Chapter 23: Meetings

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(NOTE: Please please read authors note at the end it's important!!)
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'Talking to Kurama'
Kurama's Thoughts

At 12 pm Tsunade left the hospital on her way to the Hokage tower.

At 12:05 she met the new ANBU captain

At 12:30 she gave out her first direct order

At 1:00 Tsunade realized things were fucked beyond reason

12:05 pm
3rd Person POV

"Hello?" Tsunade said as she opened the door to her new office. "Anyone here?"

Naruto, being the person he is, dropped from the ceiling and pretended to walk in. "Yeah, hi Tsunade."

She turned to see who this captain was and why the were addressing her so calmly to see the mask of a fox. "Naruto." She responded in an equal matter

"So, you accepted then?" He said

"Yeah. Might as well try and fix this village. I mean it's not gonna fix itself. Besides, I still am working on a way to fix your friend Rock Lee. I'm close, just practicing it."

"Hm." Naruto paused for a second to decide what to bring up next. "So, I'm not really sure what to say, however I think I'm supposed to give you a run down of things. So, the council as you know overlooks the village and comes to you for things they want. ANBU overlooks criminals and things but we also report to you. At the end of the day, you have to power over us all. That won't stop us from working to change your mind, but we do go with what you say. I went through the final things from Jiji so any paper work is new. I would advise definitely going through the mission paperwork first before village work."

"Great. So, you're my right hand man?" Tsunade clarified

"Yeah basically. Unless I'm gone I'll be here for meetings with others that you have. It's not my personal choice, simply customary."

"Ok. So, I'm asking you to help me since you were down there for like 5 years. Since Sasuke and Shikamaru have moved up to chunning rank and you are leaving, should I just put Sakura with Ino and Choji?"

"Yeah. Oh also, has Sakura asked you about anything? She has an interest in medical ninjutsu and you're here now for a long time."

"Perhaps I'll look into it." Tsunade said as she signed some paper to move Sakura. "Ok where do I put this?"

"I can take it. Usually you just put it in this holder and at the end of the night the receptionist will grab it and file them somewhere."

"Ok. Next up........ oh." Tsunade's voice fell off

"What's up?" Naruto said starting to get worried as he walked closer

"Suna. Different forces are attacking. They ask for our help immediately." She said solemnly

"We're low on chunning right now. And ANBU. I'm sure some of them are already on this from some other mission."

"Great. So we have you, Sasuke and Shikamaru who can lead a squad right at the ready. You definitely have the most experience so I'm putting you in charge. You can pick your team, up to 6 members and you're guiding the sand trio back. Got it?"

"Yes Tsunade. Shall I assemble them and leave now?" Naruto asked to confirm

"Yes. Now hurry. Suna is a three day travel."

"Great so are we all here?" Naruto asked as he looked around

"I think we are missing someone." Sakura said

"I'm here I'm here!" Someone said kind of running

"Now everyone is here." Naruto said. "So, everyone has everything they need? I sure hope so because after this we're leaving. But first, a quick rundown and then introduction."

"Quick question," the guy asked. "How many of you are Chunning or higher?"

"Me, you, Shikamaru, and Sasuke." Naruto said


"As I was saying, Suna has asked for our help in defense against mainly Orochimaru and his group as well as an underlying fear of a organization called the Akatsuki. From what I know, the Akatsuki has no plans on joining in on this fight due to a break up when Orochimaru left the group. Now, this team is compiled up of a number of different abilities. Sasuke has the famed Sharingan and Neji has the Byakugan. Shikamaru has his shadow possession and Ino has mind possession. Sakura has both a talent in medical ninjutsu and chakra control. And Sai can make his drawing come to life. Now, let's go!"

Tsunade looked back at the paper. She has just been notified that Naruto's team had left but something still bothered her. Looking over allies and enemies of the Leaf, she found that most everyone was at peace. However, small territories were less than happy with how the Leaf was, but they were neutral with the village in the mist.

If things were to get out of hand, most major villages would side with Suna and Konoha.

The Akatsuki would also play a factor into this. While on one hand Itachi, a major power in the group, would side with the Leaf, Orochimaru had once been with them.

Would they really turn on a former member? Perhaps, but it's still a risk.

In the end she decided that most chances would end more or less in favor of the village, but she had brought Asuma in just in case.

"You should be fine. Most all outcomes end ok. Death? Quite a lot, however most not from this village or this alliance that is in place." He confirmed

"Good good." She let go of the breath she had been holding. "You may leave now."

He nodded and left.

"What I would give to not end up in a war again." She muttered
Authors Note:
Heyo, so a birthday happens this week so I won't be around for like a week. I think not this Monday but the next after that will have the next update. Thanks all for enjoying this story and holy shit 7k reads??? That's WILD
~ sky
(Written: 2/11/21 - Word Count: 950)

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