a village nearby is being attacked by demons every night and young kids are missing, weither boy or girl.

The master assigned you to slay the demons who kidnapped those kids.Its been one year since you become a hashira after kanae’s death who thought you the flower breathing.The kochuo siblings especially kanae is the one who adopted you after your parents died because of those demons.

In despise, you don't want other people to experience the same thing as you do, that's why you became a demons slayer.To protect those people to not lose their family and home.

“Now I'm not the one to believe in fate.”

You stopped your tracks as you felt a heavy aura of a demon behind you.You calmly looked back and meet Akaza’s sharp eyes.

“Don’t you think it's really fascinating that we meet again, like this?I can see you've grown strong.A hashira huh?”

Akaza is used to be your friend, during your childhood days he secretly meets you in the forest to play with you.Even tho it's forbidden, Akaza often visited you secretly.The two of you would spend time for hours in the woods to play and talk about random things when the sun sets down, then he will guide you home.

Akaza is a hundred years older than you, you know that he was a demon but he never did lay a hand to kill you or do something bad to you, and by the time you turned thirteen, the disaster to your parents happened and you didn't bring yourself up to see akaza again.

You became a demons slayer at the age of sixteen and now you're almost eighteen.

“Should I ask how have you been for the past three years?or you're still roaming around with those demons slayers?”

You gave him a smile.“I am.”

You saw him smirked as he put his left hands in his waist.“You’ve grown a lot haven't you?Look at you now, the last I saw you is just a little girl roaming around to find dandelions.”

“I can say that people do really improve.What you've been up to?”

Akaza let out a soft chuckle.“Lets see, well… I am having fun with the things that pleasures me..you wouldn't understand that, do you?After all, I already tried to persuade you, but you're too stubborn..”hint of sadness in his tone.

Yes, Akaza tried to persuade to become a demon when you're young but you kindly refused him.You thought he will get mad at you for not accepting his offer but akaza remained the same still.

The only reason he tried to persuade you is, Akaza is infatuated with you and you're not aware about it since you're too young to understand but as you grow older, you understand what does he meant of spending more time with each other, he meant more than just friends.Akaza persuade you to become a demon so he can gradually spend time with you, morely, make things between the two of you official.

“Those demons slayer really got into your head…”he added.

“and I didn't regret anything of joining them..your kind, killed my family.”

Akaza narrowed his eyes at you, he felt a little displeased about what you said.“Then what's stopping you now?I am one of them aren't I?hmm?”

You stared at him intently.

His smirk faded as he stared back at you.In a blink of an eye, akaza was now Infront of you.He lean down and whispered in your ears.“You know I couldn't hurt you”he whispered.“I just…miss the old days of you and I, when you're still by my side.”

Your heart skipped a beat. “The old days where you can't find me while we're playing hide and seek?”you joked.

Akaza chuckled. “Those days that we played that game is uncountable.”

“I agree.”

“I’m glad you're still the same little girl I meet, your sense of humor is one of the things I like about you..”

You grinned.

“Too bad, we can't be the same like that forever.Even if yearned about it so much.”

You let out a soft sigh and remained your unbothered smiling figure.“I can really see we won't understand each other's perspective.”

“If you'll stop this games of yours, you'll probably understand my perception for once… but that's okay. I'll wait for you, my dear.”

You felt a warm muscle pressed against your lips, it was akaza’s.Your eye constructed as his lips landed on yours in a few seconds kiss before he disappeared into thin air.

Your heart skipped loudly inside your chest feeling the cold breeze of the air hit your skin as akaza disappeared infront of you.


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