Lilly's POV
Harry has been racking his brains to find out how to get Slughorn to give him the memory. He's tried the Potions book from the Half-Blood Prince, but he hasn't found anything. Then, Ron found out that Fred and George's spell check quill is running out of its magic and Hermione fixed it. Then Kreacher and Dobby updated Harry on what Malfoy was doing. Malfoy has been making many trips to the Room of Requirement and he is very keen to avoid detention. Harry realized that Malfoy had Crabbe and Goyle transform into girls to not get him noticed and also give him a warning if someone is nearby.
The next day Mundungus was arrested and sent to Azkaban for trying to impersonate an Inferi. Harry tried to get to where Malfoy was and he also lost ten house points from Snape for being late. Ron lost ten points for making fun of Snape.
The boy went to the bathroom before their next class and Moaning Myrtle was there, she was waiting for a boy to come back and talk to her. She said he was bullied and cried in front of her... hmm...
Anyway, Hermione, Ron, and I went to Hogsmeade to practice Apparition. I was guarding and Hermione and Ron were practicing. Harry was w going to the Room of Requirement, looking for Malfoy and hoping to see what he was up too. Instead he found Tonks...
After talking to us, he thought Tonks was in love with Sirius because her Patronus changed into a big four legged thing and she had tears in her eyes when Harry brought Sirius up accidentally. I feel bad for Tonks, really. Hermione, Ron, and Harry turned in for years night and I stayed with Neville. He was working on homework while I was reading. He asked, "Am I going to have any surprises soon?"
I smiled saying, "No, I'm not going to be suicidal is that's what your asking. I'm not going to surprise you with anything for a good amount of time."
He smiled and he pecked my lips saying, "Good."
I pecked his lips once more and said, "You can finish that tommorrow, want to go to the Kitchen's?"
He looked at me shocked saying, "The Lilly Black says it's okay to skip homework for the night, who are you and what have you done with my Lilly?"
I giggled saying, "Hey, once and a while, it's good to have a nice break." We went to the Kitchen, had some tea and some food, and went to bed after that.
Thanks for reading! For missing two updates, I decided to update this chapter, there will still be a update tomorrow! Vote please! :) Love y'all! :) ❤
-Lilly :)
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