Chapter 4

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The Next Morning~

Kali and the twins were at the table eating their Xmas themed breakfast their mom had made for them. She even made special Xmas treats for the dogs. 

"Mmm, thanks Mom" Ann said, seeing how delicious the Xmas tree shaped pancakes looked. 

"You're the best!" Brock added before digging in. 

"It's what I do" Jane smiled proudly before heading back to the kitchen where Tchaikovsky and his family were at. 

While the St. Bernard family ate their breakfast, they couldn't help but watch in amusement at the matriarch of the Harpercop family with her headphones on singing along to "All I want for Christmas is You"

"Boy, I haven't seen anything this funny since the time Grandpa George burnt the Thanksgiving turkey" Mo whispered to his siblings, making them giggle. 

Chubby chewed up his breakfast, muffling to his siblings. "I still can't believe Kali actually knows Santa Paws"

"Chubby, don't talk with your mouth full" Missy reminded, like any mother dog would. 

"Oh, Mom" Chubby muffled with an eye roll, sick of being treated like a puppy. 

"Still..." Dolly spoke between bites. "That is pretty cool"

"Yeah," Tchaikovsky added. "Makes me wonder what other adventures she hasn't told me about yet" 

"You and me both, son" Beethoven said to his oldest pup. 

Walter, having overheard the dogs soon spoke. "Just wait until you guys hear about the Elf Pets and how Santa enlists the help of St. Bernards to ensure Christmas cheer. They're called the Watch Dogs of Christmas" 

"Legend says they're as old as Christmas itself" Walter smiled to the pups who were now in complete awestruck. 

"No way!" Dolly said. 

"Awesome!" Mo added. 

"Now you gotta tell us all about that!" Chubby said to Walter. 

The grown man chuckled, simply telling the pups. "One story at a time"

Just then, Kali entered the kitchen with her backpack over her shoulder and gave Tchaik a quick scracth on the head. 

"Well, I'm off. The school's rehearsing for the Christmas pageant and I really hope things go well, especially for the Recess gang" She said, mentioning her friends.

"Bye!" Kali waved to the dogs as she soon headed out the door with the twins.

After they left, Tchaikovsky turned to his siblings, asking them. "Hey, you guys want to come to the park with me to meet the Buddies?"

"All right! Yeah, let's go!" Mo, Dolly, and Chubby eagerly joined their brother, heading straight for the dog door. 

"Be careful now, pups" Missy reminded her children. 

"And remember to stick together" Beethoven told them. 

"We will" The pups told their parents before heading out the dog door. 

Jane then went to put a plate of cookies and dog biscuits by the fireplace as the family planned on leaving them out for Santa Claus and Santa Paws. Beethoven however tried to sneak all the cookies and biscuits. But Jane caught him.

"Not you too" She smirked to the St. Bernard. 

Missy chuckled, coming up to her mate as she said to him in a playfully teasing tone. "You're just as bad as the pups" 

Meanwhile, the St. Bernard pups headed straight to the park where the meeting spot was at. Soon the Buddies came to meet up with their friends. 

"Hey, sister!" Dolly called out to Wonder making Tchaikovsky blush in embarassment, as she knew there was a highly likely chance that her brother and Wonder would end up together in the future once they got older. 

Wonder came up to Tchaikovsky, nuzzling agaisnt him. "I'm glad you all could come" 

The St. Bernard pup smiled back to his puppy crush. 

"But where's Budderball?" Dolly noticed the biggest of the Buddies was missing. 

"Fashionably late as usual" Rosebud replied with a slight eye roll. 

"I hope he hasn't gotten into any trouble" Chubby said. 

"I'll meditate and send him some positive energy" Buddha spoke up before closing his eyes and began meditating. 

The pups waited only a few short minutes until they spotted Budderball coming. And he had an unfamiliar guest with him. 

"Who's the white, fluffy dude Budderball's with?" Mudbud asked. 

"You got me" Mo said, not recognizing the white dog. 

Budderball came up to his siblings and friends, introducing them to his surprise vistor. "Puppy Paws, these are the Buddies"

"The mucky pup is Mudbud. The blinged-out one is B-Dawg. Buddha looks like he's sleeping, but he calls it meditation. Then there's Rosbud. Don't let the pink bow fool you, she's feistier than she looks. And Wonder is our little sis. Oh, and this is our friend Tchaikovsky and his siblings"

"Nice to meet youuuuu... What's your name?" Tchaikovsky asked the strange pup he nor his friends had ever seen before. 

"I'm Puppy Paws," The white puppy greeted. "Please to meet you"

"He claims to be Santa Paws' son from the North Pole" Budderball told the gang. 

This caused for Tchaik and his siblings mouths to gape open as they couldn't believe this. 

"No way! Your dad is Santa Paws?!" Mo asked the white puppy. 

"So Kali's story was true" Chubby whispered to his siblings. 

"How did you get here?" Dolly asked the Great Pyrenees. 

"I stowed away on the mail truck from the North Pole" Puppy Paws explained before adding. "I was checking the naughty list and Budderball looked like fun"

The St. Bernard siblings all held in giggles while Budderball looked annoyed saying it was just a little turkey. 

