Bear 35

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The meeting went a little better than either of them thought it would. Ranger kept quiet, eventually taking Toshi from Heian so that he could focus more on the discussion with the two officers that had come. While they spoke at the dinner table, Ranger followed the kids around the house. 

It seemed like Nia was giving Toshi a tour of each area. It was honestly adorable and insightful, because when most people show someone else their house, they focus on the large areas in the room or the furniture, but Nia was gently tugging Toshi around to odd little areas with one hand in his and the other holding herself up surprisingly well with her little walker. 

She showed him a small corner in the living room where the light came in from the blinds just enough to allow you to see little bits of dust dancing in the air. It was also a little warmer since the sun shone there. 

When they moved on to the kitchen she ignored the obvious basic things like the fridge and oven and instead went over to the stool her father always left in the corner for when she wanted to have him pull it out so she could help him cook. 

Toshi nodded every once in a while, making Ranger a bit nervous. It was almost as if they had a bond and could communicate through their thoughts. 

He brushed aside the unlikely connection and continued following them closely. Thankfully, he was completely focused on them, because Nia tripped over by the stairs but Ranger was able to easily catch her before she hit the floor. He then helped her straighten back up. 

Honestly, he wanted to tell her that she needed to hold onto her walker with both hands and that he could lead Toshi, but the words got stuck on his tongue. 

She's having too much fun, and what's one little fall? She's the matriarch of an entire herd, she'll laugh it off, I'm sure. 

Not that he would intentionally let her fall, but he didn't feel like the reprimand to hold her walker better was worth possibly ruining the moment. 


Blinking, Ranger looked down toward Toshi, surprised to hear his quiet, hesitant voice. 

"Oh, sure," he said as he gently helped Nia into his arms so that he could carry her up the stairs. 

Once at the top he set her down, then hurried back down the steps to take Toshi's hand and grab Nia's walker with his other. He then guided the little boy upstairs. 

He set the walker down and helped Nia get settled with it once there, then quickly fixed the little blanket wrapped around Toshi's waist before continuing to follow them around. They went to her room first, and she proudly let him hold all of her little horse dolls, as well as a few of her GI Joe ones before showing him to the bathroom. He seemed fixated on returning to the toys, but as soon as he realized that they were in the bathroom he ran inside.

He quickly found the toilet after only a brief search with his hands. Ranger shut the door most of the way so that Nia couldn't see, then waited until he heard the water at the sink turning on. There was a tiny step stool partially beneath the cabinet that let Toshi easily reach the handles to wash his hands. 

Glad he has good hygiene, too.

"Good job, Toshi," he said as the little boy carefully felt around the stool with one foot, then stepped down before reaching forward. 

Ranger took his proffered hand with a smile, then turned as he heard Nia begin to walk away. 

I've never seen her so active. 

They stopped at her father's room next, but when she went over to the bathroom area, she stopped at the threshold and looked toward Toshi. 

"Why?" the little boy asked out loud, clearly answering a question that Ranger couldn't hear. 

Toshi was quiet for a few moments before nodding. 

"Not allowed there. Tub is dangerous." 


Ranger looked in the room, eying the large bathtub. 

Oh, yeah. Smart kid. The tub itself is really deep and if they filled it with water it could definitely be a drowning hazard. 

Just the thought of them doing that made him uncomfortable... and if they somehow managed to turn the jet functions on? 

"Yeah, you guys definitely don't want to go in there. It's not safe, but you guys have your own shower and bathtub, though I'm sure your dad is with you when you use it," Ranger said, earning a nod from Nia, but Toshi just looked away and hunched his shoulders. 

Oh crap, I didn't mean to say it that way. 

"Hey Nia, I heard your dad has got some cookie dough stashed in the fridge. Would you two like to help me make it?" Ranger asked, drawing both the kid's attention. 

He noticed a stray tear running down Toshi's cheek, but decided to ignore it when the boy looked down at his hands and mumbled, "I can't see. Mom said not to ever try to help anyone." 

Damn, kid. It seems like you definitely needed Heian...

"That doesn't matter at all. You can still totally help us. There is plenty that you can do," Ranger said enthusiastically, making Toshi look up in confusion. 

"But m—" he paused for a moment, then sniffed a few times before finishing speaking. "Mom never lets me near the kitchen if I shift to my human self and have to come in the house. She said I have to stay out and not touch anything until I can go back to my horse." 

 Don't touch anything? And have to come in the house? Did she leave him outside as much as possible? 

Fighting back his frustration, Ranger took the boy's hand and began to follow Nia out of the room. Her enthusiasm quickly washed away his upset as he had Toshi wait at the top of the stairs, then carried Nia down. He had her sit on the bottom step before running back up for the little boy and her walker. 

In no time at all both kids were busy in the kitchen. Nia was sorting the sprinkle colors she wanted, which was evidently very important, while Toshi, with Ranger's help, was kneading the dough. 

After just a few moments of coaching Toshi was actually doing really well. He didn't even need help forming the little balls that he would hand off to Nia, who, in turn, set them on the baking sheet before adding the appropriate number of sprinkles. She was very precise in her work, and as he glanced between the two, he realized that Toshi was exactly the same way. They were both very particular about doing things correctly, but with their own little twists. 

He had the oven preheated by the time the kids were done and carefully placed the tray on the middle rack to start cooking. 

"Hey Ranger?" 

Hearing Heian call him, Ranger shut the oven, set the timer, then helped Nia down from her stool before walking over to the table. 

