Episode 12 - Game Over

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(Watch Opening)

The scream echoed throughout the entire USJ facility as everyone, students and villains were able to hear the scream. Back up by the stairs, Mina and Uraraka were kneeling next to the defeated body of Thirteen. Mina hears the scream as she turns her attention back to the stairs and plaza where tears were still escaping from her eyes.

Mina: 'P-please... Be safe, Ben...'

Back to the plaza, Midoriya, Tsuyu, and Mineta were holding onto Aizawa watching in horror by what they saw as Shigaraki, Nomu, and Kurogiri were standing silently. Four Arms turned around and sees the large silhouette standing back up.

Four Arms: Huh?

Kevin has completely transformed. He is a giant, complicated amalgam of all the 10 aliens in the Omnitrix.

He looks at his four hands and clenches them, straining, trying to turn back. While it looks like he could succeed, he can't.

Kevin: Uh, I- I can't change back... I'm stuck like this. LOOK AT WHAT YOU'VE DONE!

Four Arms: Oh man! Is there anything this guy won't blame me for?

Kevin immediately starts to run/fly towards Four Arms, bashing him into a wall, and punches him repeatedly. Four Arms locks two fists with Kevin managing to match strength with the chimera.

But Kevin pulls out two surprise arms to punch him through the outer wall of the Mountain Zone. He grabs Four Arms by the shirt and throws him the other way towards the center plaza. Four Arms lands and leaves a heavy crater in the ground as Kevin slowly make his way over to him.

Shigaraki: Levin. Let's go, the heroes will be soon.

Kevin quickly turns around and shoots a fireball at Shigaraki only for the Nomu to step infront and take the hit.

Kevin: I don't take orders from you!! Stay or leave, I don't care which. But I'm staying to finish what I started!!

Shigaraki glares at the alien chimera through his hand mask as Kevin continues to finish the job. Suddenly the door burst open as smoke fills the top of the stairs making everyone look up, not knowing who or what just entered the scene.

???: Have no fear, students. I am here!

Suddenly everyone recognized the voice as smiles started to appear on everyone's faces

Mineta: Look, we're saved!

Tsuyu: Ribbit.

Midoriya: He's here... All Might...

Shigaraki: Ah. Looks like our game's
getting a "continue."

The smoke clears as it reveals All Might standing tall and what was more surprising, he wasn't smiling.

All Might: Don't worry, class. I am here!

Shigaraki: After all this waiting... The heroic piece of trash shows up.

The defeated villains recovered to see All Might standing up on top of the stairs

Villain A: Holy crap. It's All Might. I've never seen the guy in person before. I didn't expect him to be so huge.

Villain D: Heh. This is no time to talk, you idiots. If we strike now we can kill him...

As fast as they got up, All Might rushed through them knocking them out pushing Shigaraki and the mutated Kevin away as he is later seen holding a beaten and bloodied Aizawa in his arms, with a surprised Four Arms, Midoriya, Tsuyu, and Mineta standing beside him.

All Might: I'm sorry, Aizawa. I should've been here.

Four Arms: Uh... What the heck?

All Might: Everybody, back to the entrance. And take Aizawa with you. He doesn't have much time.

Mineta: Yes, sir!

Tsuyu: Ribbit. You saved us, All Might.

While the others were talking, Shigaraki was quickly grabbing for the hand mask that fell off his face.

Shigaraki: No, no, no. It wasn't supposed

to go this way. He's still fast, Father. Somehow he managed to hit me. Of course a government hero relies on violence. I wasn't prepared. I couldn't even see him when he moved. But he's not as fast as I thought he would be. Not as fast as he used to be. I guess it's true, after all.

Shigaraki picked up the hand as he brings it closer to his face as it becomes slightly visible showing a large sinister grin.

Shigaraki: All Might really is getting weaker.

Midoriya suddenly runs up to All Might, sounding very worried.

Midoriya: All Might, you can't! That brain villain is too strong!

All Might: Young Midoriya!

Midoriya: Uh...

All Might turned to look over his shoulder as he puts a piece sign up to his eye as he smiles.

All Might: I got this.

Midoriya nods as the three students pick Aizawa up and start to carry him back over to the stairs. All Might notices that Four Arms was still standing next to him.

All Might: Young Tennyson, get back! This is my battle.

Four Arms: Sorry to disappoint you sir, but unfortunately I'm a little tied up...

Kevin: TENNYSON!!!

Suddenly a booming voice echoed throughout the plaza as Kevin is seen running at top speed towards Four Arms. The sight of the mutated Kevin made All Might shocked by the chimera.

Four Arms: See? I'm the only one who can fight Kevin the way he is. I'll lead him to an area without any people.

All Might nods as he rushes forward to face off against Nomu, while Four Arms cracks his neck and rolls his shoulders as he waits for Kevin to get in close.

Kevin doesn't waste anymore time as he is in close range of Four Arms as he goes for a punch, but the alien hero was prepared as he blocks the punch and throws one of his own knocking Kevin off balance. Four Arms grapples onto Kevin as he jumps up into the air leaving the center plaza.

As they fly into the air, Kevin desperately still tries to fight as he punches Four Arms with his free hands. After a few punches, Four Arms loses momentum as the two hulking giants plummet straight down to the Ruins Zone.

Four Arms: Stop this Kevin, blaming me for this won't change you back!

Kevin: Maybe so, but I'll still enjoy smashing your head into the pavement!!

Kevin rushes forward as the two enter another close combat brawl, the giants exchanged blows after blows while the wind picks up around them as the impact of the punches increased.

