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Megans POV:

When I wake up  I notice it's morning, I look around and see Remus peacefully  asleep with his chest rising up and down at a steady pace ,I try to get up but fail. Oh yeah I have two broken legs great...

Into the wheelchair I go, I attempt and luckily succeed, somehow in getting myself into the wheelchair with only one arm to help me and I wheel myself around the hospital wing with one hand while my other rests on the armrest to help me get used to it, I wheel myself to Remus and plant a kiss on his cheek.

"Really....did you actually get yourself into your wheelchair on your own?"Remus said opening one eye to look at me.

"Maybe..."I said

"I'm going bye!"I Replied.

I turned my wheel chair around and slowly gradually started to make my way out to the great hall.

By the time I get to the great hall my arm is aching a lot, I wheel myself up to the Gryffindor table and  sit in-between Lily and Freya.

"Hey woah...jeez Megan what did you do!"Freya said shocked.

"Oh yah know casually fall off the astronomy tower..."I mumbled whilst grabbing some toast.

"Megan you should be resting!"Lily said angrily.

"Why!"I whined.

"So your Bones can repair"Freya said.

Almost in sync Freya and Lily stood up and started to push my wheel chair back to the hospital wing.

"Guys!"I whined again.

There was no point in trying to stop them with just my one arm.

They pushed me through into the hospital wing.

I saw Remus sitting there holding some toast and smirking at the fact Freya and lily pushed me back to my hospital bed...

"What are you smirking at?" I snap.

"Oh just the fact that your friends wheeled you back onto the hospital wing in 2 minutes,after you probably took at least half an hour to get there yourself." He smirks.

I laugh. Thats true, I did take ages to get there and they did it about a million times quicker than me.

Together it made Freya and Lily's job alot easier.
I sigh and take a piece of toast from Remus' plate.

"Hey!" He whines.

"You weren't eating it quick enough." I state simply.

"Well I was about to eat it!"He said picking up his glass of pumpkin juice.

"Too slow!"I said munching on it.

"How did you even get out without madam pomfrey seeing you?"Remus asked.

"Oh well she was at her office and so I got away easily......do we have to go to class?"I asked I grabbed another slice of toast off remus' seemingly endless plate

"Well I don't think you will be; seeing as a wheelchair is never going to be able to get up all the flights of stairs"Remus replied simply.

"Oh right..."I replied.

"Can you help me out of the wheelchair?"I asked.

"Sure" He says while he lifts me out. Luckily for him he didn't have any broken arms
I sigh, relaxing as I'm placed gently in my hospital bed.

"What's for breakfast?" I ask.

"Toast, Rice Puffs, Bagels. The usual basically." He replies while munching on the last piece of toast.

"Okay." I reply

I ring the buzzer on the wall above my bed and Madam Pomfrey comes rushing in.
"What! What is it Megan?" She asks frantically.

"Can I have a toasted bagel with jam please?" I ask a bit nervous because she thought there was something wrong.

"Okay, just next time don't wake me up." She says peacefully.

"Okay, thank you." I thank.

When she leaves Remus speaks up.
"She wasn't nearly as nice as that to me." He clarifies.

"Well some of us have it, some of us don't." I answer. He must think I'm unwell, I nearly never have an answer like that.

I hear the hospital door open and I see Emma rushing in.

"come on...really....you aren't being serious?"Emma asked

"No but Sirius is probably in the common room"I replied smirking

"Wow Megan just..anyway does this mean your gunna be ditching me in Charms and Potions today?"Emma asked gesturing to my arms and legs

"Yes?"I replied kinda worried about what her reaction.

"Ugh.."Emma replied.

"It's  not Megan's fault she can't go"Remus said trying to help the situation.

"Anyway I'm gunna go and head to lesson I'll see ya later"Emma said and stalked out of the hospital.

"What is up with her today usually she would make a funny remark..."Remus replied confused

"Yeah anyway I'm going to eat before all go This food goes cold"I replied and picked up my Bagel.

The runny jam bursts with flavour in my mouth.  The bagel blends with the jam well so its like eating heaven. In a good way. All I can think about is not going to classes. I'm in a boarding school for a reason. Oh well. No classes! I should be happy about this.

"Remus?" I ask.

"Yes." He answers.

"Are you excited about not having classes?" I question.

"Not really. I like learning new things. Especially spells." He replies.

"Ohh yay, I'm not alone!" I say with enthusiasm.

Suddenly an owl flies in carrying a letter. To Megan Shadows, Hogwarts, from Stacey and Jemma!! It says...

Dear Megan,
        We heard about your fall. Quite a nasty one too. Two broken legs and one broken elbow. So a wheelchair and no classes. Hope you get better soon.

Stacey and Jemma xx

I also had a get well card off them so I put them both on the bedside table.

"Who's that from?" Remus asks. 

"Stacey and Jemma." I reply."can you write a reply for me?"I ask Remus

"Sure tell me what to write"He says getting parchment and pen ready.

Dear Stacey and Jemma,

I'm fine,except I can't go to lessons.Ive been given a lot of chocolate by all my friends so I'm very happy!!.Remus is here anyway so I have him for company.Hope you are well and when I next see dumbly I'm going to ask if you can stay for a week!

From Megan

P.s Remus write this seeing as I couldn't.

I gave misty my message and let her fly away with it.

It wasn't long after Madame pomfrey gave me some potion did I feel sleepy and ended up falling asleep.

{Re-written 29th March 2021}

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