I'm asleep on my couch in my apartment when I hear a banging at the door. I groan and shut my eyes tighter hoping who ever it is will just leave. I roll over to face the cushioned side of the couch and stuff my face in it. The banging stops. I sigh in relief and try to fall back asleep. Not even 10 seconds later the banging begins again. I groan once more. This time louder. "Go away!" I say in a groggy, tired voice. Realizing I will now not be able to fall back asleep I take my face away from the pillows and open my eyes slowly. I blink a few times then yawn. I stand and stretch and yawn once more. I can smell the alcohol on my own breath. I look around. My place surrounded by beer and other toxic drinks that I hope will give me some sort of sense of relief from this nightmare I call my life. I go to the door and as I open it I lean my head against the door closing my eyes because of how tired I still am. Once the door is half way open I open one eye. As soon as i do I regret it. I groan. "Leave" I say harshly in my instructor voice which has now become my only voice. What's the point of having a caring voice if you have no one to use it on? I hate him. I don't ever want to see him again. "Listen we have to talk." He says. "Talk?" I scoff and laugh mockingly. "No." I state. I grit my teeth, I can't bring myself to believe even after these years that Tris took this guy's place. "It's important" Caleb retorts. I scoff again. He doesn't give up. He's stubborn like her, I hate how much he reminds me of her. But now just him. Everyone and everything. I see her in the good and the bad. Some would say just the good. But this would be a lie. She wasn't perfect. She had many flaws. I see her everywhere. I haven't decided whether I like that or not. For now though I try to keep it off my mind. "Important?!" I yell. "You want to talk about importance?! Well then! How about all those years ago? Hep about the importance of it being YOU to go into that room. YOU punching in that code. YOU being the one to die. But NO. Instead....YOU let HER take your spot! Your own flesh and blood! You let your SISTER die for YOUR GOOD FOR NOTHING WHINEY LITTLE SELF! FOR YOUR TRAITOROUS SELF! You disgust me...." I whisper the last part. I only now realize my eyes are wide open and I've stepped out of my apartment, into the hallway, a few steps. I'm in his face yelling. He has a straight face but his eyes betray him. His eyes dart around from my face to the door behind me and from the hallways and back in that rotation again and again. I know I can be intimidating and scary but sometimes I scare myself. I don't want to turn into Marcus. I step back a bit until I'm back in the apartment. "Just leave..." I whisper again. "Please Tobias..... It's about Beatri-" he starts but I don't let him finish. I punch him in the nose. He stumbles back onto the wall and slides down while holding his nose. Blood gushes out. "You have no right to speak her name..." I say in a deadly voice. "DAMN IT TOBIAS LISTEN!" He keeps holding his nose but stands up. "I KNOW WHERE BEATRICE IS! I'VE FOUND HER! YOU CAN GO TO HER!" He yells in my face. My eyes widen. "Caleb... Start talking."
Sorry guys short chapter but like I said I'm trying to post a chapter for every of my stories on my birthday and it's around midnight so yea. I'm officially 15 today. Well not until 3:30 am but whatever!
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