1 month later - Reece ( Wednesday morning)
"Nigga I'm back on top!" I yell out the window as I push on the brakes coming to a complete stop. I grab two duffle bags from the front seat and hand them to My nigga Farouk "thanks mi bruv, See you at mi crib later on bruv" He takes the duffle bags and quickly goes inside to separate the product and bricks. I go down the street and hit a quick left than a right three houses down "BEEEEEEEEEP" I hold the horn. A few niggas come running out they house and I grab the third bag from the backseat handing it to the oldest nigga Raul "Make sure that shit is in the right amount when I come back. Farouk is doing the other two for me. Make sure you wash your laundry" I say as a cop car slowly comes down the street and turns back around than stops right in front of my car but I just go about my business "Thanks for washing my gym clothes Auntie" the boys run inside with the duffle bag and I drive away, the cop car is on my ass so I decide to pull over "LICENSE AND REGISTRATION" he yells before even getting out or saying anything "Fam why you pull me over?" I ask "Do as I ask" he gestures to the glove compartment "Yeah naw I don't think so, I didn't do anything wrong so if I'm not being detained have a nice day." I start the car back up and take off "FUCK FACE , DIRTY PIG BWOY" I spat as I drive off. Hopefully when I get home the food is done because a nigga starving as fuck. It's now 7pm and I need some food in my stomach for real. I done dropped off 8 bags already and those last 3 are the fullest. The bags contained dirty laundry (uncut drugs) that need to be cleaned and bagged individually before I make it back. If a nigga fails to do so I must shoot him on site, no questions ask or answered. I'm all about my money until the day I die. "Fuck man" I clap the wheel as I pull into the driveway. Thing about coming home is Lee doesn't remember even dating me... not shit about us, except being bestfriends... plus I have nowhere else to go that's why I got back into the game so I can hold down some money and I got enough for a small house but not enough for my liking. I'll move out when I want unless I get kicked out since Lee and I been arguing so much. "Hey Reece" Lee says as soon as I walk in "what's up babe?" I respond "Can we talk?" I ask "Yeah but can I eat first I'm famished!" "Go ahead!" I say as I also start to fix up a plate, I see the kids at the smaller table eating and drinking their water. We only give them water, we don't have no juice or soda up in here. All our teeth are white and straight! We barely have junk food but when we do it's only for that one day and that's it anyways I place my plate on the table, go over by the sink and wash my hands with the dawn soap.
15 minutes later
Everyone is done eating and I finish Washing the dishes. "Can we talk?" I ask again "Yes" Lee and I head up to the bedroom. I close the door and push her up against it, kissing her neck and lips but she pushes me away "REECE!" She slaps my face "Lee come on how do you not remember?" I get frustrated "Look I just don't okay, I can't remember that shit... I remember you shooting my ass though... I remember that and I remember us smoking and chillin, me busting your ass fo busting Bri" She laughs "That shit ain't funny!" I roll my eyes "Look Reece I'm sorry but I seriously don't remember so accept my apologies and move on okay. Maybe one day I will and maybe I never will but it's not my fault I was shot up." Lee goes to walk out but I grab her arm and pull her back "Kiss me" I say "kiss me!" I say once again and Lee does as told but I don't let her pull away as I start feeling on her, her hands wrap around me as we kiss on each other, my teeth gently bite on her neck, her moans come out as I suck on her neck, my hands feel all over "R..Reece" she pushes me away "babe come on please" I plead with her to just let me in her mind, she might remember the first time and only time we had sex... but it seems like Lee can't do it... "I'm sorry..." is all she says before walking out. Tears break from my eyes so quickly I don't even remember the last time I actually cried... I open the closet door in the room and pull out a phone I dial Briasia's last known number hoping to God it still works... it doesn't... I've tried seeing the twins for a little over a month but Bri disappeared and I know the girls must miss me terribly. "I'll be back" I say as I quickly walk out the house before anyone can ask what's going on, "REECE!" Someone yells my name and I study them for a couple seconds before a gun is drawn "who are you?" I ask "Bianka" she says before pulling the trigger but before it hits me someone hits her, I dunk low... "Shiiit that was close!" I let out a nervous laugh "Yeah good thing you have me!" Tauvi exchanges hands with me "your mama gonna kill you" I laugh again "It's coo, At least your head ain't get blown off!" He says "True that!" I say as I get into the car, Tauvi goes into the house. The bitch ain't dead but she sholl is knocked the fuck out!
I pull up at a house that is said to be bought by Briasia Jones and I see her car in the driveway. This was a long ass drive but I need to speak with her I knock on the door twice "WHO IS IT?" I hear a little voice yell "REECE" I respond "mama Reece is here!" I hear Reinna get super excited than the door opens but it's not Bri who opens it... "how can I help you?" A curly headed stud that I have never seen before answers "Can I speak to Briasia?" I ask as nicely as I possibly can "She doesn't want anything to do with you and if you haven't received it yet we have a restraining order against you and that bitch ass giant Carter. Goodbye!" The curly head slams the door leaving me completely lost... "a restraining order?" I scratch my head "A fuckin restraining order??" I try to make sense of this all but I don't understand any of it.. A FUCKIN RESTRAINING ORDER... I quickly become upset and start looking at all the cars on the street trying to figure out which one belongs to this bitch... but I can't figure it out so I decide to wait outside to see if she leaves... I doubt she lives here. The way she was dressed speaks improper to me. Dangerous and not someone to fuck with. Reece ain't never scared of any bitch...
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