Late nights

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Summary: Clarke is staying up late, trying to finish her homework so she can get a good grade in that subject that she sucks at. Running on caffeine, she is barely awake when her roommate, Bellamy, finds her sitting in the kitchen with notebooks all over the place. Bellamy tries to convince her to go to sleep, but having just drunken several cups of coffee, she knows she won't be able to fall asleep. Bellamy decides to stay awake with Clarke. 

(Enjoy this gif of our babiesss, ahaaha)

Clarke turned on her phone. 2:44 it read. She sighed. Her eyes were pleading for her to sleep, and the only thing keeping her awake was the caffeine running through her body. 

She had just gotten herself another cup of coffee, and she had lost count of how many she had already drunken. 

She rested her head in her hands and looked down at her notes once again. 

It was that one class that she had troubles with. One class. The semester was almost over, and exams were coming closer and closer. 

She had only understood a little of what she had learned through the year, and she didn't understand much more even though she had been through her notes multiple times. 

She tried to focus, so she didn't notice the door opening behind her and the figure walking closer.

The lights were turned on, but Clarke barely seemed to register it. She had only let a small lamp stay turned on, because she didn't want to disturb Bellamy's sleep, and she was afraid he would notice the light just outside the door to his bedroom if she let all of the lights stay on. 

"Why are you still up?" A voice cut her out of her thoughts. It was Bellamy who was now standing right beside her. 

"I have to learn this stupid shit, and I don't understand a thing," She answered, sighing once more, gesturing down to the notebooks spread across the table. 

"You do realize that it's almost 3 AM, right?" Bellamy asked her with a slight smile on his face. 

"Yes, but I really need to get a good grade and this is unfortunately necessary," Clarke leaned back in her chair.

Bellamy glanced down at her. She was wearing her pajamas. Rose pink pants covered her legs and she had slipped on her matching grey top with small, rose pink details. 

The top revealed a tiny bit of her stomach. Not because it was too small for her, simply because it was made that way. 

Her blonde hair was pulled up in a messy bun on top of her head. Her face was makeup-free and even though she looked very tired, Bellamy had to admit that he thought she looked gorgeous.

"You are nothing worth if you don't get any sleep," He began. "You can't concentrate now, and you won't be able to focus in class tomorrow if you don't go to sleep," He pulled her up from the chair and began dragging her towards her room. 

"Noo, I have to get this done," She pouted, trying to make her way back to the kitchen table.

"Clarke," He grabbed both of her arms and stopped walking, making her look at him. 

"You have to sleep, okay?" He asked. She nodded, giving in. 

They began walking to her room again, but she quickly stopped. Bellamy turned around to look at her, confused.

"But I can't," She started. "I have drunken way too much caffeine, and you know I can't sleep when I drink caffeine."

He knew that it was true, she was not going to fall asleep during the next few hours. 

He began smirking as he found his phone. "What?" She asked, not really understanding what was going on. 

Suddenly I Want It That Way by the Backstreet Boys began playing over the speakers. 

Clarke smiled while Bellamy began fooling around while dancing.

It had always been their song. They weren't really too sure why, but it just was, and it was not the first time they had danced around in the kitchen to the song. 

Clarke joined Bellamy on the 'dancefloor'. They didn't think much about the neighbors, but it wasn't that loud, so Clarke hoped no one would get bothered. 

They weren't good dancers, there's no secret there, but smiles were plastered on both of their faces as they jumped around in the kitchen, laughing with each other.

The song ended, and they both dropped down on the couch, laughing. 

Clarke's thoughts had been taken completely off school. 

Just like Clarke, Bellamy was wearing his pajamas too. It basically consisted of black sweatpants and a grey shirt with a small Batman logo on. Clarke had no idea where he had the shirt on, and even though he looked silly she couldn't help but admire him every now and then. 

They began talking about everything, but Bellamy tried to leave the College subject out of their conversation. 

They had a great time smiling and laughing, but Bellamy found himself glancing down at Clarke's lips once in a while. 

He wasn't sure about what was happening to him at that moment. He knew he had had some kind of feelings for her for a while, but he wasn't too sure what they meant. 

But now, when he found himself trying not to pull his lips to her, he realized. 

They were sitting in front of each other on the couch, telling old stories from when they first met. They had never been more than friends, but somehow there had still always been those unspoken words between. 

"Do you remember that time?" Clarke smiled as she thought back on the memory. 

Bellamy didn't respond, and it didn't look like he was listening either. 

"Hello," She waved a hand in front of his face. 

"Did you hear wh-" 

His lips met hers gently. Clarke was taken by surprise, and for a second, Bellamy was afraid that she would pull away, that he had made a mistake. 

But she melted into the kiss, only pulling him closer to her. She tasted like coffee and her lips were soft against his. 

His hand was behind her neck, and the other had found her waist. Her hands were on both sides on his head.

The kiss deepened, becoming rougher. They pulled each other as close as they could come. 

Clarke felt shivers down her spine. It had been so unexpected, but oh, how she had been waiting for it for a long time. 

They pulled apart again, needing air. It took Clarke a moment to pull herself together before she opened her eyes. 

They were both breathing heavily, staring at each other. 

"God, I've been waiting for that," Bellamy spoke, his voice now hoarse. 

A smile spread across both of their lips. 

"So have I," Clarke answered. He put his arm around her, and she leaned towards him. They both laid down, managing to fit both of them on the couch with Clarke half on top of Bellamy. 

Her whole body was filled with happiness, and she fell asleep to the sound of Bellamy's heart beating right beside her. 

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