Chapter 26

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"Where is the map?" Takeo asked

Amery raised the map on his face and he grabbed it

"This is a long walk" He said

"I took me about a week and a half to get to Crystallite" Joan said

"If it took you a week to get to Crystallite, how long will it take us from here to your village?" Amias asked

Takeo who was reading the map frowned

"Half a week or so" Takeo said

"That's great" Chiru commented

"Well how about instead of counting weeks, we just go" Serenity said "We can get there and go back just in time for classes to resume" She said to them

"I'm excited" Joan said while jumping

"Let's roll" Amias said and went outside the door

They didn't bother waking up Selene, they just left her a note and she also said that they should leave early so that she wouldn't bother in stopping them

"There are no wild creatures here, are they?" Amery asked

They entered the forest, It was dark and all they can see are trees and rocks

"The wind is guiding us, don't worry" Serene assured them

Amery nodded and held onto Amias, Serene and Takeo are the ones taking the lead since Takeo has the map and Serene listens to the wind

"Chiru, A little help" Serene turned to Chiru who was besides Amias

"What's up?" Chiru asked

"Prints" Serene said to him and pointed on the ground

It was a huge foot print

Chiru kneeled and placed his palm on the ground

"I..I can't, I don't know" Chiru said and stood up

"He doesn't? What if its a huge creature that eats mythics! I can already imagine being eaten by a huge furry and ugly monster" Amery and her thoughts panicked

"Too loud!" Amias said to me

"Is he reading my mind?" She asked herself

"Your face can tell" He said

"It can?"

"Let's just keep going" Amery said and led the way

After a few hours of walking in the forests they decided to set up camp in a clear path

Amias and Joan set up the tent while Takeo made a camp fire, Chiru got their food ready

When they were finished setting up everything, they ate the food that selene prepared for them that could last for about a week

"What do we do if we run out of food?" Serene asked

"Eat each other" Amias said

They all looked at him, he had a serious face while eating when he noticed that everyone was looking at him, he faced them and laughed

"You guys are too serious" He said and laughed

"Who wants to play mythical dices?" Amias asked

The guys looked at him

"You brought a board game?" Amery asked him

"We might get bored" He said and grabbed his bag then got the board game

"Wanna join girls?" Chiru asked

"I'd rather read a book" Serene said and went inside the tent

Meanwhile Joan shooked her head, stood up then got her sticks

"I'm gonna train" She said and smiled

"And you?" Takeo turned to Amery

"I'll just watch" Amery said

Amias then arranged everything "I'll be the knight and game master" He said

"I'll be the president and seeker" Chiru said

A fire then appeared on Chiru's side

"I'll be the president and seeker" Takeo said

"That's not fair!" Chiru raised

"It's not" Takeo said

"Amias was the Princess on the first game and I was on the second game" Chiru protested

Amery on the sides had no idea what they're talking about

"Just be the Princess" Amias said

"Who are you talking to?" Amery asked him, He was looking in between the two

"I don't know" He said


"You'll be the Princess" Chiru said

"No!" Takeo said and fire appeared besides Chiru again

A small circle of rocks also appeared on top of Takeo's head now instead of playing mythical dices they're playing staring contest

Takeo's fire then became bigger and so did Chiru's rocks

"Do something you jerk" Amery said to Amias

"I prefer to watch" He said

Before the rocks and fire became bigger, Amery splashed water on the fire and made water balls then cracked the rocks

"Just play the princess, It wouldn't hurt you" Amery said to Takeo

He glared at her but at the same time grabbed princess character

"I can't believe you can tame Chimera" Amias whispered and laughed

"Okay! President roll the dice" Amias said to Chiru and gave him two dices

"Ten" He said and picked the tenth card on Amias' hand

"I the president will place a tall metal wall on the gemini village" He said and grabbed a tall silver block and placed it on the village

He again rolled the dice and got six

"I the president will make a border line between the castle and the villages" Chiru said and smirked

"That fast?" Amias reacted "It depends on our luck now Takeo" He turned to Takeo

"What does that mean?" Amery asked them, she knows that mythical dices is a legendary game but she hasn't played it before it's only limited to mythics with ranks in the community and pretty sure its Amias' board game

"Takeo has to roll the dices to get twelve to destroy the border, If he's lucky to pick that power card" Chiru explained

"And where does Amias come in?" Amery asked again

"Well, he's the knight and he has to protect princess takeo before I catch him and imprison him" Chiru said making Takeo glare at him

"The seeker catches the Princess?"

