"If you guys would've never brought him here, this wouldn't have happened! What were you thinking?" Mal scolded her group of friends for Ben's capture. "He was going to come with or without us, we just wanted to protect him." Evie defended herself, causing Mal to blink in annoyance at the statement. "Yeah, and we completely blew it guys!" Carlos didn't even let Mal yell at them, he knew they failed. "Okay! Okay." Estelle stopped the panic before it could continue, they needed a plan now. "So, what are we going to do?" Jay looked for a plan. "We are not doing anything!" Mal argued with the question. "This is between Uma and me." Mal declared as she stepped down to where her friends were. "And she's a punk and guess what? Now I have to go get him." Mal took a step toward the exit. "Woah, woah, woah, Mal." Carlos stepped forward to stop her. "You're still going to have to go through Harry Hook and his friends." Carlos pointed out the flaw if her going alone. "Yeah, you're going to need us." Jay added onto Caros' statement.
"Uma said to come alone." Mal argued back. "Mal, come on." Evie begged, wanting the think through everything. "She did say to come alone." Estelle sided with Mal, not wanting to make matters worse for the King. "I know one thing; I'm not going anywhere." Carlos crossed his arms, deciding to side with Estelle and Mal now. "We'll be here when you get back." Jay offered as Carlos plopped down on the couch. "I'll go with, see if I can find Gil." Estelle offered, tapping Evie's shoulder in reassurance before joining Mal.
"What happened to letting me go alone?" Mal questioned when the blonde joined her side. "My brother is a part of Harry and his goons. It's my job to go along." Estelle pointed out, using the situation to her advantage. "How is your brother?" Mal broke the silence on their walk. "As dumb as ever, he really got our mom's brains." Estelle rolled her eyes at her brother's poor ability to make good decisions. "Do you think he would leave if you did?" Mal glanced over at her friend, thinking about what it would've been like if Estelle was in Auradon. "Where would I go?" Estelle looked at Mal amused, gesturing to the aisle around them. "Once we find him, Ben could take you back to Auradon." Mal offered, wanting to help out her friend. "Oh, Mal. I don't know, I haven't been there in years." Estelle's eyes widened, unsure of how to feel about Auradon. "Don't you miss him?" Mal furrowed her eyebrows, curious about her friend's relationship with her dad. "My dad? Not really. If he really wanted to see me, I'm sure my parents could've worked something out." Estelle shrugged, remembering the story from her mom about being evacuated when pregnant with Gil.
"Ben says Lumiere misses you, he talks about you sometimes when his parents have dinner parties with everyone." Mal remembered the one time she brought Estelle up to her now ex-boyfriend. "I think about him sometimes too, but then I always remembered my mom. She could have never left Gil and Gaston would have never let her take his heir." Estelle thought over the messy situation. "Elle." Mal stopped the girl in the midst of their walk as she took notice of the bruising on her shoulder. "There are still pictures of you and Ben when you were babies, your dad hasn't forgotten about you or your mom. With everything going on, the plan to bring more kids over has kind of been forgotten, but I am sure Ben would love to have you move back to Auradon." Mal really wanted her friend to think about leaving. "You could bring Gil too. We all saw the bruise; do you really want to stay here with Gaston and end up like your mom?" Mal gave Estelle something to think about. "Do you really want to stay here without Evie, Jay, Carlos and Ben after everything?" Estelle had questions of her own for her friend, the two girls nearing the restaurant.
"I'm backkk." Mal mocked as she stepped into the restaurant behind Estelle. "Loser, party of one." Uma mocked in annoyance. "Right this way please." Uma then pulled out a chair for the purple haired girl. Mal hesitated to take the chair and Uma laughed in glee, while Estelle rolled her eyes and headed to the bar to meet her brother. "Place still stinks." Mal wrinkled her nose at Uma as she sat backwards on the chair. "Oh, I'm sorry, we're down a butler today, princess." Uma mocked the girl. "Where is he?" Mal wasn't going to play games with Uma. "You know I've dreamed of this." Uma ignored he question as she tossed her jacket off. "You wanting something from me and me watching you squirm like a worm on a hook." Uma leaned against another chair, giddy. "I'm so flattered that you dream of me. I haven't given you a thought since I left." Mal lacked sympathy with the girl, keeping her expression cold. "Obviously." Uma slammed her hands on the table in anger. "You have your perfect little life, don't you?" Uma growled at Mal. "Doesn't she have the perfect little life?!" Uma then repeated louder for the customers watching the scene, craving their attention. Estelle rolled her eyes at Uma's attitude and walked over to the bar.
"Gil." Estelle spoke softly, trying to get her brother's attention as he had his head laid down. "Huh?" the boy blinked, obviously fighting off a headache. "I need to talk to you." Estelle tried to get him to focus. "But Uma is-" Gil's mumbled, trying to listen to Uma's threats. "Gil!" Estelle spoke again with more malice. "What?" Gil looked up at his sister in shock at her tone. "If we had the option, would you want to leave?" Estelle proposed Mal's question to her younger brother. "Leave where?" Gil furrowed his eyebrows, his focus on Estelle now. "The Isle, leave the Isle." Estelle's words caused Gil's eyes to widen.
"How would we do that?" Gil seemed genuinely intrigued at the idea, a shimmer in his eyes. "You remember how I told you that mom was with someone else and had me before she was with your dad?" Estelle brought up their parents' past. "Yeah, the candle guy, right?" Gil grinned at the picture of his mom as a feather duster. "Yeah, the candle guy." Estelle laughed at her brother's words. "If he took us in, we could live in Auradon, away from dad." Estelle explained where the man came into everything. "Would that make you happy?" Gill's questioned surprised Estelle. "What do you mean?" Estelle furrowed her eyebrows at the question.
"Would you be happy? Away from dad? Where he can't hurt us?" Gil further explained, actually thinking through his words for once. "I-uh." Estelle was speechless at her brother's question. Gil had never asked her anything this in depth, sure they loved each other unconditionally through everything, but they never discussed emotions. "Yeah, I guess it would." Estelle thought about the question, a small smile on her face. Gil stared at his sister, never seeing a genuine smile on her face.
"What?" Gil questioned in confusion when his sister quickly got up. "I love you." Estelle hugged the boy as he towered over her by a good 5 inches. "Oh." Gil muttered in shock before hugging his sister back, the rare moment interrupted by a slam from the center of the room and cheering. "Now, if you want beasty boy back, bring me Fairy Godmother's magic wand tomorrow at 12 noon sharp." Uma demanded as she began walking away from a defeated looking Mal. "Oh, and if you blab, you can kiss your baby goodbye." Uma promised came back and leaned down on the table to mock Mal one last time.
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