Untitled Part 6

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I woke up to a tap on my shoulder.

"Black." a voice scratched through my dreams.

I stood up and turned around. "Riddle." I said venomously.

"Wow. What got up your-"

My wand was out quicker than you could say "Quidditch".

"Do not finish that sentence." I whispered. I guess my bedhead must have resembled the hairdo of a monster, because he backed up, almost into the fireplace. We were in the common room, where I had fallen asleep the night before. "What do you want?" I asked.

"I was just going to tell you it's Halloween. Also, your hair is green." he pointed out.

I swore and performed a quick charm. "Idiot first years."

"You're a first year." he pointed out.

"Yes, I know that. But I'm not an idiot first year." I rolled my eyes and stormed out of the common room.

In truth, however, I was fantastically excited for Halloween.

I walked up to the boy's dormitory and poked the boys on their heads. "James! Moony! Peter! Cousin!" I said, and rolled my eyes as they turned over in hope to ignore me. I pulled James's covers. "James, wake up!!!" I frowned at him. They simultaneously yawned and got up.

"What do you want, cousin of mine?" Asked Sirius.

"It's Halloween! Literally the day of pranks! We have to prank every Slytherin we see!" I reminded him.

"Such as you." He replied.

"I'm not actually a Slytherin. So shut up. Now, get your clothes on."

He grinned, still wearing his blue striped pajamas.


"Oh my god Sirius, can you be serious for one second???" I said angrily- and then realized my mistake.

"I'm always Sirius." His grin tripled in size. "Get it?"

James glared at him. "Yes, Sirius, we all get it, you've only said it four hundred and twenty two- well, now twenty three, times in these past two months that we've been in school.

He stuck out his tongue.

Remus looked tired- much like he had the month prior.

I hung back. "Remus..." I sighed. "If you need help... or just someone to talk to..."

He frowned. "Thanks, Bella." He sighed, and lowered his voice to a whisper. "It's just, if anyone finds out I'm a werewolf... especially Sirius and James and Peter... they'll hate me forever. They'll tell everyone..."

And that's when I noticed that James had hung back with us.

His mouth agape, he stared at Remus. "You're a werewolf?"

Moony's eyes widened and he ran back to the common room.

"Aw, shit." James said. "I didn't... I mean, I don't care! It doesn't... It doesn't change anything. He knows that, right? Wait, how did you... why are you... why didn't he..." He ran his hand through his hair. "Crap." And then he ran back to the common room after Moony.

I followed. I needed to be there for Remus.


"Remus?" James asked cautiously, poking the lump in the covers. "Remus, come out."

Muffled sobbing came from underneath the blanket. "Please, just go away. I don't want to hurt you."

"You aren't going to hurt me, Remus. You're not in wolf-form. Anyways, I don't care. We're friends. We're here for each other." James pleaded with Remus.

Remus poked his head out of the covers. "You're not angry with me? Or scared?"

"You fold your socks, Remus. Do forgive me if I'm not trembling at the sight of you."

"But I'm a monster."

James, for once serious, leaned down next to Remus. I followed suit.

"You aren't a monster, Remus. You never have been and you never will be. You're a..." he searched for a name.

"A marauder. You're one of us." I grinned. "You're a Marauder, Moony. You always will be."

Moony grinned a bit. "Really?"

"Really. Now, I think we have to tell the rest of the Marauders." James said.

"But..." Remus trailed off.

"Come on, up and at em." I grasped his hand and pulled him to his feet. He smiled at me and I patted his back. "Let's go."


"We need a plan." James said after Moony told Sirius and Peter.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean, Moony shouldn't have to suffer through that alone."

Moony had gone up to get his school books, so we were pretty much plotting in his absence about him.

"He'll hurt us if we go, we're humans. And then he'd never forgive himself." Sirius said seriously.

"Wait... what if we weren't humans?" James said excitedly.

"What do you mean?" Peter questioned.

"What if we went as... animals?" James grinned broadly.

"I call hippogriff!!!" Sirius shouted.

"No, silly." I realized what James was getting at. "We would become animagi."

"Wait... don't you have to, like, register for that, though?" Asked Peter.

"Well... you do if you are doing it legally. But, well..."

"James, it would be immensely difficult. Anything could go wrong..." I began, but Sirius's mouth quirked a bit.

"Cousin... what's life without a little risk?"

"We'd have to study it for years, read tons of books about it..." I warned.

"Um, I would get to be a unicorn. It's definitely worth it." said Sirius.

"Sirius, I don't think that's how it works..." said Peter unsurely.

"Whatever! Let's go to the library!!!" Sirius ran out of the dormitory.

We all sighed and rolled our eyes. "That idiot. We need to get to potions."


I sat at a cauldron next to Moony. We had decided that I should tell him the plan.

"No way." He shook his head. "Absolutely not."

"Moony, just-" but we were interrupted.

"Miss Black, Mister Lupin, are you making the Cure for Boils or are you flirting? Get on it!" Slughorn chortled, and Sirius, James, and Peter howled with laughter.

So did, I noticed, Marvolo.

I stirred a bit, then resumed our conversation.

"Moony, you have to understand, we will go through with this with or without your support. But there's a better chance of us doing it right if you come with us."

Remus sighed. "Fine. But you do know that it's totally illegal, right?"

"Of course." I grinned.


 Okay, I kind of love Moony. He's so cute and little and sad and alone and omg and they are now marauders and omg their gonna become animagi

Also, I may skip through time quite a bit in this book. The chapter might be in the second or even third year... so just so you know.

Who, in your opinion, is the best Marauder?

I can't choose, so don't ask me to.


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