35: Home

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"You got a minute?" I glance over at Adonis and nod, shaking out my nerves that I seem unable to get a hold of. I follow him out of the barn and into the winter chill. "Sorry I know you have big plans and want to wrap up stuff for Quinn before he gets home tonight, but I really need to talk to ya."

It's been a week since the wedding. Adonis and Georgie have stayed for a little while longer just for me. I needed them, especially Georgie.

I shove my hands in my coat pockets, huffing out a breath in an effort from keeping my nose from falling off. "It's not problem. I have time."

Adonis leans against the white railing, looking out at all the rolling hills that are now covered in powdery snow. It's the type that's loose, not that kind that's good for packing into a snowball to chuck at someone.

Nick tried and failed.

He's been a little off his game since Rach left. I can't imagine what it's like to have her one minute and gone the next. It must kill him.

My brother let's out a long breath, a puff of heat become a cloud. "I have some news and I wanted to run it by you first."

My face tenses, excitement stretching across my cheeks as a wide smile spreads. "Am I going to be an uncle?"

Adonis chuckles. "Nah, man, not yet, but we are trying. She's nervous with her episodes and all, but she really wants to start a family. She has that baby fever and I'm not going to lie, I do too."

"Well better make it quick then," I say. "I'm dying to be an uncle. So, what's up?"

I turn, crossing my arms, my back leaning against the rails as my brother stares at me. "This place, it's peaceful and good for you."

I knew this was coming. He's in his own way asking what my plans are, if I'm staying. "Look, Adonis-"

He holds up his hand. "I'm not done."

I nod, confused but keep my mouth shut.

"I know your not going back to Sunny Valley and I think that's a good thing. You belong here. I knew it the day I came to see you here for the first time." He pauses, his gaze going back to the nature surrounding us, the quiet sounds echoing in the calmness. "But I can't sacrifice any more time away from you."

My brows knit at that. "What do you mean?"

Adonis leans against the railing next to me, crossing his arms, our stances so similar. "I missed out on a lot with you and I hate it. Our relationship has suffered because I made bad choices, but this time I'm not going to."

"I don't-"

"After talking with Georgie, we both agreed that moving here is the best option for us."

I still, shocked and unable to formulate a sentence. My brother, who's made a life in Sunny Valley and has friends, brothers, a wife who owns an art gallery, and a club he deeply cares about, is about to sacrifice all of that for me.

"Adonis," I object. "You can't sacrifice all of that for me. Georgie can't sacrifice all of that. She has the gallery, her family she just reconnected with and you have the club, your brothers-"

"You are my brother." Adonis cuts in, his eyes hard and his body tense. "Georgie will still have the gallery. She hired a manager who will take care of it and she's looking into opening one up here. Believe it or not my wife makes pretty good money. In fact, there's a spot near Ellie's shop and the diner that would be perfect."

I shake my head in disbelief. "But what about Duck? TreeTrunk? Ace?"

"Lee," Adonis replies. "There are times in life where we have to part with the people we care about. This isn't just for you but for me too. We've lost so much time together and Georgie gets that. Ace is about to join a professional soccer team and move away anyway, as for TreeTrunk he may not be far behind us. Duck on the other hand is one I haven't figured out how to tell yet. The guy is my best friend and he has a lot of crap he's going through despite his constant jokes."

I crack a grin. "Maybe he'll move here too."

Adonis snorts. "Wouldn't put it past 'im."

We quiet and I at a loss for what to say. "I mean that much to you?"

Adonis's mismatched eyes cut to me, tension pulling at the corners as his mouth presses into a firm line. "Yeah, Lee, you do, as does Addie. I want to get to know her. I'm also looking out for my wife. When she's here, she doesn't have night terrors, her episodes are less severe, and most of all, she's not walking past that alleyway everyday where Dallas and Red Light..." Adonis clenches his jaw, sucking in a deep breath, his chest puffing out in rage and guilt. "I can't stand it, knowing she has to relive that moment every time she goes to the gallery. It was supposed to be a place of refuge for her, but sometimes barriers keep that from happening. I think we can start fresh here. I care about the club but it's time for me to move on, like you. We are finished with what we set out to do, Lee. Now it's time for both of us to heal and for my wife to stop being haunted and looking over her shoulder constantly."

I can't help the smile on my face. "What are you going to do?"

