The date

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Ranboo POV

I get a message from Tubbo

My Bee Boy <3
Hey I'm out right now but just letting you know when we get back we're going on a date 5pm sharp okay be ready. :)

Ranboo my beloved <3
Kay, where are we going. What should I wear.

My Bee Boy <3
The place is secret but like slightly formal nothing too much.  I'll probably come back at around 4:30.

Ranboo my beloved <3
Okay, I'll be ready by then. 

My Bee Boy <3
Okay great, Tommy I'd yelling at me to get back to the vlog but I'll text you once I'm on the train

Ranboo my beloved <3
Kay talk to you later

I check the time, realizing that it is only like an hour before Tubbo comes.  Digging through my dresser I finally find what I was looking for.  Black ripped jeans and a moon shirt.

I grab the clothes and a towel and head to the shower. I scroll through my phone while waiting for the water to heat up and once deemed warm enough I go in.  The hot water felt nice on my back.  A little bit later I climb out and get dressed. I hear my phone go off.

My Bee Boy <3
I'm on the train now I'll be there in like fifteen minutes :)

Ranboo my beloved <3
Okay I'll make sure to let you in :)

I decide I have enough time to do my eyeliner so I do it quickly.  I hear a knock coming from the door.  I run over and open it.

"Hey Tubs."

"Hey Boo."

He stands up and as I lean down he places a gentle kiss on my nose.  "I missed you so much Boo."  "I missed you too Tubbo."  "Your outfit is so pretty and I love your eyeliner."  "Thank you," I say flushing a bright pink. 

"I'm going to shower and get dressed really quickly Boobear but I have one request." "What is it?"  "Can I do your hair?" "No Tubs."  "Please you know I wouldn't mess it up."  "I would like to disagree."  "I mean yeah I would but not right before a date."  "I guess you can."  "Yay thank you Boo," he says hugging me. 

"I'll be quick in the shower I promise."  "Okay I'll be waiting right here."

(Tubbo is wearing what he's wearing in this)

Tubbo walks out in grey overalls a white shirt a plaid green shirt overtop white socks and some plain doc martens.  It was a simple outfit but also a very cute one.  "You look very cute Tubbo."  "Thanks Boo." 

"One second I just need to get the hair stuff." He goes back into the bathroom and returns with a few hair products in his hands.  "Thank you again for letting me do your hair."  "No problem just please don't make me
go bald."  "I won't like playing with your hair after all."  He sits in my lap and starts going to town on my hair.  After a few minutes of occasional adding of products and combing he finally deems it "Finished."  I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. "I never new you were this good at hair Tubbo, thank you."  "Your welcome he says hopping up on the counter and giving me a quick kiss."

"You ready to go."  "Yep I am Bee."  He grabs my hand and leads me out the front door."  Can you at least tell me how we will arrive where we are going.  "Oh yeah I already bought the tickets we're walking to the train station and then taking a train.  "Okay sounds good."  I feel slightly less tense knowing a bit of what will happen but still excited for wherever he may bring me.  A few minutes of comfortable silence and walking later we arrive at the train station. 

"Do you want to listen to music with me."  "Yeah sure." He hands me an AirPod and I place it in listening to whatever Tubbo wants to play.  I lean my head on his shoulder and slowly let myself doze off. "Hey Boo, it's time to get off."  "Oh okay.  I get up walking to the end of the train and get off with the rest of the people.  "Follow me," he says taking my hand.

I give his hand a small squeeze and let him lead me to what I assume is a restaurant.  "Okay we're here."  "This place looks nice is it new I haven't seen it before."  "Actually it is pretty new I was walking and I saw this place it's a queer restaurant thing so it's more welcoming of queer couples and it's run by queer people too." "That sounds amazing."  "Yeah j thought so, I was talking to the owner the other day and she told me that she and her wife had the idea a little bit ago and we're able to execute it recently."

We walk in and are greeted very nicely and handed a sticker and sharpie and upon further observation was something to write your name and pronouns on.

"We respect everyone here so we decided to let everyone write anything on so people don't assume."  "That's very poggers." I reply.

|  name:   Tubbo              |       
|  pronouns:  he/him        |

|  name:  Ranboo            |
|  pronouns:  they/he       |

The lady leads us to our reserved table and hands us our menus.  "I'll come back in a little bit to get your drinks."  "So how've you been?"  Tubbo asks.  "I've been pretty good."  "That's good."  He grabs my hand from across the table looking gently into my eyes.

"So how have you been Tubbo?"  "I have also been pretty good."  "Awesome."  "Have I mentioned how god damn pretty you are."  I feel my face start to heat up and I let out a small "No."  "Oh well I should've the thought of how pretty you are has been on my mind."  (this is deffo flirting)  "You look pretty cute yourself," I comment watching his face flush pink.

I loved moments like these where I could just be with Tubbo then I was happiest.  We stare into eachothers eyes sitting in a comfortable silence until we are interrupted.

"May I ask for your drinks."  The waitress from earlier asks.  "May I have a coke," I order.  "Yep and for you," she looks over at Tubbo.  "Um I'll have the lemonade if that's alright."  "Yep it totally is I will be right back."

"Do you want to split something or just order separately?" Tubbo asks.  "Split something if that's alright."  "Yep."  "What are you looking at."  "The quesadilla looks nice."  "Yeah it does."  "Do you want to just get that?"  "Yeah I'm fine with that."

The waitress comes back and puts our drinks in front of us.  "Do you guys need a minute or are you ready to order."  "We're ready now can we gat a quesadilla or o split please?" Tubbo asks politely.  "Yep anything else?"  "No thank you." "Okay I'll be back in like twenty to thirty minutes."  "Okay sounds great."

We stay silent for a moment and I decide to break it.  "I still remember when I first met you; the best moments right behind becoming yours."  "Agreedut was pretty great becoming lovers."  "Yeah." 

We spent the rest of the time talking about everything video and stream ideas, home life and whatever came to mind.  "I love you Boo."  "I love you too Tubs."

After a little more chatting we get our food delivered to us. "Here you go, enjoy and let me know if i. An get y'all anything else." She says with a smile.  We start digging in hungrily.  "Are we getting desert or the bill after?"  "I was thinking the bill because there is a bakery I wanted to bring you to."  "Okay sounds great."  We finish our food in peace and after a bit of arguing on the bill I finally allow Tubbo to pay it.

We walk hand in hand and I follow Tubbo having no clue where I'm going."We're here." Tubbo announces at the door of a cute looking building.  We walk in hand in hand our hearts content.  "Order whatever you would like I'll pay."  "But you paid last time."  "I don't care like I said last time I brought you on this date I'm paying for it."  I sigh not bothering arguing because of how stubborn Tubbo is.  "Okay it seems like we've came to a conclusion, I'm paying."   "I guess." 

I decide to order a knock looking cookie and Tubbo gets a cupcake.  We sit in the couch and enjoy the rich flavors.  "This tastes so good."  "Agreed."  We sit after enjoying our sweets and talk about whatever came to mind yet again.  I lean in for a very short peck.  "I love you Tubbo."  "Love you too Ranboo, thanks for joking me in this fine night."  "My pleasure." We laugh out heart out at how formal we're being and finally go on our way home on the train.

"Ranboo, bossman you feel asleep again we're almost home."  "Okay" "Mmh".   "Let's go in." Tubbo says gesturing towards our house."  We lay down in bed Tubbo resting his head on my chest drifting to sleep peacefully. 

WELP clap I'm sorry if the end feels rushed and hope your enjoyed.

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