CHAPTER 34 - Goodbye Stranger

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Since that day they arrived Korea,Seungri had been a really silence one.He just smile and laugh acting like nothing happen.Everyone in the house realize his changed.But none of them can do anything when he keep replying he was alright everytime they ask him if he need any help of problems he would like to share.Seungri also now keep on forgetting lots of things.This one day,they was watching the tv,they ask him to change it to channel 9 but he was confuse with the numbers on the button making everyone worry but when Top teach him the number he just smile and thanked Top for the help then he act like nothing happen.

This one day,Youngbae and Daesung was cooking dinner for the night well,Seungri came in to help them.Youngbae was stirring the soup then he taste it and decide to add more salt to bring up the taste.He ask Seungri to bring him some salt but instead he bring him a flour which shocked the older.

"Seungri..uhm..this is the salt..Let me keep the flour alright?" Daesung said changing the ingredients slowly from Seungri hand avoid to hurt him feelings or anything.But instead of feeling sad,he smile and thanked Daesung for helping him then he passed the salt to Youngbae with a smile and left the kitchen leaving both of them in a confusing state.

The other day,Seungri went into Jiyong room to hang with him as he feel bored and he had nothing to do,he went inside Jiyong room to found he was laying on the bed with headphone on.
Jiyong that realize he came quickly open his headphone and smile at him.

"Yes Ri?" Jiyong ask always showing his smile to Seungri.

"Uhm..just checking out on you Hyung...what are you doing?" Seungri ask walking toward the bed then take a place beside Jiyong.

"I'm hearing to one of your song In My World." Jiyong said then pluck off the headphone wires from the phone and let then song played through his phone speaker.Jiyong let Seungri to hear one of his song but instead he look at Jiyong confused.

"When did I posted this song hyung?I can't remember it.." Seungri said confuse and Jiyomg smile slowly faded while he look at his phone.

"Its your song,this song is also one of Youngbae favourite song..Cause he say your voice was so soothing and calming.." Jiyong said ignoring Seungri question.

Day bynday goes by,Seungri becoming more and more forgetful about everything.Until this one fine day,while he was awake from his sleep in the morning,he walk out to the living room to find one stranger sitting there.He just bowed at him as he thought he was one of the guest.

"Ri!Why did you suddenly bowed to me?" Daesung ask confuse.

"Ri?Are you older then me sir?" Seungri ask and Daesung accidentally dropped the remote in his hand on the floor making Top and the others walk toward the living room with Seungri confuse face and Daesung shocked face.

"What happen Dae?" Top ask walking toward him that seems speechless.

"Who guest is this hyung?" Seungri ask innocently making Jiyong walk toward him and hold his hand.

"Seungri..look properly..that was Daesung hyung..Kang of your hyung..Can't you remember him?" Jiyong ask disbelieved while Daesung tears already streaming down from his eyes.Youngbae close his eyes when Seungri shake his head meaning he didn't know who is Daesung in his life anymore.

"I'm Daesung Seungri..Please..tell me...You are just joking right?Right!?" Daesung ask him desperately but then Seungri just exchanged his look to everyone in the room and then he foes panic as he step back.

"I'm..I'm sorry..Did..Did i forget a people...i..i shouldn't?" He ask feeling scared and somehow terrified.

"Seungri calm down..Its alright..Breath..breath properly...Can you come to me please?" Jiyong try to calm Seungri that had goes panic when he realize he had forgot one of the most important person in his life.

"I'm sorry..I'm sorry!" He shout burst in tears as he run toward his room with Jiyong and Youngbae chasing from behind but they was late by a few seconds when he locked his door from the inside and slide his body against the door grabbing his head frustrated.

"Seungri!Open this door,please..Please let me in...Please..." Jiyong said in tears when he saw the scared face on Seungri face when he realize he had forgotten the important people in his life.

"Go away Jiyong...Please....Go away....I'm useless....i'll forget everything Jiyong..I will die and forget everything,die without a single memory in my mind....Leave me....let me die alone...its hurt...its hurt to know that i had forgot the people i shouldn't...I want to die...." Seungri shout in tears hitting his head to the door sad and heartbroken.

"Seungri..Its never your faults..please..let me in.....Let me share the pain...Please don't do this to me....I love you!Please...." Jiyong was begging by the door putting his palm hoping he can hugged Seungri right now but he can't.Seungri was behind this thick door,and his hand can't reach his's.

Youngbae then run to his room,open a drawer and was searching for the spare keys for Seungri room and luckily he got it.He quickly grabbed it with his might and run fast to the door room when he heard a loud bang to the wall that echoing through the house.He wobbling his hand to the key hole and open it up with Jiyong being the first to enter.They were shocked.

"Seungri ahhh!!" Jiyong shout running to Seungri body that was laying on the ground with blood stained on his head and some dripping on the wall.He hit his head hardly to the wall until its bleed.

"Why are you doing this!?It won't get any better!Why!?" Jiyong shout as Youngbae wipe the blood on his head and pressure it from bleeding more while Jiyong hugging him in his embrace.Seungri then was rushed to the hospital.

Since that day,everyone know,that when Seungri sleep and then wake up,he might forget everyone.So every moment he still remember them and talking to them is precious,cause those moments,could be the last moment of their role in his life.

If I die,don't come close to me,I won't be able to wipe the tears like how I used to do.I'm sorry.

SHIT....I'm crying in mess now...Sorry....But i gotta go on until the end..fighting readers...

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