I stood up. I have to know where she is. I have to find her. "Where is she?" I ask quickly. Caleb stands quickly as well. His eyes are wide as if he didn't expect me to say that. If he was expecting me to just be able to let her go... He's dead wrong. The first time was hard enough. It still is hard. It hasn't stopped. If I hadn't found out she was alive... It would be hard... and haunting me for the rest of my life. He opens his mouth to say something, but nothing but air escapes from his mouth. "Caleb I swear to God, if you don't tell me where she is...." I dont continue but I clench my fists into a ball and start raising it. My eyes locked on his. Rage filling mine and fear in his. I know I can over power him easily. But that doesn't mean he's gonna tell me. He's a liar and a coward. "Caleb..." I warn once more. "Fine. Wait a second." He huffs and pulls another paper out of his pocket. "These are the coordinates and a map of the city she's in. I got her address too." He bites his lip hard and hands me the paper reluctantly. I grip it quickly and take it from him. I skim through the numbers quickly. "Be careful though Tobias..." I nod and my grip tightens on the paper as if my life depended on it. It does. By the next early morning I'm in a truck with the map and coordinates with me. If the pressure wasn't enough with seeing Tris after all these years then the heat of the sun sure would fill in for it. Lucky for me I have both. Ugh. What am I gonna say to her? Is she even gonna remember me? What happened to her? Her life? Does she still care about me? She has to.... Right? I sigh and shake my head. Clear your head Tobias. You need a clear mind when you see her. You're not gonna show up at her door after four years and just stare at her. My leg that I'm not using to press on the gas pedal, is shaking hard. I can't believe I'm going to see her. I always knew one day I would, that day being the one when I reach my final breath... God, most of the time while drinking I just drank to my extent just so that day might come sooner and I could be with her again... I knew what she did and why, I've sort of come to terms with it but... I also haven't. I understand it, doesn't mean I understand it. After hours and hours of driving in a land of nothingness, I arrive, I almost went crazy. I take a deep breath and as I near the giant city. This city is easily three times the size of my home city, Chicago. My breath is taken away. On the outskirts of this extraordinary city there's a fence much like the one we used to have back home, only to have been taken down. The difference with this one though is that the gate is wide open with cars and people going in and out of it. As I come up to the fence I see above it a sigh written in bold letters: "Welcome to New York, #1" I raise an eyebrow, I've never heard of it. I take a deep breath as I get into the line up of cars to enter the city. After around half an hour I've moved into the top spot in which a man comes to my car and has a tablet with him. "Name?" He asks. I open a close my mouth a few times. "T-Tobias Eaton? I don't think you would kno-" He cuts me off as he smiles "Ahh! Here you are. Nice to see you Mr. Eaton. Have you travelled here from Chicago?" He asks and my eyes narrow. "How did you know that. And how do you know who I am?" What the hell? "Oh your city must still be putting up the process. We've come up with this new system, to make sure we know how many people and who are in each city thus we can make it as comfortable and easy for them for their stay." He says a little too happily. "In this case we can help the more pore people find homes and jobs if we know what's going on. Anyhow, what brings you to NYC?" He smirks and leans against my car with one arm above the window. I clear my throat, this world keeps getting stranger and stranger. "I'm looking for a girl, a woman in particular-" He cuts me off "Oh! Aren't we all?" He chuckles and I simply roll my eyes. "Her name is Tris Prior, or perhaps Beatrice Prior..?" I ask hopefully. He checks his tablet again "Sorry man, maybe she goes under another name? Do you have a picture?" He asks and looks to me. I quickly get out the papers Caleb gave me and show him the pictures of her. "Oh her! That's Natalia! I know her!" He grins and shakes his head and I can feel a sigh of relief come onto me but at the same time jealousy. "She lives down this way, take a right after three blocks and the house on the left on the corner is her's. Tell her Joey says hey." He chucks and knocks on my car. "Go ahead and have a good time!" I nod to him and mutter a thank you to him as I press on the gas and drive down the way he told me. There is so many people here it takes my breath away. Soon enough I get to her house, or should I say house/ apartment. It looks as she has a three story apartment. Wow.. I gulp and walk up the steps and I'm already shaking and sweating. Tris... Why did she change her name? I have so many damn questions. I take a deep breath and I knock on the door and within a minute it opens.
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