Adonis looks up at the grey sky. "Probably find a mechanic shop to work at. I don't really know yet, but I'll figure it out."

I nod, pursing my lips as an idea comes to mind. "What would you say about starting a business with me? Like home renovations and making custom cabinets and stuff for builders?"

Adonis quirks a brow. "I'm listening."

"I got a job offer, but he wants me making shelving units, beams, vanity's and all that. So, I was thinking about starting my own business. In fact, I have my eye on a cheap house here that's old and needs some fixing up. I could use the help, especially since it's going to be my and Ellie's future home."

Adonis smirks, reaching his hand out for me to shake. "Let's do it."

I grab his hand in a stronghold then yank him into me for a hard hug, patting his back as he does the same. "Let's start of new life and make a home with the women we love."

"Together," my brother says, hugging me harder.


"What was your favorite part of the weddin'?" Ellie asks as I lead her through the woods and to her favorite place she once tried to show me.

I push away some branches that try to scratch me and keep her close, nicely snuggled right under my arm that protects her from all the jutting tree limbs. "I should say when Georgie gave them her picture. But truthfully it was Joss springing up and shouting she knew it and calling Quinn a thief at his own wedding when Addie mentioned the picture."

Ellie starts cracking up, her laughter soaking into my skin. It's everything. Then she blissfully sighs. "He used the picture to propose to her. How romantic is that?"

"I'm a dude, Toots. I find that cringy."

She smacks my arm. "Shut up and turn this way."

I do as she says, but already know where to go. My heart hammers in my chest and I'm practically having a panic attack. My senses are going stir crazy and I start counting all the snow covered trees surrounding us.

I'm so nervous I may puke my guts out.

My mind flashes back to the time Ellie had vomited like crazy from her migraine in the woods.

Well, it looks like we may come full circle.

God! It's crazy to think about.

Ellie noticing how my fingers are rubbing against each other, clues in. "Hey? What's wrong? Everything okay?"

Get it together.

"All good, Toots." I stop, playing dumb. "Where to next?"

She points to the left and I continue our trek in the woods. It's been snowing on and off since the wedding and. Now we have a hearty amount, and those inches are soaking up the bottom of my jeans, making my ankles freeze.

I should've worn gloves.

"So, remember how you showed me a clearing and I screamed my lungs out?" Ellie asks. "Well, I have my very own clearing and-"

She sucks in a sharp breath when we step into the spot she calls her oasis. My hand lets go of hers and I analyze ever peck of her reaction. The shock, misty eyes, wide gapping mouth. Ellie takes it all in, every painting. All of them tulips. There a literally dozens of painted canvases with an array of brightly colored tulips. Snow lightly falls on them, disintegrating once it makes contact with the fake petals.

Georgie outdid herself.

My throat swells up as I watch the woman I love realize what is about to happen. I clear through the thickness and say with a gravely voice, "I couldn't wait to do this until the spring so I asked Georgie if she could help me bring the tulip festival to you."

Ellie spins on her heel, stumbling and I catch her before she falls. I get down on one knee. "Oh my God it's happening," she whispers out adorably. "You're in position."

All my fear and anxiety evaporates.

"The more I see you, the more I want to have you in my life every day." I tell her. "It's like the more I'm with you the more I discover so much beauty in you. There are times it's hard for me to even look at you, to take it all in."

I shift a little my knee numbing from the snows relentless bite. My jeans becoming a soggy mess. "Nothing I say will ever be enough to show you how much I've fallen for you, Ellie. I'm still falling for you." My hand digs into my pocket bringing out the ring Adonis and Nick helped me pick out for her. "We've only just barely scratched the surface of our lives together. I've never thought I'd have such a deep love for someone but you are the most amazing woman I've ever met."

I take her hand and big fat tears roll down her cheeks. "I want to continue falling in love with you. Ellie, will you-"

"Yes!" She interrupts. "Please put it on my finger."

I do as she says while she practically jumps up and down, making it almost impossible. "Sweetheart, I'm going to need you to keep still."

She opts for shuffling her feet, heel to toe, heel to toe. Once it's on I notice it needs some adjusting but she swipes her hand right out of mine and then...

Flings the ring right off her finger.

Smack dab into the snow.

