I'm still dealing with the family issues but I'm going to still make the stories so let's get into the story. Dont play song yet.
I was in lui's arms he was running to our spot that only me and him know. When we get there he lays me down on the grass. He puts my head in his lap. "Lui I'm sorry i told you that I wouldn't do it. That I wouldn't tell him until u were ready. I know your his brother and we used to be a thing but I'm sorry lui I truly am." I had said in tears. "Y/n its OK I know that when u had saw him u had lost control. But I came here TO ask you something." "What is it?" "Would you like to get back together?" "Wait lui u want to get back together again?" "Yes." "Then lui of course I will." We stand and start to walk. But when we get to my old house where Jeffrey had killed my parents I started to hear one of the songs i listened to when I was small. Me and lui used to listen to this. But this time it was more harsher. When it gets to loud I fall to the ground. All I saw was black. AND the darkness I see my parents I run to them. They tell me "honey we know what happened to us and we know what u are capable of. But we have to tell you something. Y/n you are a angel and a demon. Your angel power is water and you demon power is fire. You are the one that will stop the war happening." After they said that they started to disappear and I started to see where i was at. I was still in the same spot when I opened my eyes all I saw was a face. I did what any person would. I punched them in the Face. The had fell and I had saw lui. I hurried and helped him. I had said "dont get that close to someone who just woke up." "Well sorry I was seeing if you were still alive. OK" "ok Lui where is HIS Manson?" "Its where we had just came from why." "We need to go there now." "Ok." We run to the Manson. I run in AND I see the people that were out in the forest after me. I just dont see slenderman. They all look At me. Until Jeffrey says "Why are u here!?" "I'm here to see Jane and slender man! Idiot!" He points to the stairs and says " slendy is in the big door and Jane has her name on the door." I nod and we walk up the stairs. We see the big door and we walk to it. I knock and I hear "come in children." We walk in AND sit. "What are u here for?" "I'm here because I need help with something." "what is it?" "I need help controling this." I then make fire and water appear. I had water in my left hand and fire In my right hand. "Your a hybrid?" Slendy asked. "Yep of angel and demon. But mostly demon." "Ah I knew that face looked like Jake." (Not a real cp he is my oc.) "Jake was the 2nd best cp. I was 1st. I know what u are here for. Your father had told me once you were born he had to leave this place. But he had also told me when they pass on that I had to find you and give you the training because u will be a mix breed that will stop the war. he told Me to also keep u safe. And he was one of my good friends. So I will take care of you
As my own child." "Ok Slendy." We walk out and go to Jane's room.
Ok how was that. It was a little hard to catch the misspelled words but I think I got them all. That is all bye.
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