September 16th
The day came, classes were suspended because everyone was preparing for tonight
"This is what I'll wear" Amery said to the girls and showed them her gown
It was a night blue long gown with flowers, She paired it with high black heels but not too high so she wouldn't look taller than the guys, Amery curled my hair and put some make-up on.
"I like your dress" Acantha said
Amery looked at herself in the mirror, whoa! She look amazing. She felt prettier than Ariadnè
"Hey, time to role girls!" Amias said, he was at the door
He was wearing a black tuxedo with a blue tie
"How long have you been there?" Cybele asked but he just scoffed and shooked his head
"Amery, you and I have business elsewhere" He said and dragged her
This is the astrohall but with no long golden tables, It was more like a ballroom now with a small stage in front and curtains behind it
Cool. This is cool
"Come on, the others are waiting" He said
They went to the very front and saw the four presidents and the other representatives
Serene immediately approached them when she saw Amery and Amias walking towards her
Amias' j aw dropped as soon as she saw serenity.
She was wearing a white gray off shoulder balloon gown, her hair was tied up into a messy yet admirable bun
"Wow, I didn't expect you were this..."
"Beautiful" Amery finished Amias' compliment for Serene
"Yeah..yeah...whatever" Amias said and looked away when he saw the earth prat guy he left us and went to him.
"Seems like Amias made a friend" Serene said
"Seems like it"
"Good evening everyone" Professor Leander said on stage
"I would like to take time to honor our very special guests for tonight.. Let us all welcome Captain Argus and the winsome Madame Ziva" The others made way for them to pass on the red carpet to the stage
He was hex attractive for his age, He has a clean hair, straight face and clean black tuxedo with a red bow tie while Madame Ziva was holding his arm, she was wearing a stunning red long fitted gown that exposed her perfectly shaped body
Both of them were hex attractive while walking on the red carpet.. Now I'm beginning to wonder who's their so called mysterious son.
As they reached the stage, professor Leander bowed to them and escorted Madame Ziva to her seat
"And now, please give a warm welcome to our dearest President, President Okeonos" As he announced this, everyone became quiet and all eyes were on the president. everyone bowed down, including us as he was walking towards the stage
Professor Leander bowed to him and went to the Captain's side
"Good evening students of Crystallite Academy, It truly is a pleasure to be here tonight with all of you and with my son and daughter by law also with my dear friend Leander and my... grandson" Many of us started whispering to each other when he said those last words.
"Is he going to introduce his grandson?" Serenity whispered to Amery
"Whoever it is I bet he is as handsome as the Captain" Serenity and Amery looked at the girl who spoke to us
They gave her a confused look but she just laughed
"I'm Trixia, Capricorn" She introduced herself and left
".. Headmaster, Let's get this started" The President said, The four president immediately went on stage and bowed to President Okeonos
"Let's start the evening with a dance. Freshmen Representatives if you may" Fero said and the eight of them went in front, Amery scanned all of them finding her partner
Amery's jaw was about to drop as she saw him, He looks like Captain Argus with that Tux and hair, Wow! He looks handsome.
He held out his palm in front of her, Amery held it and he pulled her closer to him, he placed his hand on her waist and the other still holding my hand while Amery placed her hands on his neck
Amery was avoiding his eyes but he was staring at her
As soon as the music started and they started dancing, She heard him snicker so she looked at him
"Finally" Takeo whispered
"What?" Amery gave him a glare
"Avoiding me?" He said and smirked
"Being an Aries is no excuse for what you did, Just because you act before thinking doesn't mean you can do whatever you want" Amery angrily whispered to him
"And besides.."
"That was my first kiss dummy" Amery whispered
"If I had know better Pisces girl, you liked what I did. You didn't even bother to push me away" He said while smirking
"I hate you" Amery said lightly punched his chest, he gave me a serious face but she didn't mind him
Amery let go of his hand as it burned her, She gave him a deathly glare but he also gave her one.
Guess he doesn't like being hurt.
Soon as the music stopped, Amery curtsied and Takeo bowed before they parted ways
"Hey! you and Takeo had an intense staring contest while dancing" Trixia said but she didn't respond to her
"He's a jerk" Amery said as she left
The students started drinking and having fun, others were dancing but the four people on stage just seriously looked at them
"Hey" Amias offered me Amery drink so she took it from him, he was with serene
"Amias, Amery. Good you two are here" Ariadnè approached them, she gestured for them to follow her so we did
"Now, remember what I told you when greeting the upper mythics" She said and stopped in front of the stage, she then again gestured them to go up and introduce theirselves
"Aren't you coming?" Amias asked her while Amery raised her brow at her
"I..I rather not" She said and left
What was that all about?
"Weird" Amery said
When professor leander saw them approaching, he stood up
"I think it's time you meet the freshmens" Professor Leander told them but there were no expressions on their faces.