"That's what seekers do" Takeo said

"Amery can you help me?" Joan yelled

Amery immediately went to her and found her body trapped in water she couldn't help but laugh before saying anything

"What happened?" Amery asked her

"Get me out first" She said catching her breath

Amery raised both her hands to part the water trapping her, She then fell on the ground while catching her breath, Amery went to her and tapped her back

"I didn't expect that water was so powerful"

"Well you can't underestimate the four elements" Amery said and helped her stand up

"Let's get you to Serenity" Amery said and helped her

"Dung!" Takeo yelled

"You lost princess" Chiru said and laughed

"Stop calling me princess, you prat!" Takeo yelled again

They didn't mind them and went inside the tent

"What's going on outside?" Serene asked as they entered

"Chiru and Takeo" Amery said and she went back to her book

"Just get some rest Joan" Amery said and laid her down

"Thanks" She said

"Hey! Why don't you three just go to bed!" Serene yelled as the jerks voices started to get louder

Amery laid down besides Joan and went to sleep

The guys woke the girls up in the middle of the night to get them ready, they all packed everything and started to walk again

"Where are we?" Amias asked

"The forests, you idiot" Amery answered him

Isn't it obvious?

"Be quite" Takeo shushed them

"What?" Amery yelled

He stopped and glared at Amery, the both of them were staring at each other

"Guys?" Chiru called but they didn't mind him

Amery looked at Takeo's hand and it was burning, she looked at his face but he wasn't looking at her, he was looking at something on her back

Amery was about to look behind but he pulled her to his chest and shot his fireball

"When I tell you to shut up, you do it" He said

Amery pulled away from him, the four of them were getting ready to attack but there was no one

"What was that?" Amery asked them

"A creature" Serene said

"I walked these forests and there were no creatures before" Joan said

"Well, a lot can change over a few months" Chiru said to her

A black shadow moved behind them after that it also moved infront

"Reveal yourself" Joan said

A tall man with pale skin, red eyes and clean cut hair then showed himself in front of Joan who flinched when she saw him

"Who are you?" Takeo asked him

The guy didn't answer and had a straight face

"You two have the same face" Amery whispered to Takeo

He made a fireball which made the guys eyes huge

"I did not come to hurt you" He started

"Who are you and what are you?" Amery asked him

"The fire down" He said to Takeo

Takeo extinguished his fire and gave him a face

"Forgive me if I startled you" He said to them

"I am Lazarus, the head of the vampires" He introduced himself


"Excuse me what? Vampires?" Serene asked him

"What's a vampire?" Joan asked

"A creature that suuUckSs blooOd" Amias scared him

"You suck blood mr?" Amery innocently asked him

He cleared his throat

"You may continue on your journey" He said and turned into a bat

"That was cool" Amery said

"A coward" Takeo said and walked away

"Pardon me" A girl with long blue hair appeared in front of Takeo

"Who are you?" Takeo asked

"And who are you?" The girl flirtatiously asked and smiled at him

What? Is he doing!

"I-i" He stuttered

He never stutters!

Amery looked at the others and they were all confused

"Takeo" He cleared his throat and introduced himself

"A very pleasant pleasure to meet a handsome fellow like you, Takeo" The girl said to him

"I am Asia" She introduced herself and held out her palm

"Get your man" A voice whispered behind Amery

She immediately went to them and before Takeo could shake hands with him her Amery shook her hand

"I'm Ameryllis, A pleasant pleasure as well" Amery said to her

She pulled her hand and looked at Amery from head to toe

"I was talking to Takeo" She said

"Yeah, you were" Amery said

"And you just barged in" She said

"Yeah, I did"

"Are you his girlfriend?" She asked

"Yeah, I am"

Wait, What?

"No-no-no-no" She raised her brow at Amery, she shooked her head and cleared her throat

"Anyways, have you seen A vampire lurking here?" She asked

"Lazarus?" Serene asked her

"That's the one" She said

"He just flew away" Joan answered

She sighed and bit her lower lip

"Thank you, I will not be seeing any of you anymore" She said and left

Amery turned to Takeo and glared at him. He placed his Arm on her shoulder and walked, his arms were on her neck and Amery was facing backwards, Amias was laughing with Joan and Serenity while Chiru was looking on his left

Takeo then stopped turned Amery around

"Let's go girlfriend" He said and dragged her

The others laugh, Amery tried to look at them but Takeo didn't let her

"Let me go you jerk" Amery said

He scoffed

"I won't girlfriend"

"Stop calling me girlfriend!" Amery frowned at him

"Were you jealous?" He asked seriously

She pushed him away "I was not!" she yelled and threw a water ball at him "You can flirt with anyone you want, I don't care, no I don't and why would I care! who even are you for me to care who you flirt with! not me cause I don't care!"

"We get it, you don't care" Amias laughed so hard with Joan

"Someones jelly!" Amias yelled

Amery turned to him and gave him a glare

"I'm not jelly!" Amery yelled and threw a water ball at him and Joan, she walked away from them and raised both of her palms to give the five of them a huge wave of water "I am not jelly!" She yelled again and continued walking

"That's one crazy young woman" Amias said

As soon as they stood up Amias dried them and catched up on her

"Never do that again Amy" Joan said

"Remind me not to make you mad again" Chiru said

"You almost drowned me, girlfriend" Takeo said

Amery glared at him, Amias went in front of him and held both of her shoulders and pushed her. Chiru catched her and dragged her away from Takeo

"I can't swim" Chiru said


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