"How have the kids been doing?" he asked, the question bringing everyone's attention to him. 

Ranger considered how much to say about their evident bond, but he quickly pushed aside his hesitancy. It was clear that Toshi could hear Nia. Why bother hiding it? 

"Toshi can hear Nia's thoughts. He's been speaking with her every once in a while as she's showed him around the house," Ranger said, watching as the three pairs of eyes in front of him widened. 

"They have a bond... already?" Heian asked, clearly surprised. 

He could also sense the man's stress ratcheting up, but he knew that it wasn't something the guy would have wanted him to hide. The kids also didn't seem to think it was worth hiding, either, because Toshi walked forward and, after feeling around for a moment, found Ranger's hand. 

"I can hear her. She likes her herd, her house, and her daddy." 

Heian softened his expression as Nia made her way over to him. He gladly tugged her up into his lap, then wrapped his arms around her little waist before returning his attention to the group. 

"Well, that's great then. They are siblings, after all," he said, hiding his nerves behind a warm, honest smile. 

It's okay to be worried but happy. Some of the best things we obtain in life make us uncomfortable, yet we grow to love them. 

Ranger felt Heian chuckle in his mind. 

I do not think Toshi will need much time to grow on me. He seems like a sweetheart and if Nia already likes him, then my hands are tied, anyways. 

Ranger grinned before they both focused their attention on the police officers. He felt like Heian had wanted to say more, but there was no reason to push it since he had decided not to. 

"It seems like the children are getting along well enough. Since she is his half sister and you already gave us your information and cleared a background check, we feel comfortable enough to leave him here for the time being. He will need to go to the doctor's appointment we scheduled tomorrow, and until we get ahold of his parents and investigate this thoroughly, you will be responsible for keeping in contact with us daily," one of the officers said, earning a nod from both him and Heian. 

"He also is not permitted to return to his parents until the investigation has been completed and a decision has been made. If either of them show up here, you are to contact us immediately and do not confront them." 

Heian nodded again. 

"Not a problem. I will keep you both up to date each day and will take care of him as if he were my own." 

They talked for a little while longer, making sure that Heian would be okay with handling two special needs kids. They then turned to Ranger and requested background information, since when they asked what his relationship was with the situation, he stated that he was Heian's boyfriend. 

Thankfully, neither of them seemed bothered by the idea of a same sex couple taking care of the kids, and simply ran his background information. It came back clear, of course, but there had been a notice on the record about a volatile shift. 

His family always alerted the local law enforcement when the shift was passed down, just in case that individual got into a situation with them. 

"Is your shift well under your control?" one of the officers asked as they eyed him carefully. 

Ranger felt his face warm slightly, but Heian actually answered for him. 

"His shift has been wonderful. It doesn't dare challenge Nia, and I'm sure that it will fall in love with Toshi soon, too. Either way, both Nia and I will be around Toshi whenever Ranger is here, so if there ever is an issue, our horses can easily handle his cat." 

The officers looked at each other for a long moment, seemingly contemplating what to do. Eventually, they both nodded. 

"Alright, we will give it a try. If anything happens with his shift, or if Toshi starts feeling uncomfortable, please call us immediately."

Ranger and Heian nodded in unison as Heian and the officers stood. 

"Thank you for coming out, and for taking this so seriously. We'll take good care of Toshi and wait for your instructions." 

As soon as they saw the two officers out and got the door closed the timer on the over started beeping. Ranger hurried over while Heian got the kids settled in the living room. 

By the time he walked into the kitchen Ranger had the kid's plates already set with two big cookies each, as well as two sippy cups of milk. He received a quick kiss for his efforts before Heian took the items and delivered them to their little makers. 

Both kids were delighted and happily munched on their treats as Nia watched TV and Toshi commented every few moments, clearly speaking to each other about the show, even though Toshi couldn't see what was going on. 

Ranger had no doubt that Nia was filling him in on everything, especially considering the looks that Toshi didn't seem to realize he was giving off. 

Had no one ever helped him understand a cartoon before? 

Ranger was just about to go sit down with them when he felt a certain someone's hand slip beneath the waistband of his pants from behind. Thank god the counter was in front of them.

Hello to you, too, he thought to Heian as the man leaned in and pressed a kiss to his cheek before turning his attention to the kids. 

I love you, Heian replied back as a smile stretched his lips. 

"Nia says to tell Daddy to behave," came Toshi's quiet, nervous voice as the boy glanced at them for the briefest second before returning his attention to the television. 

Bad daddy, Ranger joked as he tugged Heian's hand from his pants and hurried over to sit with the kids. 

Heian grumbled into his mind but there was no hiding the smile on his face as he quickly washed and dried his hands, then grabbed a couple warm cookies. 

The rest of the day was spent watching different cartoon movies and eating far too many cookies than they should have. Eventually, Ranger did have to head back, but he made sure to sneak in a few more kisses when the kids weren't paying attention, then promised to come back for Toshi's doctor's appointment the next morning. 

Oddly enough, as he began his trek back to his own property, he felt a little torn. Sure, he needed to go home and relax for a bit, but he also wanted to turn around and, after tucking the kids in for the night, do quite a few things to Heian. 

Next time, love. Get some rest and I will be waiting for your return tomorrow morning. 

Grinning, Ranger looked over his shoulder, but of course, Heian was still inside taking care of the kids. 

Tomorrow, then. 

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