Suicide Mission

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Summary: Bellamy is angry with Clarke when she puts her life in danger without telling him about it. When she comes back to camp, and argument starts between the two and secrets are accidentally revealed. 

Bellamy was furious. 

Clarke had, once again, put her life in danger. They had arranged a 'peaceful' meeting with the grounders. It was supposed to simply be a meeting only between Clarke and the leader of the grounders. 

Bellamy hadn't known anything about it, so when he discovered how it had escalated, he had gotten so mad at Clarke for putting her life in danger. 

What was the 100 supposed to do if she died? She was the only one who really knew what she was doing with the medicine, not to mention that she was pretty much their leader. 

The meeting had started out as planned, but then grounders hiding in the bushes began shooting Clarke. Luckily, Raven and a few of the others had been clever enough to hide themselves to make sure everything went as it was supposed to. 

They had been quick to react and get Clarke the hell out of there.

Bellamy was standing in the empty dropship. He had just heard the news about the meeting that almost went wrong. He didn't understand why Clarke hadn't at least talked with him about it. 

She couldn't go out and make life-threatening decisions on her own like that. 

Clarke walked in through the door to the dropship, and Bellamy couldn't help but giving her a look mixed with worry and anger. 

Clarke sighed, she knew what he was thinking. 

"Why the hell didn't you tell me?" His voice made it even clearer that he was angry with her. 

"Because I knew you would react exactly as you're doing right now," Clarke began, trying to keep her voice calm. 

"I had to do something, Bellamy. If this war between us continues we'll all be dead soon." Bellamy crossed his arms as she spoke. 

He knew that she had done it in a desperate attempt to save their people. He clenched his jaw while Clarke looked at him pleadingly, hoping he would understand. 

The silence was deafening. The emptiness in the dropship and the fury in Bellamy's voice made Clarke feel lonely. 

A soft ring of voices could be heard outside the dropship. People doing their every-day stuff, without having almost died. The people outside felt millions of miles away. 

"There are other ways to do that. This was a complete suicide mission!" He raised his voice.

"But I-" Clarke started, but was quickly cut off. 

"You could have died, Clarke!" The anger in his voice was clear as he stepped closer to her. 

"But I didn't!" She found it hard to keep her voice steady. She needed to do something, didn't he understand that? She had barely realized it, but her eyes had started to tear up. 

"But you could have!" Bellamy repeated himself. 

"Why do you even care?" Clarke was now raising her voice as well. "I thought you jus-"

"Because the whole camp fucking needs you!" He began. "Because I need you, and I don't know what the fuck I would do if you went out there and died, without ever telling you how the fuck I feel." 

Bellamy looked shocked at his own words like they had surprised him too. Clarke had forgotten what she wanted to say. She was just looking at the boy in front of her. 

His freckle covered face and the curly dark hair softly touching his forehead. The boy who had always been by her side since they landed on earth. Who had protected her with his life, cared for her. 

Was this what she thought it was? 

Bellamy observed the girl who had almost been living in his thoughts lately. What was she thinking about what he had just said? Did she know what he had meant with it? A part of him hoped that she didn't, but God, he just wanted to wrap her in his arms and stay there forever. 

Then she took a step closer to him. Her hand rested gently on his cheek as she reached up to meet his lips. Bellamy was too stunned to react, and Clarke pulled away from the soft kiss again, afraid that she had made a huge mistake. 

She dropped her hand from his face and turned around to head for the door. 

But Bellamy's hand grabbed her arm and spun her back around. He pulled his lips to her in a passionate, longing kiss, causing them both to stumble a little. Bellamy's arm found the small of her back and pulled Clarke closer to him. 

Clarke put her hand in his hair, while the other rested on his arm. She had waited for this for what felt like an eternity, and still, it was way better than any expectations she had had. 

They pulled apart again, both needing air. Bellamy looked down at Clarke and smiled while tugging a strand of her hair behind her ear. She smiled back up at him. 

"Promise me you won't put your life in danger like that again." His voice was hoarse after the kiss, and his breathing was still a bit heavy. 

"I promise," She spoke, even though they both knew that every new day there was a risk of dying. 

"Good, because I can't take it." He smiled as he pulled her towards him again. 

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