I laugh, hard and loud, it's the most I ever have in my life. Tears in my eyes, my breathing cut short, my hand clenching my ribs as I howl.

"No! Oh my gosh!" She screams. "I can't believe I did that." I can't stop from laughing. "This isn't funny!" She cries.

Once I collect myself, I shuffle through the snow to where the little hole is that ring created when it dropped in. "Let's not think about how this practically cost me all I had."

Ellie's body smashes into mine and she starts digging chaotically for it. "Leave it to me to ruin the most romantic proposal ever."

I can't contain it.

She's too cute.

I should be mad but instead I grip her neck and pull her in for a perfect long kiss. We both fall back into the snow, our butts getting wet but I don't ever want to stop kissing her.

So I don't.

But Ellie does. She pulls away, holding her finger up and then pressing it against my lips. "We will continue this once I find my ring."

I pick her up, setting her aside and dig through the snow for it. By the time I hit the ice cold metal, my fingers are numb.

Pinching my fingers together, I pull it out and she lunges for it. I lift it out of her reach and she falls face first into the snow.

So much for being a romantic for her.

I help her back up and she crying from laughing so hard. "Can-can I please have it now?"

I slide it and on she starts jumping around as the snow falls all around us. She hops from one fort to the other pointing at me. "You can't take it back. This is it. Me and only me. Your stuck with my crazy self."

I give her a soft smile, my eyes taking her in. "That's the point, Toots. You're stuck with me."

She collides her body into mine, kissing me hard, then she puts her forehead against mine. "And I thank God that I get stuck with an sinfully gorgeous man with the biggest heart."

My mouth falls onto hers and I indulge myself in my future wife. We'be been through so much and everything I had to go through sucked. I don't understand why it happened but having Ellie as my reward was worth it all.

She's everything.

Her heart shines through her and is the fire underneath those brown eyes of hers. She's selfless, loyal, and wears her beauty with confidence, unapologetic for who she is. Her strength is something I don't just admire but love and I will stand up for no matter what and shelter her the best I can when things get too much for her. She my fierce lioness and I will protect her whenever she can't fight her own battles.

Every pain, every moment of depression, all of the emotional trauma, she has helped heal with her calming presence and overwhelming love. My path has been long and filled with struggles, but she was worth it all

Because Ellie Robinson is my home.


We all sit in Quinn's living room chatting and having a good time. Ellie shows off her ring and hasn't stopped smiling.

I did that.

I put that smile on her face.

I watch my future wife as Nick chats next to me rambling on about how he's always wanted a brother.

And he's got one in me. He has ever since he listened to me that day on the porch. And I have no doubt Quinn and Shae feel the same way.

Quinn's phone goes off and he has to leave to answer it because everyone's being too loud, my fiancรฉ especially.

I take a sip from my water bottle and glance around the room taking it all in. All the people who have changed my life for the better. Ellie, my brother, Tater Tot, Addie, Shae, Nick and Quinn hidden in the hallway, all these people have helped even if they don't realize how much. I don't know what the future holds for us but I do know that we all are here for each other.

No matter what.

Quinn's heavy footsteps echo and he strides back into the room. His face is pale, all color lost as he stares at his phone trying to process the conversation he just had.

Nick and I stand up as Quinn swallows, then his eyes connect with Nick and I immediately grab his shoulder, squeezing it. Quinn's chest swells up and his breath is harsh, filled with pain causing Addie to go over to him. His eyes don't leave Nick's as Addie grabs Quinn's hand.

Licking his lips, Quinn croaks then barely manages to say, "Rach has been in an accident."

๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ yeah I just ended it there!!!! Don't hate me ya'll! Next I will post the author's note and give you a glimpse into what is to come for the gang. I have so much to say now that this is completed so head over to the authors note as soon as you're doneโ™ฅ๏ธ I'd really love to hear your thoughts ๐Ÿ˜˜

This chapter goes out to SunshineBandito you have been one of my biggest supporters!!! I am over the moon happy that the last dedication goes out to you! Your comments bring me so much joy and I am so happy to have made a friend in you โค๏ธ having a skilled writer like yourself praise my work blesses me so much and if any of you haven't checked out her work please do! She is amazing ๐Ÿฅฐ I love you and I am so happy we found each other on here! I truly think of you as a friend and hope that I can bring you as much support as you give me โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ๐Ÿ˜˜

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