C6 - Best Friend, Roommate and then Husband

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I hand food to everyone and once I'm done with it I decide to go back to my office and do Bastian's file. It takes me about three hours to finish it, because I go back to the tests, double check them and then I actually get some of his leftover blood and test it too, to exclude an anomaly. But there was no anomaly.

I walk out to the field and I can see that the players are playing a game and that Basti is on the pitch. I walk over to Jogi.

"Are you okay? I heard about the phone call..." he asks as I get there. So I guess footballers love to gossip too.

"Once he's done can you please send Basti to my office?" I ask him and once he says yes I walk back to the office. I go on my laptop and I start looking for rentals. However I can soon see that there is no way I can afford to rent a decent flat near the stadium. So I will need a roommate... Just as I'm about to google roommate ads in the area, Bastian walks in.

"What are you up to Doc?" he asks enthusiastically.

"Looking for a flat. Well a flat with a roommate... But that is not why you are here" I tell him.

"Am I not? I thought someone told you that I was looking for a roommate too..." he says.

"You are?"

"Yes... Oh yes!! This is the best idea ever! We will be great roommates... Since neither of us is interested in the other, it solves all the problems. You can cook and I can... Do the manly stuff! What do you say??" he asks really getting into the idea. Though to be fair it wasn't a bad idea at all.

"I like it!" I say honestly. To be quite honest the thought of moving in with a complete stranger was quite scary and this way at least I know what I sign up for. "But first we need to talk..."

"Uh-Oh this can't be good..." he says looking genuinely worried.

"Your blood alcohol levels are abnormally high. Like really high. Do you have a problem with alcohol?" I ask genuinely worried. "And please don't lie to me..."

"I think I do... Everytime I'm home alone, I get really lonely and then I decide to have a drink, and then another one, and another until the bottle is empty. But only when I'm alone. It is one of the reasons why I'm looking for a roommate. When I'm distracted I don't feel the need to drink" He says looking at the ground.

"Well..." I say and I put an arm around him. "How about I call a few real estate agencies and then tonight after we are done here we go and check out a few options?"

"Are you serious?" he asks me.

"Of course. Believe it or not, I don't really want to stay with my cousin and Mario and I think I could use someone nice around too. So are you up for it?"

"Yep, but I'm calling them. That way we can actually get good rentals by tonight. Cause you know, I'm famous and you're not..." he says cockily, making me laugh. He pulls his phone out and starts calling some agencies. He speaks in German and I don't really bother to try to understand what he's saying so I grab my laptop and look up different bank websites to find out where I should bank.

After about fifteen minutes, Basti finally hangs up the phone.

"Alright, so we have six viewings tonight all in the area. Now am I great or am I great?" He asks proudly. Again, I just laugh at him. "But as for tonight... don't take this the wrong way, but would you please spend the night at my place?"

"Sure... but we will have to fit in a quick shopping because I forgot to bring any kind of trousers and all my clothes are at Mario's place..."

"No need. I have an unused pair of leggings, one of my exes left it, and you can borrow one of my jerseys. Perfect! But we should probably go to dinner... And you will finally get to meet the WAGs!"

And with that we walk out of my office and go straight to the canteen. As we walk in Basti starts shouting. "Pay up losers!! I found a roommate!!"

"No way... Who is it?" asks Tom.

"It's Doc. As it turns out she needs a roommate too...So pay" Basti says holding his hand out. As he tries to put away the money but before he could do so, I grabbed it and slid half of it into my pockets.

"What?" I ask him as I see the look on his face. "Without me you would be the one paying, so taking only half of it is actually very generous of me." As I look around I see Zoe behind the counter. "Just get me when we're leaving." I say to Basti and then walk to Zoe.

"Sooo... How was your date with Manu?" I ask as I grab a box of mixed vegetables and start eating it, sitting on the counter.

"It wasn't a date..." she says blushing. "But it was great. He really is a really kind guy, but we never would have gotten this far if it weren't for you, so thank you!" she says smiling at me. Just as I'm about to reply a harsh voice cuts in.

"Hey you money-seeking slut, how about instead of being in the way you would go back to your footballer and enjoy his company as long as you can? Because he won't keep you around forever...And I know he is the hottest and the best, but don't even think of going near my boyfriend!" she says to me with an American accent and then turns to Zoe. "I want a Greek salad with some grilled chicken right now! I don't care that it isn't on today's menu."

The arrogant way she holds her hand and the way she speaks show that she thinks that she is a lot better than either of us is. Her whole vibe is just so bitchy and big-headed that I can't help but start to laugh hysterically. This causes most people in the room to look my way. I quickly get myself back together and then decide to mess with her a bit.

"Basti" I say in a loud, bitchy voice. "This woman says that the hottest and best player is his boyfriend, but I thought you were mine... And what did she mean when she said that you won't keep me around forever?" I say pretending to almost cry. "I thought we would get married, you would retire and we would have sex 24/7 for the rest of our lives..." I basically start (fake) crying, but luckily I am a great actor and she believes that I'm actually crying. Luckily Basti sees straight through my plan and joins in.

"Well I don't know what she is talking about because you are the only woman I see..." he says explaining.

"I can't even believe you anymore! I mean we haven't even set a date for the wedding!" I scream/cry.

"Fine! I will prove that I want you. Let's get married right now!" He says and I almost start laughing, but luckily I can still hold it together. "Toni you will be my best man and Zoe you can be Liv's bridesmaid. Manu you have the license, so you will play the priest's role. Everyone else line up!" He says and stands next to Manu. When no one actually moves he claps twice and the even though they are still in a shock, people line up.

I wink at Zoe signalling her to go through with this, so humming the wedding march she walks down the isle and I follow her. Once I get to Manu and Basti, Basti grabs my hand and the ceremony starts.

"We gathered here together..." starts Manu but I cut him off.

"I do" I say loudly.

"I do" replies Basti basically almost laughing and then he leans in and pretends to kiss me.

"Well I guess, may I pronounce Mr and Mrs Schweinsteiger." Says Manu really confused. Then I let go of Basti and walk up to the woman who called me a slut.

"Well now I am Mrs Schweinsteiger, which makes me more powerful in the hierarchy than you who is a – girlfriend. So I guess it's my place to say now: How about instead of being in the way you would go back to your footballer and enjoy his company as long as you can? Because he won't keep you around forever...And I know he is the hottest and the best, but don't even think of going near my husband!" I say emphasising the last word. And now my addition to this amazing speech: I don't know who your boyfriend is but I don't give a damn. I suggest you drop this attitude or I will get you thrown out of here and if that isn't enough I will destroy your boyfriends career. Though first I'd need to find out who it is... Whatever... Anyway it's one thing to call me a money-seeking slut on the worst day of my life but if you ever... and I mean ever speak to Zoe like that again I'll make sure that you regret it. Understood?" I ask in the silent room. Everyone is really tense waiting for the outcome. Which is not surprising.

"Honey are you seriously going to let her talk to me like that?" she says looking around, trying to find his boyfriend. "Get her thrown out now! Get Schweinsteiger thrown out if you need to, just get rid of her!"

"It might take a bit more to get me thrown out because not only am I Basti's wife but the new team doctor too." I say smiling innocently.

"Honey!" she screams.

"Did you seriously say those things to her? To all the other WAGs too?" asks Hummels.

"So what honey?" she asks clinging onto him but she just pushes her away.

"That's it, we're done. Get out of here and get all your stuff out of my house by the time I get home or I will burn it!" he says and even though she wants to make up some excuses because he literally pushes her out of the room and slams the door behind her. The only thing left is silence.

"I did get married today after all..." I say surprised.

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