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Momo: Dang it! Where are you (YN)?!

Jirou: Don't worry Momo, he should be around here somewhere.

Izuku: You think he beat those Nomus??

Momo: I-Im sure of it...

Suddenly, All Might and Aizawa then came by as they heard noises....

All Might: Students!

Everyone: All Might!

All Might: What happen!? Is everyone okay!?

Izuku: Yeah, were fine!

Aizawa: Wait, Wheres (YN)?!

Kirashima: We Don't know.

Aizawa: What do you mean "don't know"

Kirashima: It's just that we were attack by some human lookin monsters...three I should say...and they attack us and got (YN)...but then (YN) turn into his monster form and started fighting them...

All Might: Human looking creatures??!

Izuku: Y-Yeah...I think they were Nomus...the ones you fought back then....

All Might: What?!? Nomus!?! And where is (YN)?!

Izuku: Well-

Suddenly...a giant silhouette was to be seen on top of the gamma gym as it then jumps to the ground and started walking slowly towards them to reveal himself as (YN)...

Momo: (YN)!!!!

Everyone then rush to (YN) as Momo then got closer to (YN) to realize he was really injured by the looks of it, bite marks on his shoulders and waist, blood pouring out, bruises as well...

Momo: (YN)...your hurt...

(YN) then started to shrink somehow as he was going back to his normal he did, the bruises and bite marks were still there, he now started to feel the pain of it as he then collapse to the floor as Momo then rushes to him and checks on him, laying down onto her knees and she lifts him up...

Momo: A-Are you okay!?

(YN): M-Momo...I-It bad...

Everyone then showed up...

All Might: Young (YN)!!!

Ochaco: Oh gosh! He looks really bad! We have to heal him up now!

All Might: It's no use, Recovery girl and the rest of teachers aren't here, but I do have some medical kit at my office, Aizawa come with me.

Aizawa: Right.

All Might: All Of you, take (YN) back to the building now!

All Might and Aizawa then goes to get the medical kit as Izuku and Tenya helped me carry (YN) to the building...oh gosh, I hope they come back quick and fix up (YN), he's in much pain and I can't see him like this! I then notice Jirou and the girls behind me as Ochaco gave me a little smile telling me...

Ochaco: Don't worry. He'll be okay.

Tsuyu: Just be happy that he manage to save us all...even you, Ribbit.

Momo: ...Yes. Of course.

We all then head back to the building.


As Momo and the rest took (YN) back to the building until All Might and Aizawa comes back with the medical kit, in the same place like last time, there was people spying on them the entire time....this time, Twice brought along Tomura and Dabi this time. Tomura saw everything to think the nomus were strong enough to get rid of the heroes, but was wrong until he witness seeing (YN), taking all three Nomus in his monster form, Tomura couldn't believe it...

Tomura: No...No!!! How can they be defeated like that!?

Dabi: Looks like Kyudai didn't do his work right...

Twice: I-I don't know guys...he seems...stronger than the last time I saw him with Toga!

Tomura: Shut it Twice!

Dabi: So...what do tell master??

Tomura: ...We should tell him that Kyudai's waist of work has failed him...again. He should know that the nomus Quirks are regeneration and shock absorption!

Dabi: Heh, well your right about that one. His work was a wait...pretty sure Master ain't gonna like that when he hears it from us.

Tomura: Looks like Kyudai's over. Come on.

Tomura, Dabi And Twice then head over to their hide out to tell their master...


All For One: What?!? That can't be!

Dabi: Sorry to say it Master, But Tomura ain't joking, (YN) single handle those Nomus all by himself...which is weird cause the nomus were suppose to be stronger than (YN), but I guess Kyudai did something wrong...

All For One: Kyudai! Explain...Now!

Dr.Kyudai started to sweat a bit nervously as he then said...

Kyudai: N-No! That can't be! There's has to be an explanation-

All For One: Enough with your crap Kyduai! Not once's but a lot of times you have failed every object I told you! Your Nomu didn't kill All For One, and you work is nothing but useless! How many times are you gonna fail me!?

Kyudai: Master, I can assure you that my work is no wait! I have busted my ass working for you along time! And if you think my work is a waist, then I should say that your ideas and every plan you say is a wait as well!!

Tomura and then stood quiet as for All For One as well...he then grin a little as he walks towards Dr.Kyudai...

All For One: Hehe...well now. If you think working for me is a waist...then I don't know what your alive.

Kyduai: Wh-Wha-

All For One quickly grabs Dr.Kyudias whole face with his hands as Kyudai started struggling to free himself. Suddenly, All For One started using his quirk with his whole hand he was grabbing onto Kyduai as his hand grew big as it look like he was gonna squish Kyudai's whole face apart...

All For One: It's been fun...but now, I do not need of you any more. Farewell, Dr.Kyudai.

A scene shows the whole city of japan as you can hear Kyudai's scream of pain with an All For One killed him...meanwhile back at UA High...Momo and the rest then we're sitting on the couches as All Might and Aizawa then we're healing up (YN), wrapping bandages around the bite marks. Both were finally finish wrapping bandages around (YN)'s wounds...

All Might: There, That should do.

Aizawa: Don't worry, this should heal up your wounds a week or so, so I suggest you take some rest until their healed.

(YN): Yeah...Thank you.

All Might: Very well then.

Izuku: I just don't get why those monsters came to attack us...

All Might: Do not worry about that Young Midoriya. We'll take care of it tomorrow. All you go back to sleep. Let (YN) rest.

Everyone then started to head over to their Dorms as for Momo, she was still sitting next to (YN)...

All Might: Young should go sleep and let (YN) rest.

Momo: Oh Uh-

(YN): I-It's fine, All Might. She can stay here. I-I don't mind.

All Might: You sure?

(YN): I'm sure.

All Might: Heh, very well then.

Jirou: Good night Momo.

Momo: Goodnight my friends.

Everyone went to sleep as the lights were all off.

Momo: Hows the bandages?

(YN): Okay...kinda tight but it should do.

Momo: Good to hear. Come on, let's get us some sleep, you need some so your wounds can heal up.

(YN): Okay...

I then grabbed (YN)'s blanket to cover him as his head was laying on top of my legs, I don't mind covering myself at all, I must take care of (YN) real good since he's hurt, I must treat him well and good enough to be healed up better and faster. As I was about to sleep then realize (YN) started to get comfortable on my legs as he suddenly grabbed my hand, I blush as he then tells me...

(YN): Goodnight Momo.

I stood quiet for a moment as I smiled and then said to him...

Momo: Sweet dreams, (YN).


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