It was already the beginning of the weekend, Saturday I should say, after 5 training days, I have been seeing improvements so far, I've been working hard and stronger to become a the greatest hero,I have manage to make my quirk stronger as well. So, As the weekend of Saturday began, me and the girls were hanging out and shopping as well at the Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall as for the boys they were at UA High just hanging out, we then finish shopping as we exited the mall as they head over back to UA...
Mina: Man, shopping was fun right girls?!
Ochaco: Yeah, I cant believe all of the clothes were cheap this time, I got enough clothes for myself now.
Tsuyu: Yeah, can't wait to try my new clothes out.
Jirou: Yeah, What about you Momo, did you have fun today?
Momo has been silent for a while as the girls started to realize something was up with her...
Toru: Momo?
Tsuyu: Momo-Chan?
Momo: Hmm? Oh. My apologies friends, did I mis something??
Jirou: No not really...Hey, what going on with you, Momo?
Ochaco: Yeah, you've been kinda quiet since we got here, something bothering you?
Momo: Oh It's nothing...it's not that big of a deal.
Mina: Aw come on Momo. We have to, or else we'll be more worried about you.
Jirou: Mina, If she doesn't wanna tell us then its okay just let her-
Momo: No No. it's fine. You girls should know as well. Mina's right, if I don't tell you, then I don't want you guys to be worried about me like that.
Jirou: Oh...So, what's up?
Momo: ...Well...it's just about Todoroki...
Mina: Ooooh~Todoroki Huh? I see you two have been talking for a while.
Momo: Well, yeah I should say that but...a couple days ago...I kinda...confess him about my feelings to him.
Girls: You what?!
Toru: Oh my gosh, Momo! You finally told Todoroki how you feel?! That's good to hear!
Jirou: Way the go, Momo.
Ochaco: Awww Momo.
Mina: I knew it! I knew it! I knew you would tell him one of here days!
Momo: I-It did feel good telling him how I feel...but...when I told him...he didn't feel the same way.
Jirou: What??!
Mina: What?!! How come!? You two literally like talk a lot!
Momo: I know I know but...what he told me, really surprised me.
Tsuyu: What he told you??
Momo: ...Well, after I told him about how I feel towards him, he understands and all but, he didn't felt the same way, and he doesn't mean it like that, it's just...he...well, he's not into any relationships yet. That's why...
Ochaco: Aw. I'm sorry to hear about that, Momo.
Mina: Yeah, real Sorry for you.
Momo: It's okay you girls, it doesn't hurt me...really. I'm fine.
Suddenly, the girls started to realize Momo shedding bit of tears as she started crying...
Momo: *sniffs* I'm sorry girls, I shouldn't be crying over that. It's just...I might not be able to get over it...
Jirou: Hey. It's okay Momo, it's not his fault nor yours. It's just...how it goes.
Toru: Yeah, don't worry Momo. It can be like that sometimes.
Ochaco: Yeah, and besides, someday, you'll find someone else to love.
Mina: Yeah like Ochaco said, there's more cute boys to look and find to be with. Don't you worry about it Momo, and besides, we here for you if anything.
Momo: *sniffs* thank you my friends, that means a lot to me.
Jirou: Thats what friends are for Momo. Taking care of them and never leave them alone.
Momo then started to smile as she started wiping her tears...
Momo: Thanks girls, I kinda...feel better now.
Tsuyu: Will it make you feel better to try on these new clothes once we get to UA?
Momo: Sound good to me.
Mina: Awesome! Come on girls, let's hurry up and get there so we can try these cool new clothes of ours!
The girls continue to head over to UA as they continue walking. Minutes later, the girls then were 5 minutes away from UA as they were close to arrive.
Jirou: You guys? Have you notice that this city has been in trouble quite a few times years ago?
Momo: No, not really? What is it?
Jirou: Over the pass years ago, People were saying that a huge red monster has been seen some quite a few times, rampaging the city without us even noticing...Weird.
Mina: A huge red monster?? How come we never heard of it??
Ochaco: Beats me. We live close to the city and we don't actually hear it from the people. How did you found out, Jirou?
Jirou: Well i was just looking at my social media and then a news ad pop out which it tells about the monster. But why am I saying this, this happen years ago and never happen at this time. It's probably gone I think.
Mina: You and your social media theories, Jirou hehe.
As they were about to pass through as alley, Momo then suddenly saw a person laying on the ground...she then stopped as the other girls kept walking, not noticing Momo, Momo then walked to the person who is lay there as the person then said in a weak voice "Help....M-Me..." after that, he never said anything after that, Momo got closer as she then soon to knew it was teenager who is lay there, hurt, half naked with only shorts on as she then checks on him and calls the girls...
Momo: GIRLS!!! Girls get over here now!!!
The girls came running to hear Momo at the alley as they then dropped their bags of shopping clothes to notice Momo holding onto the person who is laying on the ground...
Ochaco: Momo! What's wrong?!?
Jirou: Oh gosh! I-Is he okay?!?
Momo: He's not responding! Quick, one of you call an ambulance quick!
Mina: I-I'll call them!
Mina then started calling the ambulance...
Tsuyu: Wh-What happen, Momo??!
Momo: I found him laying here he somehow said "help me" I checked and then he didn't said anything anymore, he's now unconscious!
Mina: Okay, the ambulance should be here any minute.
While the girls wait for the ambulance to come as they stay here to look over the teenager. Momo was still holding him as she somehow started to see his face, she started to feel bad the fact he looked so helpless...
Momo: Don't your worry, Your gonna be safe. I promise.
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