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*this will take time in like 2016 so met gala but also when they were hiding*

Kaytlins pov

I'm confused. Just that we are right now supposed to go to met gala. I did get ready but the problem is taylor has been ignoring me since the interview thing. I mean she i think tried to get over it and for some time she was acting like she didnt hear what i was saying. Than she started dating Calvin. Again the same thing happened as when she was dating Jake. She stopped talking to me. She stopped cuddling me or hugging ne or giving ke attention at all. I know i messed up but I had no idea it would be this bad.

It's been three months since we talked. And now she just ghosts me. Calvin is not going to the met gala so maybe I will get a chance to talk to her.

As for my feelings, tbh I don't know what I'm feeling. I know I still have at least a crush on her, but like I said it is all really confusing.

Taylor's pov

I don't know for how much long I can keep pretending that i don't love her. Everytime i see her I just want to hug her and kiss her and tell her how much i love her. This thingy with Calvin is fake. I got into this relationship as a rebound. He doesn't care about me i don't care about him. Thankfully he's not coming tonight.

I want to talk to Kaytlin and i know sooner or later I'll have to but I know that i can't resist her. I tried like making her a villian but you can't make it go away by making someone a villian.

Maybe tonight we will talk and at least sort somethings out.

Selena's pov

How long can they keep doing this. Is taylor aware that she is hurting them both. Me and Camila are sick of this but we know we can't get are hands into the whole thing. We have ro get ready for the met rn but we'll have to talk to taylor about this.

Kaytlins pov

I looked myself in the mirror and run my hands through my dress and hair. Tonight I'm gonna get drunk. I mean really what better place to get drunk then at the met.
Last year i met this cool dude and now he is my best friend. Is it weird, yeah. He is boyfriend of taylors ex.

Yep he is Louis Tomlinson.
He really helped me through some shit and he has been there for me, he knows all my problems including the menagment ones bcs he had the same problem named simon. I'm gonna give you one try in guessing who gave me the idea to get drunk. Hint my bff is gay.

Time skip(love these wish they existed in real life) to met gala red carpet.
(Still kaytlins pov)

We arrived and first thing they asked us to do is for me and Taylor to pose together. Was it weird, yea, did i figure out I'm still in love with her, fuck yea.
After that i just wanted to run to the gala and get drunk. That was hard for me i have big alcohol tolerance so shots. After like 10 shots i was lets say tipsy. Some guy came up to me and asked to get me drinks. I had no idea who he was but he surly had big ego.

After the drinks arrived he downed his and asked me do I want to go to his after party.

As I was about to say yes someones arm was around my shoulder and then i heard that angelic voice saying "sorry man she is going home with me" I acted sad but tbh i screamed internally.

After like 5 minutes i was in back of the suv and taylor said " You look really nice I like your dress" i smirked. Don't know where all of this curige came from(*hint those 10 shots) but i responded " Really? I only bought it so you could take it off"

Her smile dropped she had lust in her eyes, but i guess she knew she can't use my drunk state and fuck me(wish she could).
I sad some rendom things, she made fun of me for the way i talk. I could tell she was also tipsy but again more sobber then me.

Then I looked at her. I couldn't stop looking at her. The way her blue eyes shined like someone put stars from another planet in them. She noticed that I was staring but she was just staring back at me. We had little contest until driver stopped the car.

Taylor helped me get into the house. She also helped me get upstairs and into bedroom. I was really uncomfortable in my dress so she helped me change. I'm not gonna lie I wasn't in great condition so she literally undressed me and then she put on me some of her clothes. They were bigger on ke but I liked it.

"You think you'll be okay if I leave you alone" taylor said getting ready to leave the room.
"No!" I groaned.
"Why are you going to puke what's wrong" she was worried.
"No I feel fineeeeeee but I wanna cuddle you" i said basically like a toddler.
"You sure you want that" she asked confused"
"Duhhh" i mean I'm in love with you what else are you expecting.

She laid next to me and I climbed on top of her hugging her like a coala. I don't really remember when I slept better then that night.

Taylor's pov
I didn't dare to move. She looks so peaceful and I don't want to wake her up. I just started. How can a person be this perfect I asked myself. But I can't talk like this she's my "coworker". But I can't push away these feelings anymore.

This is like fifth chapter I think. And so far so good. Only now the story will get more complexed and don't worry there will definitely be some drama. Next chapter will be the writing of Reputation and I think you can figure out that they will write a lot songs about eachother.

Btw I didn't update for some time bcs my phone died so yeah theres that. And also if you notice some writing mistakes english is not my native language so that is the reason.

Love youuuuuuuuuuuuu

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