I apologize for this chapter, I am attempting to place my old writings on this book into one chapter. Better writings ahead.
Jules has been ringing my cell like crazy ever since I turned it back on after I fled from Florida, I should call her back but I chose not to. Pacing around my room doesn't solve anything! Unless I can get out of town. As soon as the idea had popped into my head, I began to pack my suitcase and everything I needed, running out to my car. I threw the suitcase in the passenger side, slamming the key into the ignition and turning it violently. "C'mon!!" I screamed pushing the key harder into the ignition but the car just wouldn't start! A bang from the back made me swerve my head around, just to turn my head back to see the hood have black smoke emit from it.
I had gotten out, coughing at the horrible fumes, opening the hood to see half the parts were somehow ripped out..?
"You aren't leaving anytime soon." Elijah spoke, wiping his hands with a handkerchief that was pitch black.
"You did this?!" I asked outraged.
"Yes, I did. I need you to stay here and live out your normal life," he responded back.
"Why? So you can just lure out Klaus? Use Elena for that shit and leave me out of it!" I screamed into his face. Elijah's body was pressed closely to mine against my truck, not even enough to hurt me. "Understand this, darling. You are to follow my every word and this can go smoothly, Klaus doesn't just want Elena. Do you honestly think Klaus won't find you? He will always find you, you cannot escape him. It's only a matter of time till he claims you and the mates pull. Do we have a deal?" he threatened me.
"Yes....Yes we do Elijah." Elijah smiled sickly knowing he had won. I knew that I have no choice whether I go to Klaus and serve my purpose.
"Aren't you going to that barbecue at your school?" he asked me.
"No, I'm meeting Jules and Tyler at The Grill." I looked at him a last time before he vanished.
What do I do with my truck now?
Walking in, I saw Tyler and Jules in the far back. As I got closer, their conversation got clearer.
"-I can help you." she said.
"Do you know where Mason is?" he asked.
"He's dead, Tyler. He was murdered."
Those words made me cry out in pain, making Jules and Tyler turn to me, Jules was shocked to see me there. "You weren't supposed to hear that." Jules said sympathetically, but I was so light headed to hear anything.
My daddy was murdered, by a fucking vampire.
"I need to leave now," I rushed the hell out of there and into the back alley, making the tears pour like monsoons. "Dad-ddy, I want my daddy..." I sounded like a complete 5 year old, but he was all I had left.... and now he's gone.
"Ashlynn?" a voice echoed off the walls, but knew exactly who it was.
"Fuck off, Damon!" I yelled at him, but he ignored me and knelt down to me, wiping my tears.
"Why are you crying?" he asked me, actually sounding sad.
"My daddy is dead. All this time, he was murdered all along..." I trailed off and Damon's eyes widened.
Wait a minute...
I lifted my head up to face him and stood up "You killed him! You killed my dad!" I screamed at the tol of my lungs, pushing him away from me.
"Yeah! I killed your dick of a dad! He tried to kill me so I killed him first!" Damon screamed.
"You led me on! You acted like a friend to me, tried to help me and you knew you fucking killed my father! How fucking psychotic are you?!" I asked, he started to grow angry so he had run. Leaving me alone in the dark. I wept for my daddy. He was all have....had.
The past couple of days have been rough on the poor Lockwood girl. Ashlynn hadn't left her room, barely even eating as she mourned her father. Damon had regretted what he had told her seeing now that he could've handled the situation differently.
"What do you want?!" She growled into the device, but the caller just chuckled in reply.
"Ooo a bit moody I see,"
"If this is Grey here's a message, saying please go die in a hole! Thanks! Ashlynn would appreciate it!"
"Please don't hang up! Tyler needs you down here,"
"Well I can't make it there, I need to get ready for this thing my aunt is hosting, so sorry."
"How about I meet you there? I can introduce myself to your aunt and friends."
"Don't you dare! I will rip your fucking head off! Do you hear me!"
"Loud and clear, babe."
"I have someone there who will tear you apart if come anywhere near me!"
"Fascinating, I will think about it."
Grey had hung up on her, making Ash throw her phone literally out the window.
Ashlynn put her hair in a side ponytail and a formal getup for whatever the Lockwoods were hosting, all she knew was that she had to look presentable. She stood on the side, eating whatever was offered to her, when a certain vampire had caught her eye making her silently growl. "Hello Miss Werewolf." he whispered to her with a smug grin on his face.
"Hey father slayer."
"Hmm I thought you'd be over that by now."
"Over you killing my father? Absolutely not."
"Please find it in you blackhole of a heart to forgive me," he grabbed her hands and looked lustfully into her eyes, but she pulled them away and walked into the dining room.
"Ashlynn dear! Come and meet Elijah." Carol grabbed Ash's wrist lightly and pulled her in front of the vampire who held her captive in this god forsaken town. "Elijah, this is Ashlynn my niece." Elijah smiled down at Ashlynn and reached out his hand for her to shake, gladly accepting it and shaking it politely.
"Nice to meet you, Ashlynn." He gave her a certain look. Ashlynn shook his hand lightly before it returned to her side as she put on a facade.
"The pleasure is all mine, Elijah."
"Listen Elijah, I need you to keep a watch out for someone trying to take me." Ash whispered to Elijah in her uncle's office.
"Anything you need, I will do. Who is this I need to dispose of?" Elijah sat in her uncles chair, spinning as Ashlynn walked around the room.
"No! Not dispose! You'll make more werewolves pissed off and that's the last thing I need being the daughter of Mason Lockwood." Ash crossed her arms across her chest, breathing heavily. Elijah looked outside the window, seeing a man approach the house. "Is that him?" Elijah asked pointing to him.
"Yep, that's him." Ash walked out of the office and bumped into a solid chest "Hey, babe. Miss me?" all she did was roll her eyes and walk away. Grey followed her as they walked throughout the house, but when she got the two alone, Elijah interfered by grabbing Grey and choking him. Grey broke his arm and threw him onto the ground "Had your fun?" Elijah commented, throwing Grey to the floor and stepping on his chest.
"I think the girl wants you to leave her alone,"
"Sorry man, I kind of have to marry so..she's my fiancée." He chuckled putting his hands up in surrender.
"She doesn't belong to you, mutt. Get that through your head."
Ashlynn smiled at Elijah seeing him pin the son of a bitch down. She hated him and everything he ever put her through.
"She belongs to the most powerful vampire of all, you really want to mess with him?"
The room began to empty as the hours past, Grey leaving in a flash as Elijah dropped the Klaus bomb. Ashlynn went back upstairs, tossing on her pajamas and throwing herself onto her bed. Her eyes began to close, the darkness clouding her mind and fogging her eyesight. She swore she heard someone whisper "Sleep my beautiful Ashlynn, sleep."
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