~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 2~

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(PSSTTT every chapter for this book i will put a song to fit how bakugo feels, or a song he sings)

I ran into the hospital, and asked the nurse at the desk where Eijiro Kirishima was at. She stated his room number was 15, and before she could say anything else I ran off.

I ran so quickly to his room, and opened the door. I saw him laying down on a bed and he had an oxygen mask over his mouth. His head was covered in bandages. He had cuts all over his face. His neck and arms were covered in bandages.

This kid. This damn kid didn't deserve this. His friends didn't even deserve this. Im hoping I can land some punches on that drunk driver. I grabbed a chair, and sat down next to his bed. I was hoping he would wake up soon, and that he would be okay. I want him to be okay.

An angel like him didn't deserve this.

It had been three days now. He still hasn't woken up. The doctors said that he was still breathing, and that his body suffered some injures. Both his parents died from cancer, so they couldn't take care of him. Both of his closest friends were dead. He didn't have anyone else that could take him home, and take care of him. I offered to take care of him. They hesitated at first, but they said that was a good idea. They stated I could take him home, and take care of him when he woke up.

I haven't left his room since I got here. I wanted to be here when he woke up, so that he wasn't alone. I may not know much about him expect for his name, but I wanted to help him. He was just too sweet, and kind. He was too beautiful, and such an angel. I couldn't just let him go.

He looked so peaceful though. I just wanted him to wake up though. I wanted to see those sparkling reddish-brown eyes he had. I wanted to see that smile. I wanted to hear his voice again. I want to hear him say my name.

I told my band that I wasn't going to play till he work up, and that he got better. They thought it was weird I was going to take care of a boy that I just met. After a bit of arguing they agreed, and they stated they would have someone in my spot.

I just rested my bed on his hospital bed. I couldn't help, but just worry about him. I heard a groan, and a bit of movement started to happen. I quickly lifted my head up to look at him. I saw his eyes begin to slowly open. Finally I got to see those eyes. I wanted to cry, but I want to keep my cool. I don't want to make him worry.

He looked around at his surroundings. He was clearly confused. He looked right at me, and his eyes widen. "What- why are you here Bakugo? Where are my friends?" He asked in a small quiet voice. He coughed. I assumed his throat was sore from not talking or anything. I grabbed a nearby water bottle, and took the oxygen mask off his face. I sat him up a bit, and had him drink the water.

Kirishima drank it, and then looked back at me. "Where am i? Why are you here? Shouldn't you be with your band?"

I sighed. "I am here, because I heard about you on the news......and uh.." I need to think of something. I don't want him to think im weird cause I fell in love with him. I even found him, and just came here. "The doctors asked me to take care of you once you woke up." I stated. "You are at the hospital."

His eyes widen. "Why am I at the hospital? Cant my friends just take care of me?" He asked. Kirishima then saw the sad expression I gave him.

"Don't tell me they are..."

"Yeah kirishima....they are gone....im sorry..." I stated in a gentle tone.

Kirishima started to cry. He covered his face, and sobbed. He was shaking. I didn't like the sight I was seeing. I didn't want to see him cry. I felt like crying now just at the sight of him crying. I gave the male a gentle hug to comfort him. He cried into my shoulder.

I felt so bad for him. One moment he was having a good time with his friends. Next he is at the hospital hearing that his friends just died. I rubbed his back to help him calm down. "I will take care of you, and make sure you are okay....im promise you.." I whispered to him.

Kirishima sniffled. "You don't have to if you don't want to..." He said sadly. I pulled away from the hug, and looked into his eyes. I wiped his tears away. He didn't have anyone anymore...but now I will be his someone. He will have me. "Kirishima. I want to okay?"

Kirishima stared at me and sniffled. He nodded. "Okay if you say so Bakugo"

I wanted to help cheer him up. "Hey...are you hungry...you should eat something..." I stated gently. He gave me a simple. "Yeah I am hungry.."

"Well what do you like?" I asked giving him a small, yet gentle smile. "I like meat. Its really manly.." He stated. I gave him a small chuckle. "Okay Kirishima. I will get you some meat to eat." I said as I got up, and he grabbed my wrist.

"You will come back right?" He asked. It seemed he had a fear of people leaving him. Did people in his life leave him, and made him get this fear? Who would leave an angel like him?

"Of course I will come back Shark Teeth"

Kirishima laughed. "I like that nickname spikey hair."

I felt my face begin to heat up when I heard his laugh. My god this guy was going to be the death of me. He is just so perfect. I laughed with him. "Yeah yeah. Now let me get you your food. I will be back in a few minutes okay?"

He gave me a small nod, and I walked out of his room. I informed the doctors he was awake. I told them that they can check up on him while I get him some food to eat. They just gave me a simple nod, and walked off to his room.

I hated that I had to leave his side, but he needed to eat. Plus he wouldn't be alone. There would be doctors in there to check up on him. I hope I can bring him home soon.

After I got him some food I came back into the room. The doctors stated that he would have to stay for about two more weeks. They wanted to make sure his injuries healed up well enough for him to come with me. I was a bit upset I could bring him home sooner, but his health was more important. I just nodded, and walked into the room.

Kirishima was staring out the window. It seemed he was staring at the rain. I grabbed a small table and put it next to him. I set the food onto the table. He looked at me, and I could see the small sparkles in his eyes.

God I was in love with him.

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