"Yo, you straight up tripping?" B-Dawg scoffed however to the son of Santa Paws, not being as convinced. "We ain't falling for that, dawg"

"I'm sorry about my brother" Buddha apologized. "We've just grown a little skeptical about Christmas"

"You're not alone. No one believes in Christmas spirit anymore" Puppy Paws frowned. "That's why I'm here. To learn how to be an ordinary pup"

"And what's so wrong with being a Santa pup?" Dolly asked out of confusion. 

"Yeah. I would think that being the son of Santa Paws and living at the North Pole, playing with all the toys you could want would be the greatest thing ever!" Mo added. 

"No kidding" Chubby agreed with his sibs. 

But before Puppy could answer, B-Dawg spoke up. 

"Well, you found the right dog to school you. Come on, I'll show you my crib" The bing rapping Buddy offered to take the Santa pup under his wing. 

"This should be interesting" Tchaikovsky said quietly to himself. 

"Should we follow them?" Dolly asked, reffering to B-Dawg and Puppy Paws.

But just then, Wonder came up to them. "Hey guys, Kimi and I are having a tennis pratice for our upcoming match. You wanna come over and watch?" She offered. 

"Oh, uh... We come, tennis match... hot dogs and broccoli taste great together, okay..." Tchaik stumbled with his words while Dolly, Chubby and Mo rolled their eyes. 

Wonder smiled to them before leaving. "Great! See you then"

Tchaik sighed dreamily at his crush while his siblings all face-pawed. 

The other Buddies agreed to each take turns teaching Puppy Paws something about being an ordinary pup before they all went off to do their own thing. 

Tchaikovsky and his siblings were soon shown in Wonder's backyard watching Wonder and Kimi pratice for their tennis match while they cheered Wonder on. 

"My, you certainly are popular today Wonder" Kimi told her puppy while glancing back to the St. Bernard pups. 

Just then, Kimi heard a beeping sound and looked at her watch. 

"Oh. Time for a water break" The African American girl said before heading inside. "Be right back!" 

Wonder went over to get a quick drink of water from her bowl when eventually Puppy Paws showed up. 

"Excuse me!" The Santa pup called out, getting the other puppies attention. 

"Oh, hey Puppy Paws" Tchaikovsky greeted with a smile. 

"What are you doing here?" Mo asked him. 

"Rosebud sent me" Puppy Paws replied.  "She was, like, totally freaking out about her Christmas makeover"

"Well it looks like you could use a little time to cool off" Wonder told the white pup before smirking. "And I know just how to do that"

"Yeah! Lucky for you, we can teach you everything there is to know about being an ordinary puppy" Mo suddenly butted in. "For example: There's no greater joy than chasing cats"

"Or food being dropped on the floor, that automatically becomes your's!" Chubby added. 

"Oh, and the most important thing is to never ever get ticks and fleas" Dolly mentioned. 

"Um, guys?..." Tchaikovsky cut in, telling his siblings. "I think what Wonder was suggesting was to teach Puppy Paws how to play tennis"

"Precisely" Wonder smiled before getting her tennis racket and headed over towards the court. "Tchaikovsky, a little help please" 

Tchaikovsky then went over to the tennis ball launcher and pressed the button as the machine started whirring up, turning on. 

"You see the trick is to always keep your eye on the ball" Wonder muffled to Puppy Paws with the racket in her mouth before adding boastfully. "And I should know. I never miss"

Suddenly the first tennis ball launched out and Wonder swung her racket resulting an amazing hit. 

"Whoa!" Dolly, Chubby and Mo watched the ball fly high into the air. 

The pups observed a few more balls launch out with Wonder hitting every single one. Unkowingly to them though, Puppy Paws' crystal started glowing before it used magic to do something. The gang was in for quite the surprise when the next tennis ball was launched. Only it didn't come out as a tennis ball... It was a snowball!

"What the?!" Wonder eyes widened before she missed the snowball that almost hitted her. 

"Whoa! Look out!" Chubby, Dolly and Mo all took cover as more snowballs were launched out. 

Snowballs were continuously launched while Tchaikovsky banged on the machine. "What's wrong with this thing?!"

So many snowballs had been launched at this point that they had melted all around the court, making it soaking wet now. Wonder ended up slipping from the water, causing her to lose her focus right as the biggest snowball was launched and hit the little golden pup right in the face. 

"Wonder!" Tchaikovsky rushed over along with his siblings to help dig poor Wonder out. 

"Where did those snowballs come from?" Mo asked being completely bewildered.

"I saw that crystal glowing" Dolly pointed out to Puppy Paws crystal, believing that had to be the cause of it. 

"How did you do that?" Chubby asked the Santa pup. 

"It's no biggie" Puppy Paws shrugged his shoulders, explaining. "Christmas magic is stored in here, so I can do stuff like my dad. But I can't quite control it"

Wonder finally got herself out of the snow pile with Tchaikovsky's help and shook the snow off her fur. 

"Okay, why don't we take five" Wonder said, giving this annoyed glare over towards Puppy Paws. 

Tchaik noticed this and made a quick decision before there would be a potential fight. "Come on, Puppy Paws. I'll take you over to Buddha's place"

"Okay" Puppy Paws said before going with Tchaikovsky while his siblings stayed behind to help Wonder out. 

Kimi then came back outside but looked very confused to see the tennis court wet with snow, knowing it had to be at least 80 degrees out here. 

"Where did all this snow come from?" She wondered, finding it weird. 

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