"Good evening President Okeonos, Captain Argus, Madame Ziva" Amery greeted them, Madame ziva slightly smiled, the president nodded and the captain seemed like he didn't care
"I'm Ameryllis, Water Class. Pisces" Amery said and smiled showing her teeth
"Amias. Water Class. Scorpio" Amias introduced himself
"Leander, He's your grandson right?" President Okeonos asked their professor and he nodded
"He's got your attitude" The president said and they laughed together
"Aren't you the girl who just danced with the fire class boy?" Madame Ziva asked her
"Yes ma'am" Amery said, She whispered something to his husband and the Captain just nodded
"Excuse me, may we cut in?" Shango said
"It was nice to meet you Amery and of course Amias" Madame Ziva said
Amery and Amias bowed to them and left
"You do have your grandfather's attitude" Amery said and laughed but he looked at her seriously
"I..I didn't mean it the wrong way" Amery said to him
"Doesn't matter" He said and smiled, he held her hand and dragged her by the beverages, he took two cups and gave her the other one
"Try it, it's delicious" He said and leaned against the table, Amery also leaned and saw what he's looking at
"That Shango needs to learn how to keep his hands to himself" He said while taking a sip of his drink. Amery looked at Serene and Shango in front and saw that Shango's hand is on Serenity's waist.
"That's disgusting" Amery said which made Amias laugh
"Don't they make a great couple?" They turned to the girl who talked
It was the dog.
"No. they don't" Amias said to her
"Ohhh, someones jelly" She teased Amias
"They could be the next cutest couple, after me and takeo ofcourse" She said
"Wait..I didn't know you and Takeo were a couple" Amery said
"Of course you do-"
"I thought you were his dog" Amery said and they laughed
"Oh! You are so gonna get it!" She was about to produce a fireball until Takeo called her and she went running to him
"Bye doggie!" Amery said and waved to her
"A classic..burn" Amias laughed at his own joke
"Hey! Chiru!" Amias called the earth prat as he was walking towards them
"Hey" He said and joined them
"This is Amery, you know the one who blasted you with her water balls" Amias said and laughed
"Yeah! I clearly remember her, She was making out with Takeo" Amery's eyes widened as he said that
"Yeah! she's the one" Amias said
"Trouble" The earth prat guy said and Amias laughed
"Whatever" Amery said and rolled her eyes at them
"Are you sure you're a pisces?.. trouble" He asked her
"My name is Amery and Yes! I am a Pisces.. Earth Prat"
"Did you just call me a Prat?" He faced her
"Yes I did!" Amery said and faced him
"Whoa! You know what.. Amery, Serene's looking for you" Amias said and pushed her away from the prat
Amery gave him a deadly glare before going to Serene
"Hey, what happened?" Serene asked her
"I hate guys" Amery said and looked at Amias and the Earthprat
"Tell me about it" She said and sighed
"Shango?" Amery asked her
"Who else"
"He's a rouge!" Amery said to her
"He is, If I could just kick his-" Amery stopped her and they both laughed
They both stopped laughing as they saw a little person flying and glowing
"Wait..what is that?" Amery asked her
"Its..a..a..fairy from the DZA, She's a guard" She said
"Keeps everyone from following the rules of twain, anyone caught breaking is to be decapitated immediately" She explained
"But were an exemption" Amery said but she just shrugged
"I didn't come here to report you, I came here to tell you something" She said to us
"What is it?" Amery asked her
"Follow me" She said and flew away
We ran after her
She led them to the back of the castle and that's when she stopped
"You know it would be good if you could just slow down" Amery said
"I shouldn't be spotted by the Uppers or else I would be in danger" She said to them
"Don't you work for them?" Serene said while catching her breath
"Technically I don't, I live by their rules but I am not committed to them" She said
"What do you mean?" Serene asked her
"I am sent by our mother mythic to keep an eye on the five mythics who will fulfill the prophecy" She said
"Wait? do you mean?-"
Before serene could finish her statement she nodded
"Yes, it's the five of you"
"Uh, there's only two of us" Amery said
"Four, If I may say" She said and parted the bushes
"Hey ladies" Amias said and waved at them
"How long have you two been spying on us?" Amery asked them
"We weren't spying on you trouble"
"You heard everything we talked about, didn't you?" Serene asked them and they both nodded
"It doesn't matter, they were meant to hear it anyways" The little fairy said but Amery rolled her eyes
"You said there were five of us.. who's the other one?" Serene asked
"You might have a hard time persuading the other one as he follows by Twains Rule and he is as hard headed as you could imagine"
"As hard headed as us?" The earthprat asked while pointing at him and Amias
The little fairy did nothing but nod.
"Is it Takeo?" Amery immediately looked at Serene when she mentioned his name
"Serenity, you do not only bring peace but you are also intelligent"
"Thank you?"
"Beware the five of you as the law is not your only enemy, there is far more evil than any of you can imagine and you must work together in order to stop it" She said and disappeared out of thin air
"So.. what do we do now?" The prat asked
"This is stupid, how can we do this? we only have how many hours left until everything'll go back to normal" Amias said
He's right and by then they wouldn't be able to interact with each other, It'll be amery and amias again
"This is hard" Amery sighed
"What do we do now?" Earthprat asked
"Serenity, you're the smart one, you tell us" Amias said and Amery nodded
"First, we need to tell Takeo everything. He's one of us" She said
They hurriedly ran back to the Castle before everything is too late
Its almost midnight and everything might be a mess.
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