Chapter 2

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Arthur's pov.

Finally we had arrived home and unpacked. Alfred had done most of the work. I watched the git with loving eyes, then my stomach felt a sharp pain. I winced and he ran to my side.

"Are you okay?!"

Somehow I managed to sit up and clutch my stomach tightly, trying to ease some of the pain.

"Yes love, I'm fine; I'm just really glad we have that appointment tomorrow."

A worried look was still plastered on his face.

"Me too..alright I think we should get you in bed."

He gave me a loving kiss on the forehead.

I had been shocked, Alfred of all people, was being responsible. It was so shocking a chuckle slipped from my lips.

"I love you git."

"I love you too Iggy."

He then kissed me deeply and I kissed back. I gave him the look and he quickly responded by picking me up. I had giggled the whole way to the room. He then threw me on the bed, showering me in kisses, not long after we both laid peacefully, bodies and fingers intertwined. It hadn't been long before sleep had taken us both over.

Alfred's pov.

I woke up before Iggy,made his tea and prepared everything for the appointment. We had scheduled it early so we could find out what was wrong. Although I had my theories about what was wrong with my Iggy Wiggy. Not long after the tea pot yelled at me, Arthur had woken up and gently hugged me from behind. Yawning, he wiped any stray sleepiness in his eyes. I just loved his eyes,they always sparkle in a certain way.

"Good morning sleeping beauty~"

"Good morning..." He sounded so sleepy it was adorable!!!

"Ready for your appointment?"

He briefly nodded and sat at the table patiently waiting for his tea.

"Alright well you drink your tea and I'll start a bath for you!"

I gently kissed his bare forehead as I pushed away some of his hair.

"Thank you love," he smiled and sipped at his tea.I then walked to the bathroom, starting up the water.

~*magical time skip of justice*~

Arthur's pov.

I sat in the waiting room office quietly fidgeting with my hair. My eyes shifting all around and I nearly jumped every time a nurse called another patient. I sighed; Alfred grabbed my hand and gave it a reaffirming squeeze.

"It'll be alright!"

I smiled faintly.

"I hope so..."

Then the nurse walked through the door.

"Arthur Kirkland?"

I stood. "Yes, that's me! and it's, um, Arthur Jones now." I smiled back toward Alfred's direction.

"Ohhh, okay I'll make sure the ladies upfront get it changed!" she had a bright smile on her face. "Right this way!" She kindly guided us toward the room.

"Alright here you are! Oh! Before I forget, I am going to need a urine sample then the doctor should be right in!!" she handed me the cup and ushered me toward the bathroom.

A few moments later I walked back to the room and waited for the results. Time began to pass and I had gotten worried. Maybe they had forgotten we were in here....? and then as if they had heard me Dr. Shelly walked into the room full of joy holding her clip board in one hand and a small coffee in the other.

"Good morning!" she brimmed.

"Good morning, so I called while I was-"

"Yes, yes I know Arthur! Haha, I'm just gonna check a few basic things to confirm the diagnoses!" she began checking my stomach lightly pushing here and there. I gave a confused look toward Alfred and he quietly laughed.

"Hmmm...well the tests weren't wrong..."

I became more confused.

"What tests...?"

"Well Arthur, you're pregnant!" she smiled and Alfred looked shocked as hell. Both of our jaws dropped.

"But how?" I asked still shocked.

"Well you see your anatomy is different from normal males so you have the capability of having children! So congratulations to both of you!"

I sat for a moment, then smiled.

"We're gonna have a baby Alfred!"

He smiled and walked over to me holding my hand. Shelly scribbled down some medication for my nausea.

"Make sure you pick these up on the way home and I want you to schedule another appointment! So we can check on the development of your baby."

"Will do!" Alfred said in a cheery tone. We both walked out of the office hand in hand. As I was about to unlock the car, Alfred picked me up and happily spun me around.

"Arthur Jones, we are having a baby!!! IM GONNA BE A DAD!!!" he happily shouted. I laughed at his childish behavior, but in the same breath I absolutely loved it. The car drive home had to have been one of our happiest.

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