Morning was already to start as the sun started to rise up...you can see Momo was still asleep...but she was sleeping on her bed this time. The sun light then hit her eyes as she started to open them slowly as she yawns, she then started to realize she was on her bed, she then stood up to realize (YN) wasn't with her no more....the blankets from last night lying on the ground were folded and back were they were....Momo then also realizes still naked, but then again, she also remember the lovely moment she had with (YN) last night as she blushes and places her hand onto her chest were her heart is...she smiles...
Momo: Last night...it was...truly...amazing~I wonder where could he be?
Momo got off from her bed as she then goes to her drawers and puts on a new bra and panties...as she does, she then realize (YN)'s all black shirt laying on the ground, she pick it up as she started to observe it, gives it a smell as she blushes saying...
(YN): He really...smells really good~
Momo then decided to put it on as it fit her big as the shirt reaches down to her waist...she then started exiting her dorm, as she exits, she then started looking for (YN) as she heads over to the living room...she realizes (YN) was standing in front of a mirror...and also, she notices him without the bandages...she walks over to him as (YN) realizes her coming from behind as he gives her a small smile...
(YN): Morning.
Momo: Morning...What happen to your bandages?? Your suppose to keep them on until your fully healed.
(YN): I..Don't see any wounds no more...
Momo: What?
(YN): Come look at yourself...I'm not lying.
Momo then walks over to (YN) closely was she started observing the wounds that they were suppose to be...but weren't anymore...the wounds somehow were....magically gone. She slowly started touching his sling to check the wounds, and still...nothing..
Momo: Their...gone....how?
(YN): Don't know...I wanted to see if their healing up, until...I get to see them...not their anymore. Which is...weird...but good.
Momo smiles as she got closer to (YN), hugs him as she gives him a French kiss..
Momo: Well, Im glad to hear.
(YN): Yeah...
(YN) then hugs Momo as they both started making out for a while as (YN) then said...
(YN): Last night...was fun~
Momo: *giggles* it was~
(YN): So...those this mean we're...a thing?
Momo: *giggles* I mean...we confess our love towards each other and we made love to each other as well...so I would say...yeah.
(YN): Heh. Well, in that case...
(YN) kiss Momo on the lips as he then tells her...
(YN): Im so happy I met you Momo, I never wanna lose you...never.
Momo: I...Don't wanna lose you too...and always be with you.
Both started hugging for a while as Momo and (YN) suddenly realize the rest of their friends exiting their dorms...
Momo: Oh! Morning my friends!
(YN): Morning everyone.
Everyone started saying morning to Momo as some of the girls and boys started to realize something about them...
Ochaco: Huh? Momo, (YN), why are you two hugging?? Is there something going on??
Sero: Yeah, And (YN), your wounds are healed up already?! How's that?
(YN): I guess...these bandages healed up quickly I suppose.
Tsuyu: Say, Like Ochaco said, why are you two so close to each other? Ribbit.
Both (YN) and Momo look back at each other as they smile as Momo then said...
Momo: Everyone...Me and (YN) are together.
The girls then rush over to Momo as they all hug her as they all tell Hera and the boys to (YN)...
Mina: Oh my gosh Momo! It's about time you finally did it!!!
Ochaco: Awwwww! Im so happy for you Momo!!
Jirou: Heh, way the go Momo.
Momo: Thank you my friends.
Back to the boys...
Denki: Woah! You and Momo!? You must be joking!
(YN): Actually...Im not. Last night we talk and confess our feelings and...well. That's how it happen.
Kirashima: Good for you bro! I've always knew you two are a nice couple! Don't you think Bakugo??
Bakugo: ...It's whatever I guess.
Izuki: Yeah Like Kirashima said, you two have always been close together! We knew you two would end up being together!
(YN): Thanks you guys. Means a lot to me.
Todoroki: (YN)...
(YN): ?
Todoroki walks over to (YN) as the girls stated to notice, Momo as well, knowing that she use to have feelings for Todoroki, but not anymore as she moved on with (YN), she started to have a bad feeling something might happen...but she then heard Todoroki telling this to (YN)...
Todoroki: Your a lucky person to be with Momo. She's the right one for you. Just take care of her, and make her the happiest person.
Momo smiles as the girls as well...
(YN): Thanks, Todoroki. And no worries, she will always be on my side, and never going to lose her.
Everyone: Awwww.
Momo then walk over to (YN) as she hugs him...
Mina: Im so happy for Momo.
Jirou: Yep. We knew one of these day she'll end up confessing her feelings to (YN)...
Toru: Yeah. But what really caught me off guard is her wearing his shirt.
Ochaco: Yeah, how come she's wearing his shirt.
Tsuyu: Unless...
The girls started to realize why was Momo wearing (YN)'s shirt...they look at each other with an embarrassing smile....
Jirou: Hehe...Well, looks like Momo did more than confessing his feelings towards (YN), atta girl Momo.
Tsuyu: I wonder how they were able to do it so quietly??
Mina: Beats me...but all we can say is that Momo is happy to be with (YN).
Ochaco: Yeah...hehe.
Then.....there's Mineta...
Mineta Mind: Momo And (YN) together....Momo with (YN)'s shirt on...not even bothered to wear pants nor skirt...(YN) shirtless and both of them with messy hair...(YN) you lucky bastard! This can only mean one thing...
Mineta: HEY YOU TWO!!
(YN)/Momo: Hmmm??
Mineta: Did you two have-
Jirou's ear jacks expand to Mineta's ear as she started torturing his ear as Mienta then falls down...
Momo: Hmmm?
(YN): What is it??
Jirou: Oh nothing! It's nothing! Right, Mineta!?!
Mineta: R-R-Right...
Momo: Oh. Well then, shall we enjoy our weekend??
Everyone: Yeah!
And so, everyone knows the relationship between (YN) and Momo as they started going to enjoy their weekend....for now. As trouble then started to come out very soon.
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