Four Arms blocked a punch only to get gut punched by one of Kevin's smaller arms making him slouch over as Kevin puts Four Arms in a head lock with his two large arms causing the alien hero to start choking for air.

Kevin: Hahahaha!! What's the matter Tennyson? Getting a little hard to breathe?!

Four Arms struggled a bit more as Kevin's grip wasn't budging. He soon latched onto Kevin's large arms as Four Arms steps forward swinging Kevin over his head slamming him onto the ground. Kevin recovers from the surprise throw as Four Arms hits him across the face with a few heavy punches hoping to get a few good shots in before Kevin fully recovers.

After a few punches, Kevin grabs onto Four Arms' hand and swings him around before releasing his grip letting Four Arms run into the wall of a building. Putting his hands out infront of him stopping Four Arms from a heavy impact, quickly turning around ripping a piece of rock from the wall and smashed it onto a charging Kevin.

Four Arms: You don't sound so good, yourself.

Kevin stands up and lights up his Heatblast arm and sharpens his Diamondhead arm.

Kevin: I'm just getting started Tennyson!!

The two collide once again as Kevin attempts to cut and burn Four Arms, but the alien hero managed to block and redirect the attacks while sneaking in a few of his own. The battle continues to the point where both of the fighters get in plenty of hits, as Four Arms delivered a strong uppercut to Kevin's chin sending him flying back a few feet. Four Arms places his fists on his waist with a proud grin, happy with his increased combat skills when suddenly....

*Beep, beep, beep, beep, beeeeep*

A red flash covers Four Arms as Ben is seen standing in the same pose, slightly sweating due to the circumstances.

Ben: No! No, no, no, no! Not now, you stupid watch!!

Kevin: Hehehe....

Ben slowly turns around and see a recovered Kevin towering over him with a large sinister grin.

Kevin: Looks like you still have trouble with that little time-out issue... Good.

Ben starts running, but Kevin spits Stinkfly goo at Ben, sticking him to the wall of a building

As Ben struggles, Kevin slowly walks over as he readies a diamond blade.

Kevin: Your Grandpa and friend aren't here to help you this time!

Ben struggles more as he manages to get his arms free and starts trying the watch.

Ben: Come on! Please work! Just this once!

The watch can only wind down in red as Kevin's now standing infront of him.

Kevin: Don't bother trying to dial in another alien, Ben. I've had your alien forms for a year, I know all your powers, inside and out!

Ben's terrified face is reflected in Kevin's blade, as he pulls it back to stab Ben. Ben flinches, but suddenly, the watch lights up green! Kevin lunges forward as Ben smacks the watch against the wall, just in time.

Light fills the room, then fades on a black tendril wrapped around Kevin's arm, pulling away.

Feedback: Oh yeah?

Kevin steps back, shocked by the new alien form Ben had taken.

Feedback: I don't think you've been introduced to Feedback!

(I'm going to be adding some OST music for some chapters of my stories so feel free to play it if you want.)

Feedback rips the goo away as he soon starts to attack Kevin once again. Punching him left and right with several combos. Kevin tries to counter but couldn't as Feedback leaps high into the air flipping over as he lands behind the chimera running up kicking Kevin across the face before attaching his hands to Kevin absorbing some energy from him.

After absorbing a decent amount of electricity Feedback leaped back and while reeling his arms back charged up a blast that he fired at Kevin.

The blast sends Kevin straight into a building which was already on the verge of collapse as Feedback simply turns around before walking away. Suddenly a diamond shard is shot near Feedback's feet making him sigh in disappointment as Kevin slowly walks out of the dust and rubble.

Feedback: Looks like someone's back for round three.

Feedback cracks his knuckles as he starts walking forward soon enough matching Kevin in speed as the two rush and collide with each other. Feedback manages to match Kevin's newly enhanced strength with his own as he punches Kevin in the gut making him double over in pain before Feedback grabs him by the shoulders connecting his knee to Kevin's chin.

Kevin stumbles back holding his chin as he growls in anger, fire erupted from his Heatblast hand as he started firing off multiple shots at the alien hero. Feedback jumps into the air and clings onto a building wall crawling and leaping as the fire hit the rock and concrete.

Kevin: So that new form of yours seems to only be good for running away, huh, Tennyson? Not surprised, it matches your personality all too well!

Kevin soon started to shift and combine his abilities, he spat a few balls of Stinkfly's goo before returning to shoot more of Heatblast's fire as it explodes on impact with the goo making Feedback lose his grip on the wall before falling down back to the ground. Kevin wastes no time and walks closer to Feedback, grabbing him by the chest picking him up so the two were face to face.

Kevin: You know why you lost Tennyson? Cause you're one of the good guys. And good guys never have the guts to take out guys like me.

Feedback winced as Kevin's grip tightened on his upper body almost starting to crush him. He slowly brings his arm up towards Kevin's chest as a blast charges up, freeing himself and blasting Kevin a few feet away. Feedback once again jumps in the air, and with a charged fist plummets straight down onto Kevin, dragging him across the floor breaking up the ground beneath them.

Feedback once again leaps back off of Kevin as the chimera slowly gets up, obviously weak from the onslaught of hits.

Kevin: Y-you... You can't beat me! I... have more power than you!! YOU ARE NOTHING!!! Aaaaaaaaahhh!!!!

He was cut off as a blast of electricity hits him sending Kevin flying as Feedback stands in place with his fist out as electricity sparked off of him.

Feedback: You're wrong.... I'm a hero!

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