~ sephora (1)

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Chaeyoung couldn't help but secretly judge the 3 girls who were buying make up. They looked so....horrifying in appearance.

Even makeup wouldn't help them hide their flaws. Chaeyoung definitely was harsh.

Chaeyoung stood behind the cashier, since the customers did not ask for any assistance.

"Poor them." She muttered to herself, but she knew deep down that her empathy for the three girls were absolutely ZERO.

Beauty is what was important to Chaeyoung.


That was her main priority.

She had to look good, no matter where she went. She had to make herself look presentable.

Being buried in depths of money due to her wealthy parents, she had no reason to work in all honesty. She was good to go for the next 100 years of her life, if she even made it that far.

But...she loved staring at the makeup, how they were freshly packaged. The best place was to work in multiple make up stores including sephora and mac. She also worked in various other shops where there were a makeup section. It contained all the expensive brands like clinique and nars to name a few.

Working in these places were like a hobby for her.

She absolutely loved it.

Feeling bored out of her mind due to the lack of customers, she decided to pull out her phone to see if there were any text messages.

3 unread messages from musclepig

musclepig: so, wanna go to a party tonight? A friend of mine recently moved and he's hosting a party.

musclepig: great opportunity to meet new people.

musclepig: let me know soon :)

Aish...Jeon jungkook. Chae just rolled her eyes, and quietly laughed to herself. He cared about her so much, to the point where he wanted to pull her out of her working life.

It was true, most of her time spent was at work. She didn't really have a social life of pure relaxation.

Having fun...was not her thing, although she was well capable.

Maybe she needed a break.

Noticing that no one was around to observe her texting during work, she decided to respond,

chae: Sure. I'll go.

musclepig: OMggg! WOW o_0

chae: what?

musclepig: you actually agreed.

musclepig: I'm shook. #Jungshook.

chae: Okay LOL. doesn't hurt to go to a party.

chae: so...send me the details. What time is it at.

musclepig: be ready by 6. I'll pick u up.

chae: sounds good.

shutting her phone, placing it back in her back pocket, a new customer caught her eye.

IT was a guy.

He glanced at all the make up products, but an expression of confusion swept across him.

What was he doing in the make-up section?

Did he even know what he was looking at?

"Do you need help?" chaeyoung asked.

"Uh...do you sell..." he pulled out his iphone 7 to check something. "Um...it's called, "STILA Shimmer and Glow Liquid Eye shadow?"

The way he sounded confused while stating the exact make up product made Chaeyoung smile a little. It seemed a little cute that he decided to buy something for his girlfriend or something.

Well first of all, he was standing in the lipstick section. Great way to look for the product.

Chaeyoung knew everything that was available off by heart...and of course we sold it.

"Yes, we do." Chaeyoung walked away from the cash register, walking towards him. The closer she approached him, immediately she scanned his entire attire for today.

Black hair, glasses, and entire black outfit.

Black jeans, black turtle neck, with a black fall coat.

He really liked the colour black didn't he? Due to his choice of colour, his skin looked paler than a ghost.

"First of all, you're in the wrong section."

"Oh." his voice was a bit raspy, and low. A strange vibe came off of him.

"It's a great product. Is this for you or..." Chaeyoung wasn't sure why but she just wanted to make a small little joke out of the situation.

"No, for my sister."

Interesting...my sister would never buy things for me. She was too obsessed with her boyfriend, spending every cent that she had. Makeup meant so much to Chaeyoung, and receiving gifts from someone caring would've made her happy. Especially if it was makeup.

"Interesting. Anyway, it's 31 000 Won."

"Damn that's expensive, for one little thing?"

"It's not just ANY thing. The make up has such great texture, it has the perfect shimmer. It lasts throughout the day and---"

"I honestly don't care, no offence." OUCH. Chaeyoung frowned at the sudden interruption and statement.

She understood. He was a male, who probably walked into a make up store for the first time.

"Yeah. Whatever." chaeyoung said, pointing towards the eyeliner. "There it is. Anything else you want?"

"Fuck no. This place is hella expensive."

"So...why are you buying this for her? She's the one who's more experienced."

"She is currently in my hometown." Ah...that explains the faint dialect. " She doesn't have time to buy it. She'll be coming to Seoul tomorrow, and was apparently 'on a make-up shortage' It's for an event."

Chaeyoung was quite surprised that he even answered the question. She wasn't too sure if it was a bit too personal for a first encounter.

He even provided a long response.


"Here's the product." Chaeyoung handed him a small sephora bag, putting on a fake smile.

"Thanks." giving a short and brief glance and chaeyoung, he finally turned and walked away.

Chaeyoung sighed...dreading the next few hours before her shift ended, which wasn't her normal response at work.

Today was just a boring day....and in some ways, was looking forward to the party.

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