Third-person POV
The classroom was silent, save for the sound of the teacher's marker gliding across the whiteboard. Rows of students sat at their desks, some taking notes while others zoned out, lost in their own thoughts.
But there was one student who had his piercing blue eyes staring intently at the writings on the board. Riei's brow was furrowed as though he had seen the handwriting on the board from somewhere aside from his class with Osamu Kirin, his homeroom teacher.
As Mr. Kirin continued to lecture, Riei remained transfixed, his gaze never once straying from the board. It wasn't until Mr. Kirin dismissed the class that Riei finally blinked and looked away from the board as if breaking some sort of spell. Riei slipped out of the classroom, his mind already racing to the information he could possibly uncover.
Riei lay on the rooftop of his school, allowing his legs to hang over the edge as he looked up at the vast, blue sky above him. The wind whipped through his hair, sending it tousling in every direction. He closed his eyes, feeling the sun on his face and the cool breeze on his skin. For a brief moment, everything felt right in the world. Until...
"Found you!"
Riei couldn't be bothered to look at who it was because the only person that could figure out his hiding spot was none other than Towa.
"Jeez... What's the point of going to school, if you're going to ditch class anyway?" Towa moaned, but she made it up to the roof and settled in next to Riei, who still had his eyes closed.
"I find sitting in the same space as the humans are revolting." He said.
"Then, why'd you transfer here, anyway?" Towa was looking down at Riei from above.
"That's because you're here." As Riei opened his eyes, all he saw was Towa's flushed face. Riei sat on the ground, knees up, and started looking at the girl with silver hair.
"You pique my interest."
"Really? But I don't think I'm 'that' interesting. Let me guess, is it because of my hair colour or do my red eyes seem intimidating to you?" Towa wondered as she fiddle with her locks of silver hair with her finger.
"None of that really matters to me..." Riei's attention was drawn to the vast city spread out before him. "I... See myself in you."
Towa sat beside Riei, watching him as he gazed out at the city below. She had been sitting there in silence for a few seconds, studying his profile and trying to decipher the thoughts that flickered across his face.
He seemed lost in thought, his eyes fixed on the distant horizon. She wondered what he was thinking, what was going through his mind as he stared out into the world.
"... In a way." He added.
"You're no fun!" After hearing his remark, Towa huffed. Then, she rose to her feet and extended her hand to him.
"Here, come with me!"
"And where are you taking me?" Riei's brow cocked.
"You taught me how to be a demon, so now, it's my turn to teach you how to be human!" A grin spread across Towa's face.
"I don't think that's a good ideaโ" Before he could finish his sentence, Towa had grabbed his arms and was sprinting off to who knows where
"Karaoke, huh?" Seeing a bright and colourful signboard caused Riei's eye to twitch.
"Yup!" Towa's eyes twinkled like stars as she smiled triumphantly.
"You're just using me as an excuse to come here, right?" Riei said with an arched brow. "It's not hard to figure it out since you practically announced your desire for the whole world to hear."
Towa's face immediately flushed upon hearing it. "Don't make me remember that! Besides, you told me to live freely and I just wanted to come here with a friend... once in a while." She shifted her feet nervously.
"So, you thought of me as a friend?" Riei turned to face Towa.
"Aren't you?" She turned to face him back.
Riei gave her a long, thoughtful look before reaching up and tossing her hair.
"You're more like a lost puppy to me."
"Hey!" Towa grunted.
Towa had always loved music. For her, there was something magical about singing your heart out in front of a group of strangers, lost in the moment and the music. Maybe that's why she liked Japanese pop music so much. Therefore, Towa had always been curious about karaoke, but she had no one to go with, so she never gave it a try.
So when Towa found out that the boy she had recently been acquainted with had never been to a karaoke bar before, (thanks to his mother for spilling the beans), she knew she had to change that.
Once they arrived, Towa wasted no time in picking out a song and dragging Riei up on stage with her. Then, the music started, and everything else faded away. Towa closed her eyes and sang with all her heart, pouring her emotions into every word. Surprisingly, she had a pretty good voice.
By the time the song ended, Towa was breathless and grinning from ear to ear. Riei continued to look at her in amusement.
"You like this kind of song?" He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.
"Come on, who wouldn't! They're the famous pop songs in town." Towa cheered.
"Really? But I find their sense of music revolting."
"Hey! Why don't you sing then!"
"I don't do singing."
"Well, I have been singing for an hour so, it's your turn!" Towa passed the microphone to Riei, who still had his arms crossed.
"I don't know any of these songs." He said as his gaze wandered aimlessly over the track listing.
"Well, let's search for something you DO know." Towa picked up the tablet and started looking through the song catalogue. Standing beside her, Riei peered over the track of song when his finger suddenly landed on one of the songs.
"Here. Let's choose this one."
"Eh? This song is so outdated!" Towa was blown away by his eclectic musical tastes.
Riei merely grinned and picked up the microphone, bringing it closer to his mouth.
"Let me show you what singing is all about."
As the music began to play, Riei closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He let the notes wash over him, filling him with a sense of power and freedom that he had never felt before. And then he began to sing.
Riei's voice was smooth and rich, each note ringing out clear and true. He poured his heart and soul into the lyrics, letting the emotion of the song carry him away.
Towa who was sitting beside him was captivated, her eyes fixed on him as he sang. She had never heard anything quite like it before - his voice was powerful and commanding, yet tender and vulnerable at the same time.
As he continued to sing, Riei could feel her presence beside him, could feel the warmth of her body, and the softness of her breath against his skin. It was as though they were both lost in the music, swept up in a current that carried them away from the world around them.
And then the song came to an end, and Riei opened his azure blue eyes to look at Towa. At that moment, he saw the wonder and admiration in her scarlet eyes, and he felt a surge of joy and pride course through him.
At that moment, they were the only two people in the world, lost in the beauty and power of the music. And as the last notes faded away, Riei felt a sense of deep connection with the girl beside him, a bond that would never be broken.
"I thought you said you don't do singing?"
"I never said I can't sing." Riei smirked.
Right, another short chapter before I leave for real! I've been wanting to write this scene since forever. If you guys are wondering why Riei was singing in korean, it's because I just love the korean singer's voice! >.<
Anyway, if you're wondering what song Towa sang, it's this song:
Yup! It's the ending's song. I think the song relates to her character, the same goes for Riei's song. Maybe it foreshadows something, who knows...
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