Chapter 18

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[Third person pov | Iruka's classroom]

"He's nearly two hours late, so I think we all know what that means." Aria scratched the back of her neck. "It's your dad?" Naruto had met Kakashi a few times since befriending Aria and Sasuke. The man, he'd quickly learned, was rather lazy, known for being late, and all too laid back. But he didn't look at Naruto like everyone else did. Naruto liked that about him. Kakashi Hatake saw him. Not a demon, not a monster: he saw Naruto Uzumaki and Naruto Uzumaki alone. It was refreshing, coming from an adult.

"Hn. That means he'll be here soon." Sasuke hid his pleasure. He knew Kakashi, and he knew Kakashi was strong. With Kakashi as his sensei, and with Naruto, Aria and Canterbury on his side, they'd be strong enough to defeat Itachi in no time at all. That was comforting, and so was the fact that his team would already have the most important component to a four man squad down. It was obvious: teamwork.

"I wonder how this'll go. He already knows all of us." Aria, who sat between her two male companions, leaned back in her seat. Canterbury let out a light snort, snuggling into Aria's hoodie. Particularly around the chest area. Sasuke felt his eyes narrow as he stared at the small pig, who seemed to be giving him a smug look. The Uchiha huffed, although he wasn't sure why. He didn't really like a pig taking advantage of his best friend. 

"He'll think of something! Believe it!" Naruto nodded. "Hn." Sasuke grunted in agreement, moving his gaze to the window. It was cloudy out, evidence that a storm was blowing in. He could hear Aria humming next to him, her body lightly rocking just like it always did when an upbeat song was on. Despite the constant stream of music flowing through her, he'd never seen her dance. He knew she did, and he knew she was probably really good at it. He'd have to coax her into it. Aria was confident, but not that confident. 

The sound of the door sliding open drew everyone's attention to the classroom's main entrance. As they'd guessed, Kakashi Hatake stood there in all his lazy glory, staring at them with his usual, bored look. "Yo." He raised a hand in greeting. "I knew it!" Naruto threw his arms up. "Tch, of course it was him, dobe. No other jonin would be that late." Sasuke scoffed at the blonde. Naruto glared in an almost playful manner at him. Aria sighed halfheartedly at the two boys, turning to Kakashi. "I'm glad you're our sensei." She smiled a closed eye smile. Kakashi felt the corners of his lips quirk up.

"And I don't think I could have asked for a better team!" Kakashi clapped his hands together, fully stepping into the room. His eyes shifted over to Naruto. "Well... maybe I could have."

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?!" Naruto wailed loudly. Aria let out a laugh, her hand quickly flying up to cover her own mouth. Naruto sent her a betrayed look, his gaze shifting to Sasuke. The boy was covering his smirk, and clearly trying to hold in a laugh. He groaned. "Great. You've ganged up against me again." He groaned. "That's what you and Sasuke get for teasing me about my llama sweater." Aria's cheeks puffed out cutely as she pouted sourly at them. "It was a pretty funny looking sweater." Sasuke admitted. "Yeah! I mean, it looked good on you and all, but the llama had a sombrero on it. Believe it." Naruto immediately agreed. Aria turned towards Kakashi. "They're doing it again!" She tattled loudly. Canterbury nodded rapidly in agreement. 

"Alright, boys, leave Aria alone." Aria sent the two boys a smug look as they deflated. "Thank you." Aria said with a gracious nod. Her foot moved to kick Sasuke under the table. He lightly kicked back. Aria's eyes narrowed, and she rammed her foot into his shin. The Uchiha let out a his. Naruto barked out a laugh in response, and Kakashi really wasn't sure what to think. He didn't really know what to do with these three.

"It looks like it might rain, so let's stay in for introductions." Kakashi sat down on top of Iruka's desk. "Whaaa? But you already know us, sensei! Believe it!" Naruto protested loudly. "Well, what else are we supposed to do? Make flower crowns and friendship bracelets?" Aria scoffed lightly at him. "Wouldn't be the first time." Sasuke sighed. Naruto nodded, his eyes becoming as though he were remembering something. Aria shivered too. Never again. 

"I'll start." Kakashi interrupted with a sweat drop and a mild shudder. He'd been present during the incident, and he really didn't want to remember it. "Right. Do that." Sasuke agreed quickly. "But wait, how is Canterbury going to introduce himself?" Aria interjected. "I dunno? With snorts?" Sasuke shrugged. "Can he spell stuff out with his tail?" Naruto poked the pig, who turned to glare at him in response. The blonde put up his hands in surrender. Kakashi let out a loud sigh.

This was going to be a long day. 

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