A/n Sorry guys but this is the last chapter of this book. Dont pout there will be a second book out comig out in late December. So all u have to do is be patient and it might come out sooner.
Ben's Pov
I was just play video games when i was pushed to the floor. I looked up and saw that it was Y/n.
"Wow when u dont see some one and that causes the best thing ever!" She said laughing. Falling on top of me.
"Why u did that for!?" I asked as she fell on my back. Causing me to groan in pain.
"Ow that hurt." I pout.
"Its ok." She grabs my face and kisses me. I soon kiss her back. We broke apart for air.
"Wow i never thought u could do that." I said chuckling.
"Ben. I-i Like y-" She was cut off by Lui walking into the house with Jane. She turned and looked at them. She turns back to me. Lui looked at her.
"As i was saying I liee you Ben." She said blushing and so did i.
"I like u too." Just as i said that we heard a growl and it was from Lui.
Y/n's Pov
I just told him i liked him and he said it back. After he said that i heard a growl. I looked and saw Lui was mad. Heh thats what u get.
"Yes, Lui?" I asked Lui.
"Why are u saying you like him?" He said as i chuckled.
"Sorry i worded that wrong. Ben i LOVE you." I said looking at Ben with a blush on me and his face.
"I do too." Lui just growled louder. Then slendy appeared.
Slenders Pov
I was just cooking when I heard Lui growl. So i appear by him.
"Whats wrong children?" I said as i looked at the 4.
"Y/n Is cheating on me." Lui said smirking. I knew he was lying because Y/n told me about it and i believe her more.
"Sure i did. Im not the one that got caught kissing that bitch right there." Y/n said pointing to Jane. Then all the cps appeared.
"Oh shit." Jeff said.
"Who did u just call a bitch!?" Jane said looking at Y/n.
"I called YOU a bitch, bitch." Y/n said smirking.
"Oh ur so dead bitch!!" Jane lunged for Y/n but was stopped by smile dog biting her hard.
"OW U FUCKING MUTT!!!" Jane yelled kicking smile into a wall as he whimpered. Now that made everyone mad including me but not Lui.
"Oh your so fucking dead Jane." Jeff said as he grabbed his knife and walked to Jane as the other cps grabbed their weapons and walked behind Jeff. Y/n, me, and Ben helped Smile dog up. Once he was all good he ran to Lui growling at him. We all then heard a bang.
???'s Pov
Today is the day. Im gonna get back at my brother. (I dont fucking care if this person isnt said persons brother he will be in here) Slender is gonna die today. I walk down the stairs and see that everyone besides Lui, Slender, Ben, and some girl fighting. Lui was just standing there in shock.
"Heh didnt think i would come brother?" I said chuckling. Everyone gasp.
"Zalgo why are u here?!" My brother said.
"Im coming to end you." I chuckled. I then heard what sounded like someone saying dad. I turned and looked to who said it. It was the girl i never met. I walked to her and she looked alot like me.
"Y-y/n?" I said figuring out that, that was my daughter that got taken away from me. All i do is nod as she runs to me and gives me a hug.
"You w-were killed. In the fire Jeff started." She said crying.
"That wasnt me u was taken from me when u were born." I said as i looked around.
"So does that mean Slendy, Trendy, Splendy, and Offendy are my uncles?" She asked i sadly nodded.
"Yes. wait why are u here?" Thats when i remember why im here.
"Nothing anymore. Wanna come with me so we can see ur mom and so i can tell u everything?" She nodded fast i just chuckled.
"Wait Y/n i thought u said u loved me?" Ben said walking to her. I just stood there in shock.
"Yes i do and i WILL be back. Ok dad lets go." She hugged Ben bye. Lui, Jane, and smile came to me since those 3 were from my world. We all teleported to my world.
Sorry guys but that is all for this story. The end. Like i said at the top There is gonna be another story thats gonna come out around December. While im making the chapters and the new stories coming out i will be editing this story and all my others. Hope u understand oh and i made this chapter a little longer hope u like it Bye!!
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