"--unusual, don't you think? I feel as though something should be different..." The voice, usually known as 'Guiding Light' echoed from inside the office... or what used to be an office. It was dark and drafty now. Everything was.
The windows had long ago been broken, and they were boarded up, as were the walls. There were bookshelves lining the wall that had somehow survived the storm, however, along with several dusty desks and chairs.
Guiding Light faded into its light form and started to roam the hallway. It stayed quiet at the sound of heavy footsteps, knowing full well that an entity was coming. It hid behind one of the wooden tables that lined the walls as it heard footsteps come closer.
The door creaked open slowly and the tall inky figure emerged. 'It' stayed silent as it started to walk through the hallway. Why was Seek here? Wasn't it supposed to be with the rest of the entities-- or at least in the hallway it usually stayed in?
Guiding Light watched silently from behind the desk as the creature moved further into the room, pausing at a spot near the window. It looked up at the sky before reaching out and gently touching the glass....
'Smiley' was here again. It stared right back at Seek with its glowing white eyes, the fog outside covering its already pitch black body entirely. It seemed as though it was frozen in place, unable to move. "..SEEK." It hissed.
Guiding Light continued to watch from behind the desk. This was.. rare. It had never seen Seek leave its hallway, and Smiley rarely ever showed up. In fact, Seeker had never shown up anywhere else besides the hallways at all. It made those hallways like its own hangout-- never had it ever actually walked and wandered past or before door 50, it usually teleported.
And Smiler seemed to just show up less and less every day that passes. It seemed as though its presence was weakening. It was beginning to fade from sight..
Anyway, Seek, obviously not being able to talk, wrote a few words in ink on the window.
'Why do you appear?'
There's a pause as Smiley seems to search for something to say, but it doesn't find any. It simply gestures back up the hallway as if trying to say 'Follow me.' And follow it Seek does...
Guiding Light wondered. Should it follow them some more? It hesitated for another moment before deciding. It had to make sure that they weren't doing anything to the hotel anyway.
So it followed them, keeping its distance.
(All previous comments are from the old version of this part.)
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